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Ações Sociais Diretoria de Planejamento Circulares SEBI Relevantes Avaliação de Sucessão 038 efetividade Avaliação de CEOs 038 suas expectativas da Diretoria Papel da Diretoria na Captação de Recursos e outras Transações Bancárias de Investimento Desafios e Oportunidades para Mulheres nos Conselhos Sociais Due diligence Redes Nossos Estimados Mentores: Sr. Aman Mehta Sr. Anami Roy Sr. Arun Duggal Sr. Arun K. Nanda Sr. Ashok Jha Sra. Bala Deshpande Sr. Bharat Doshi Sr. D. Sundaram Sr. DA Prasanna Sr. Deepak Satwalekar Sr. Deepak Parekh Sr. Deepak Bagla Sr. G. M. Rao Sr. Hari S. Bhartia Sr. Harsh Goenka Sr. Harsh Mariwala Sr. Hemant Luthra Sr. Ishaat Hussain Sr. Jyoti Sagar Sr. K. V. Kamath Sr. Kapil Kapoor Sr. M. S. Verma Sr. M. V. Tanksale Sr. Nadir B. Godrej Senhora Naina Lal Kidwai Sr. Narayan K. Seshadri Sr. Nihal Kaviratne Sr. Nishith Desai Dr. Omkar Goswami Sr. Pradeep Bhargava Sr. Pradip Bhide Sr. Pradip Shah Sr. Pramod Bhasin Sr. Puneet Bhatia Sr. R. Gopalakrishnan Sr. RS Sharma Sr. Rajesh Subramaniam Senhora Ranjana Kumar Sr. Ranjit Pandit Sr. Rashesh Shah Sr. Ravi Kant Sr. S. Vaitheeswaran Senhora Sangeeta Talwar Sr. Sanjay Nayar Sr. Saroj Poddar Sr. Saurabh Srivastava Sr. Shailesh Haribhakti Sr. Sidharth Birla Sr. Som Mittal Sr. Subhash Chandra Sra. Sudha Pillai Sr. Swaminathan D Sr. Uday Khanna Sr. V. Thyagarajan Sr. V. Balaraman Sr. BS Nagesh Emparelhamento com um Mentor 4-5 Mentor Sessões entre o Mentor eo Mentor durante um período de 6-8 meses Conhecimento e experiência prática partilha sessões sobre o funcionamento do Conselho de Administração e boas práticas do Conselho Convite como um observador para participar de uma reunião do Conselho / AGM reunião após AG / Feedback sobre a eficácia das sessões ea disponibilidade do Mentee Estatutário: Conforme exigido pela Lei das Sociedades Comerciais 2013 e as diretrizes SEBI Estratégica: Visão de longo prazo, estratégia, vantagem competitiva, construção da cultura, desenvolvimento e profundidade da capacidade de gestão, remuneração e sucessão de Gestão de conflitos, gestão de conflitos Desafio (s) Desafio (s) Desafio (s) Desafio Situações: conflitos de estratégia, desafios de desempenho, questões éticas, eficácia como diretor pela primeira vez, etc. Cerimônia de Graduação é organizada para marcar a conclusão bem-sucedida do Lote e para felicitar os Mentores e os Mentores A cerimônia de Graduação do lote 1 foi organizada em julho 17, 2014 em Mumbai A cerimônia de graduação para o Lote 2 está sendo planejada Lote 1 Lote 2 Os esforços conjuntos dos Mentores, Mentores e FICCI para ajudar os Mentees a encontrar posições apropriadas do Conselho A responsabilidade primária de assegurar posições do Conselho Redes individuais Através da prática do conselho de consultores de busca Acesso direto pela FICCI aos presidentes de comissão e aos comitês de nomeação e remuneração das empresas Top 200 da BSE Através do site da FICCI. Os Perfis de todos os Mentores podem ser acedidos em ficci-ccg Advocacia do Programa através de várias Associações Nº de Candidatos Posições de Diretoria tomadas até a data Lote 1 (Fase Piloto) 17 de julho de 2014 Nº de Mulheres: 22 (45) Amita Chebbi Setor Social Posição Atual / Posição Anterior Cabeça Sul da Ásia, Estratégia amp Parcerias, Childrens Fundação do Fundo de Investimento (CIFF) Anos de Experiência Graduado, Instituto Indiano de Gestão , Ahmedabad Sra. Amita Chebbi é Head South Asia, Estratégia amp Parcerias na Childrens Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF). Nesse papel, ela fornece uma direção estratégica no desenvolvimento da carteira de investimentos da CIFF na região, nos setores de saúde, educação e nutrição. Ela tem mais de 16 anos de experiência em várias funções de gestão nos setores público e privado. Antes de CIFF, ela estava com a Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), onde liderou programas na Índia como Country Director. Neste papel, foi responsável por avaliar novas oportunidades, estabelecer parcerias, captação de recursos e gerenciar todos os aspectos das operações no país. Ela foi responsável pela construção e manutenção de relações estratégicas com parceiros farmacêuticos na Índia e facilitou o acesso a preços mais baixos para anti-retrovirais pediátricos (ARVs) em mais de 70 países do mundo em desenvolvimento. Ela também trabalhou na banca comercial e na indústria de classificação de crédito. Ela é graduada do Indian Institute of Management, em Ahmedabad. Amita Chebbi Setor Social Amola Jhaveri Posição Atual / Posição Anterior Consultoria e serviços de apoio de aconselhamento ao Centro de Educação Americana na Escola Jamnabai Narsee e na Escola Internacional DSB O Sr. Swaminathan D Amola Jhaveri é um Conselheiro Educacional e Profissional de Educação Estabeleceu o QuadMentor como empreendimento empreendedor. Ela também oferece serviços de consultoria e aconselhamento ao Centro de Educação Americana na Escola Jamnabai Narsee e à Escola Internacional DSB em Mumbai. Ela estabeleceu o escritório na Índia da London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) e trabalhou com várias universidades do Reino Unido em uma capacidade de consultoria. Ela tem extensa experiência de aconselhamento de estudantes que estão explorando opções na Índia e no exterior. Jhaveri iniciou sua carreira na ANZ GrindlaysBank e trabalhou em Varejo e Banca de Investimento. Ela também trabalhou com ILampFS Securities em Institutional Equities com clientes na Índia, Reino Unido e Oriente Médio. Seu livro The Study Abroad Handbook, publicado em 2000, é o guia definitivo para estudantes indianos que procuram educação no exterior. Ela completou seu B. S. Em Gestão de Estudos e seu MBA dos Estados Unidos. Amola Jhaveri Anita Chaudhary Governo (IAS) Posição Atual / Posição Anterior Membro da Força-Tarefa para Assinar MOU com Empresas Públicas RS Sharma, Secretária do Departamento de Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação (DEITY) A Sra. Anita Chaudhary é membro da Tarefa Força para a assinatura do MOU com Empresas Públicas e um membro da Task Force para a revisão dos Documentos-Quadro de Resultados (RFD) dos Ministérios e dos Governos Estaduais. Ela é uma IAS do grupo de 1976 do quadro de Haryana. Trabalhou em diversas áreas, como Finanças, Casa, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Desenvolvimento Rural, Alimentação e Distribuição Pública e Marketing Agropecuário. Ela se aposentou após mais de 36 anos como Secretária do Governo da Índia no Departamento de Recursos Terrestres, Ministério do Desenvolvimento Rural, em setembro de 2012. Ela também ocupou vários outros cargos importantes, incluindo Secretário Especial (Centro-Estado) e Secretário Adicional (Centro-Estado), Ministério dos Assuntos Internos, Governo da Índia Secretário Adjunto, Departamento de Alimentação e Distribuição Pública, Governo da Índia Secretário-Financeiro Institucional, Governo de Haryana e Diretor Gerente da Central Cottage Industries Corporation da Índia. A Sra. Chaudhary tem um mestrado em Ciências Sociais (Tecnologia da Informação) da Universidade de Birmingham, Reino Unido, e um mestrado em Literatura Inglesa pela Universidade de Pune. Ela também está fazendo seu Ph. D. De IGNOU. O tema de sua pesquisa é a RTI como ferramenta de boa gestão do Sistema de Distribuição Público. A Sra. Anuradha Ekanath Thakur iniciou sua carreira como Oficial Probacionista, com o State Bank of India (SBI) em 1973 e se aposentou em 2007, com uma carreira de 34 anos. Ela foi a Gerente Geral, Grupo de Contas Corporativas (CAG), de 2005-2007. She managed diverse business requirements of top 500 customers of the Bank, including Reliance, ADAG, Tata, Larsen amp Toubro, Maruti Udyog, arranging their loan syndications, international banking, project financing, and liquidity requirements, coordinating their total banking requirements with other verticals. Prior to that, she was General Manager-Mid Corporate from 2004 to 2005. During her tenure, she started a new business vertical to capture the business of mid-sized regional companies with excellent growth potential. As the Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer she supervised the balance sheet management and statutory audit of the largest circle of SBI covering 667 branches and was responsible for financial planning, forecasting and budgeting for all branches. She also served as VP for Audit and VP for Accounts and Compliance, at the New York office, responsible for complete internal audit function of the New York branches. The US Federal Reserve appreciated the compliance levels and upgraded the Banks rating by 2 levels. She has a B. A. (English Literature) from Pune University and C. A.I. I.B. from the Indian Institute of Bankers. Mr. M. V. Tanksale Dr Brinda Jagirdar is currently an Independent Director on the Board of Capital First Limited, Mumbai and Rane Engine Valve Limited, Chennai. She is also a visiting Faculty at National Institute of Bank Management and a member at Research Advisory Committee, Indian Institute of Banking. She retired as General Manager and Chief Economist of State Bank of India. As part of SBIs senior Management, Dr Jagirdar tracked economic developments and implications for policy, participated in the Asset Liability Committee and Central Management Committee meetings and conducted research on relevant issues. She was associated with the Raghuram Rajan Committee on Financial Sector Reforms, was member Planning Commissions Sub Group on Household Sector Savings for 12th Plan and member Ministry of Finance Group on Indias Household Financial Savings. She was member Banking amp Economics Committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce, Monetary Policy Group of Indian Banks Association and editorial committee of the IBA journal. She has a brilliant academic record with a Ph. D. in Economics from Mumbai University, M. S. in Economics from University of California Davis, USA and MA in Economics from Gokhale Institute, Pune. She has attended Executive Programme at Kennedy School, Harvard University, USA and leadership programme at IIM Lucknow. She has participated and presented papers at several conferences in India and abroad. She is regularly invited to speak on the economy and banking, is a panellist on TV business channels, and contributes columns in business newspapers and journals. Dr. Brinda Jagirdar Financial Services Ms. Chandrika Pasricha is the Founder amp CEO of Flexing It, a recently launched marketplace for short-term and flexible skills in India, with a focus on carefully matching qualified and experienced professionals with SMEs or corporates looking for such engagements. She has been a management consultant for over 17 years and has worked as an Associate Principal at McKinsey amp Co. in the healthcare and pharmaceuticals verticals. Her areas of client service included growth strategy and business models, assessing new businesses, designing effective implementation approaches and organization building and strengthening. Over the last few years, she has been operating as an independent consultant working with leading development sector organizations on strategic issues, including implementation, scale-up and monitoring of large-scale public health initiatives. One of her assignments involved advising the President of the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) on fundraising strategy, organizational strengthening as well as alliance and partnership opportunities. She holds an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and a B. A.(H) in Economics from St Stephens College, Delhi University. Mentees contact details - City: New Delhi Email: chandrikapasrichaflexingit Mobile: 91-9811 701 902 Chandrika Pasricha Consulting and Healthcare Ms. Gargi Mashruwala Social Sector Mr. Hemant Luthra, Chairman, Mahindra CIE Ms. Gargi Mashruwala is the Vice President of St. Jude India Childcare Centers since 2007. Its a section 8 Company that creates Centers of Hope to provide shelter and holistic care to children and their families who travel to Mumbai for treatment of Cancer. She has over 15 years of experience of working in the NGO sector. She is also the Financial Controller at Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) since 1999. She managed the finances for the 5 crore project of Restoration and Revitalization of the Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Mumbai City Museum, which was awarded Asia Pacific Award of Excellence in 2005, which is one of UNESCOs highest award. She is also the Financial Controller at Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum Trust since 2003. She assists the Managing Trustee and Director in managing the corpus of the Trust, HRD and liasoning with the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai which owns the Museum. She is a Graduate in Commerce from Mumbai University. Mentees contact details - City: Mumbai Email: gargimasgmail, gmashruwalabdlmuseum. org Mobile: 919820 149 704 Ms. Gargi Mashruwala Social Sector Geeta Mathur Banking Financial services, Real estate, Agri inputs, IT, Auto Ms. Geeta Mathur is currently CFO of Helpage India, one of the largest and oldest non-profit organizations in India. She is also an Independent Director on the Board of Motherson Sumi Ltd. NIIT Ltd. Vardhman Acrylics Ltd. at IIFL Holdings Limited, RSWM Limited and Maral Overseas Limited. She is an experienced finance professional having worked as a banker both on the asset side and risk side and in large corporate treasuries and investor relations. She specializes in the area of project, corporate and structured finance, treasury, investor relations and strategic planning. She started her career with ICICI, where she worked for over 10 years in the field of project, corporate and structured finance and represented ICICI on the Board of reputed companies such as Eicher Motors and Siel Limited. She then worked in various capacities in large organizations such as IBM, DCM Shriram Consolidated Limited (DSCL) and Emaar MGF in the areas of Corporate Finance, Treasury, Risk Management and Investor relations. During her career, she has interacted closely with senior managements of companies, principal shareholders and CFOs and had the ability to gauge the vision as seen by some of the industry leaders. She is a graduate in Commerce from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University and did her articles with PriceWaterhouse while pursuing her Chartered Accountancy. Mr. Nadir B Godrej Ms. Gita Nayyar is professional with 27 years of diverse leadership experience in the Financial Services Industry. She currently serves as an Independent Director on the board of Taj-SATS Air Catering Limited (JV between Indian Hotels (Tata) and SATS), Religare Capital Markets Ltd, Religare Securities ltd, Oriental Hotels Ltd (Taj Hotels Southern chain JV) and Religare Wealth Management Ltd. In addition to this, she is currently a senior advisor at Fulcrum Ventures Fund - a VC fund focused on the Pharmaceutical, Wellness and Consumer sectors. She is an active and experienced angel Investor and serves as a board observer on Purplle, a rapidly growing e-tailing company. She is also actively involved with a large National NGO and serves on its advisory committee. She has worked for a number of years both in UK and India. She has extensive cross-functional expertise in corporate banking, Investment banking, Wealth management, Fund raising, and Risk management. She has been closely engaged with leaders across client segments including: Start Ups, SMEs, Multinationals, large domestic Companies and Financial Institutions. She started her career with Citigroup in India where she was employed for 18 years, the first 15 of which were in the Global Corporate and Investment bank. In this group, her diverse leadership assignments including managing pan India teams with responsibility for large profit centers. She then moved to UK as a Senior Private Banker at Citigroup Private Bank UK. Subsequently, she worked for several years, as the Regional HeadAsia, Credit-Suisse Private Bank, UK. In this role she led a team of Relationship Managers, focusing on Ultra HNI Asian Clients based in Europe, UK, Africa and across Asia. Ms Nayyar is an MBA from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College, USA and holds a B. A in Economics (Hons) from the Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University. Mr. Harsh Mariwala, Chairman, Marico Limited Ms. Mirchandanis career of over thirty years has been in customer-facing roles where she grew from Branch Manager to Business Unit Director. She has held Profit amp Loss management roles and built great brands across diverse categories like healthcare, telecom, commodities and consumer goods. She has now transitioned to advisory roles. Ms. Mirchandani is an independent director on several boards including Punjab National Bank, Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd. DFM Foods, Religare Health Insurance Company Ltd. Roots Corporation Ltd. and Nilkamal Ltd. She has also served on the boards of three educational institutions. She brings consumer insights and financial literacy combined with an ability to raise strategic issues from her diverse operational experience and innate curiosity. Ms. Mirchandani was Business Unit Director at Pfizer, where she led a large team with India wide responsibility of revenue and profits. She was Marketing Head of the Healthcare Division at Dabur which delivered 23 compounded average growth under her leadership. Prior to that, she was Branch Manager at Asian Paints with responsibility of sales, collections amp warehouse operations based in Rajkot. Ms. Mirchandani is a graduate from Shri Ram College of Commerce and an MBA in Marketing and Finance from the Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi. She is a Chevening Gurukul scholar in Leadership and Globalization from the London School of Economics. She has a keen interest in the financial markets from her experience as a retail investor. Mr. V. Thyagarajan, Director, TCS Ms. Ingrid Srinath is presently Chief Executive Officer of Hivos India Advisory Services, a new for-profit venture from the Dutch INGO Hivos. She has been a passionate advocate for human rights, social justice and civil society in the past 16 years. She transitioned from her career in advertising to the non-profit sector in 1998 with CRY (Child Rights and You), where she was CEO from 2004 to 2008. At CRY, she led the national coalition that successfully campaigned to amend Indias constitution to make education a fundamental right. Ms. Srinath was Secretary General from 2008 to 2012 at CIVICUS, an influential global network of organizations at local, national, regional and international levels, dedicated to defending and strengthening civil society throughout the world. She served as Executive Director of CHILDLINE India Foundation, Indias free, 24/7, emergency helpline for children in distress. She has served on the advisory boards of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Development Cooperation Forum (UN DCF), the World Economic Forum (WEF), streetfootballworld, Magic Bus and the Prajnya Trust and on the boards of the INGO Accountability Charter, Public Interest Registry and The Rules. She is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata. Ms. Jasmine Arora is currently Principal, Family Office Capital Consulting and also a Consultant to the wealth business of Old Mutual Plc. She also advises some of the largest companies in identifying new markets, distribution channels and products and works closely with some of the largest Indian families in the world where she advises them on asset allocation and risk assessment of their private wealth. She is a highly accomplished financial service professional with over 18 years of experience in corporate finance, capital markets and in wealth management at SBC Warburg, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and UBS in London. Her areas of specialty are Fund raising, Co-investment opportunities and Capital Markets-IPOs, secondary market issues etc. Her clients have comprised FTSE 100 companies, the largest institutional investors, sovereign funds and the largest hedge funds in the world. She has also worked with large single and multi-family offices globally making her very well connected in the U. S. U. K. and Europe. Apart from being a highly accomplished professional, she is a very successful entrepreneur having built a consulting business from scratch. She is currently based in London. Mentees contact details - City: London, New Delhi Email: jasminefamilyofficecapitalconsulting Mobile: 44 (0) 758 236 8528, 91 971 700 1081 Jasmine Arora Financial Services Kalpana Sinha Consulting, Information Technology and Avertising Mr. D. A. Prasanna, Chairman, Ecron Acunova CRO amp ACRO India Ms. Kalpana Sinha is the Co-Founder and CEO of Cosmode Consultants. Prior to this, she was Director People and Organization Capability at Microsoft Corporation for Sales and Marketing in Asia Pacific, and at the MS India Development Center. She has also been the Senior Vice President at McCann World Group in Asia working on a global organization transformation agenda. She has over twenty five years of experience in human capital management, learning and organization development and is passionate about aligning the disciplines with business strategy creation and implementation. She has also been an entrepreneur (e-learning start up) and possesses great business acumen. She is an executive coach and trusted adviser to senior business leaders and has facilitated over 500 workshops at senior leadership levels and has operated across the Asia Pacific region including South Asia, South East Asia, Japan and China with extensive project-related travel through the United States. She has to her credit a book edited by her on Empowerment of Women in South Asia, published by AMDISA in 2001 and is currently pursuing a research initiative Accelerating Women in Leadership India. She has just completed her Masters Certification in Neuroleadership from Middlesex University, United Kingdom. She has a MBA from Bombay University and a B. A. Economics from Osmania University. Mentees contact details - City: Gurgaon / Hyderabad, Singapore Email: Kalpana. Sinhagmail Mobile: 91-9966 237 822 Kalpana Sinha Consulting, Information Technology and Avertising Mr. Rashesh Shah, Chairman and CEO, Edelweiss Group Ms. Kumud Srinivasan is Vice President, Technology and Manufacturing Group and President, Intel India. In this capacity, she is responsible for general management of Intels operations in India, which includes locations overall strategy, business-enabling operations, organizational development, engineering and innovation for market development, as well as managing relationships with government, industry and academia. Previously, Ms. Srinivasan was Vice President and General Manager of IT for Silicon, Soft - ware and Services, where she led the delivery of IT solutions and services for Intels hardware and software engineers. She serves on the Executive Committee of FICCI and of that of India Electronics and Semi - conductor Association. She is a member of the India Council of the Anita Borg Institute, the Governing Body of the International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore, and the Board of Advisers of the School of Information Studies in Syracuse University. She is a graduate in Economics from Calcutta University and has a Masters in Information and Library studies from Syracuse University. In addition, she has completed doctoral course work in Information Science from University of California, Berkeley. Kumud Srinivasan Mr. Subhash Chandra Ms. Maya Dani is Consultant to Red Pen, a boutique education advisory company based in Mumbai. She has experience in the fields of finance, consumer products, Human resources and has worked in New York, London, Hong Kong and Mumbai. As a Director at Lehman Brothers based in London, she was the lead equity research analyst covering the European Household and Cosmetics sector, covering companies such as LOreal and Reckitt Benckiser. Prior to that, she covered the U. S. beverages and tobacco sector based in New York. She also spent a year as head of recruiting for the Lehmans Equity and Fixed Income Divisions in Europe, responsible for hiring across the continent. She started her career as an investment banker at Credit Suisse First Boston, where she focused on leveraged finance. She has also worked for a B2B start-up in New York City as the Head of Business Development and at Merrill Lynch, where she focused on convertible debt. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a B. A. from Brown University. Mr. Nihal Kaviratne, Chairman, Akzo Nobel India Limited Ms. Mukeeta Jhaveri is currently engaged in art consulting and CSR. She is a seasoned international capital markets professional with a strong interest in art, aesthetics, design and heritage conservation, supported by experience in running not-for-profit and investment companies. She has worked with DSP Financial Consultants in various capacities including VP, Capital Markets, Acting Head of Research, Head of International Equity Sales and Executive Assistant to the Chairman responsible for marketing a wide range of cutting edge international capital market products, developing research and prospectus documentation that later became an industry standard. In anticipation of the opening up of Indian markets, she developed the first - ever international FII client database in India. She was closely involved in nurturing the Merrill Lynch relationship and eventually documenting the shareholder agreement. She has 15 years of experience in managing family investment companies and 30 years of passionate art collecting, which formed the basis of an independent advisory practice with a special focus on investment grade art. Ms. Jhaveri has been regularly invited to present on art as an asset class to the financial investor community. She is closely involved with Citibank India in promoting culture, where art and music are used as specific, measurable tools to promote brand building, customer and stakeholder engagement and CSR. She is educated at Cathedral School, St. Xaviers College and New York University Business School. She is also the President, Cathedral School Alumni Association. Mr. Kapil Kapoor Ms. Mythili Bhusnurmath is an economist turned banker turned journalist. She is presently Consulting Editor of ET Now and anchors a weekly show called Macros with Mythili. She started her career with the State Bank of India (SBI) as a Probationary Officer in 1976. After 5 years in SBI, she moved to the Reserve Bank of India, qualifying as a Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers. Ms. Bhusnurmath moved to journalism in 1993 and went on become the edit-page editor of The Economic Times for a number of years. In 2004, she moved to The Financial Express, becoming the first woman editor of a business paper in India. In September 2006, she moved back to The Economic Times where, apart from writing editorials, she also wrote a regular fortnightly column. In January 2014, she switched over to the electronic medium. She is a visiting faculty at the Times School of Journalism, Delhi University (Master of Business Economics) and Great Lakes Institute of Management (Gurgaon) and a consultant to the Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council. She has a Masters in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics and has recently completed her LLB degree from Delhi University. Mr. G M Rao, Founder Chairman, GMR Group Ms. Mythily Ramesh is the Co-Founder and CEO of NextWealth. She has over 20 years of experience and her career spans product management, marketing, business development and quality. Previously, she was in Wipro, where she grew from a Customer Support Executive to a Senior Vice President. As a certified Black Belt, she drove the Six Sigma initiative in Wipro. With a passion for entrepreneurship, she headed a start up in Wipro called 01markets and built a successful business around e-procurement. She then moved to the corporate office to handle Mergers amp Acquisitions, Business Development and Innovation. In her last stint in Wipro BPO, she was responsible for pre-sales and solutioning, product management, transition, innovation and part of operations. She was adjudged one of the 25 most powerful women in India by India Today and Dataquest in 2006 and 2007. In June 2009, she and a few ex-Wipro colleagues started a social entrepreneurship firm, NextWealth, focusing on IT/BPO services from small towns in a unique distributed delivery model. Their mission is to create 10000 jobs in the small towns. She is a BE (Computer Science) from College of Engineering, Guindy and a MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. Mr. Deepak Parekh, Chairman, HDFC Ms. Nandita Vohra is currently working on a start-up in the digital space. She has over 18 years of experience in financial advisory, investment banking, consulting and policy advisory in the Indian infrastructure space. She has worked as a senior consultant with Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program South Asia (WSP - SA) and Larsen amp Toubro Infrastructure Finance Limited (LTIFL). She has also worked with Kotak Bank (Investment Banking) and Feedback Ventures (Infrastructure Fund). As an advisor to LTIFL, she managed end - to-end transaction management of debt/equity financing in mid-market and fast growing infrastructure companies. The sectors of her expertise include urban infrastructure (transport, roads, car parks, water supply, waste management, sanitation) and agribusiness. Her clients and relationships extend to Indian corporate with interest in infrastructure, institutional investors, multilateral institutions and government agencies. She has been engaged in business development and origination to policy formulation, structuring, financing, negotiations and closure. Ms. Vohra has a MBA from the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi. Ms. Neera Saggi is currently a Director on the Board of several companies like Swaraj Engines, Swaraj Automotives, Tata Robinson Fraser, RPG Life Sciences, SICOM Limited (a Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking), Tata Projects Ltd and CARE (India). Till recently she was the Chief Executive Officer of LampT Seawoods Pvt. Ltd responsible for project conceptualization and execution, leading highly qualified national and international resources including identification of business partners. She has an extensive 34 years of varied experience both in the public and the private sector. She has a rich experience in formulating and implementing national and state level strategies, programmes and partnerships. Besides other assignments, she was on the Board of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) and was closely associated with implementing public private partnerships initiatives. She was the CMD of Hindustan Diamond Corporation, a joint venture between De Beers and Government of India. She functioned as Development Commissioner of Special Economic Zones in Maharashtra, Goa, Diu, Daman and Gujarat including SEEPZ. Ms. Saggi was elected as the first woman President of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) during the year 2013-14. She was invited by the U. S. Consulate, as one of the 10 leading Indian Women business executives to meet the U. S. Secretary of Commerce, Mr. John Bryson. Neera Saggi Government (IAS) Mr. Pradeep Bhargava She is currently working as a consultant with Enable India, an NGO working with people with disabilities to set up a Centre of Excellence for persons with disabilities in the BFSI/PSU/Govt sector. She is also an Independent Director on the Board of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Ltd. She has also worked as Director CSR with a start-up consulting company in the sustainability and CSR space. She has 36 years of work experience in the banking industry. She started her career with the State Bank of India (SBI). She worked extensively in the credit area, assessing risk, quantum and structure and obtaining sanctions of the credit requirements of both large corporates and SMEs. She was a member of the Corporate Centre Credit Committee for sanctioning big ticket loans. She has also served as head of both Bangalore and Chennai Regional offices of SBI Capital Markets, where she was involved in capital raising through public issues, debt syndication, raising private equity and restructuring of debt. She was involved in strategizing and coordinating the development of long and short term business plans of the Department and Capital Market Branch. She was in charge of CSR for SBI and was responsible for allocating the Budget and selecting the programs for CSR. She helped create customized CSR strategies aligned with companys values, expertise, products, stakeholder expectations and long-term vision and inclusive of employees and networks. She has attended several programs such as GRI Certification by KPMG, Strategic Leadership for Transformational Change conducted jointly by Duke University and IIM-A at London and Hyderabad. She is an alumnus of Lady Shri Ram College, having done her post-graduation in History from Delhi University. Ms. Pratima Ram is currently an Independent Director on the Boards of Havells India, Nanadan Denims and Cura and is an advisor to India Infoline Finance Ltd. She earlier held Board positions in SBI California Ltd, USA and India Infoline Finance Ltd, Mumbai. She is an experienced banker with three decades in Corporate, International, Investment amp Retail Banking. She has worked in India, USA and South Africa. She has held the position of Chief General Manager and Country Head of the United States Operations of State Bank of India and prior to this she headed the South African operations of the Bank based at Johannesburg. At SBI Capital Markets, she led the Corporate Advisory, MampA, amp Project Appraisal business. On leaving the public sector, she joined private sector in the infrastructure space as Group President Finance at Punj Lloyd Group having diversified operations in more than 15 countries. She later was the CEO and Whole Time Director of India Infoline Finance Ltd, a Non-Banking Finance company focused on lending to small businesses, Real Estate and Health Care sectors She is on the Management Committee of Bangalore Chambers of Industry and Commerce and a member of their sub Committees on Banking amp Finance and Health Care. She is in the Executive Committee of Bangalore International Centre, an initiative of TERI, set up on the lines of India International Centre. While in USA, she was actively involved with the activities of US-India Business Council amp Asia Society and was an elected member of the executive committee of the Institute of International Bankers, USA. She takes keen interest in mentoring and advising medium size corporate using her expertise gained in Corporate Banking amp Advisory, Forex management and Risk management as well as experience gained in private sector industry Ms. Ram graduated from University of Virginia, USA and Bangalore University. Pratima Ram Financial Services Priti Devi Oil and Gas Sector, FMCG, Media, Private Equity, Family Office Current Position/Previous Position Govt Relations and Business Strategy, Shell Oil and Gas Sector, FMCG, Media, Private Equity, Family Office Years of Experience Eames Capital (Singapore based company) United World College South East Asia (UWSCEA) Artworks For Change(Non Profit) Business Leadership, INSEAD Mr. Sanjay Nayar Ms. Priti Devi is currently a Board member of Artworks For Change, a global not-for-profit educational Arts Foundation and Global Advisory Board Member at Eames Capital (a Singapore based entity). She has led a global professional life that included a recent tenure in Singapore with a global high net worth investor. She was responsible for advising the Chairman on corporate and creative social enterprise development and impact investing. She has also headed a privately funded global Foundation for the Chairman that used the Arts, as an inclusive medium to address social inequity in some of the worlds most challenging countries. Ms. Devi s career has included over a decade long tenure with international oil major Shell International in several roles across the globe that included Government Relations, External and Public Affairs, Business Strategy, Sustainable Development, CSR and Environment Management. She has held responsibility for owning and managing budgets and responsibility for hiring, training and appraising staff. She was also a representative of the Shell Groups International Gender Diversity program, having had the benefit of diverse political, cultural and social exposure via the many global assignments held over the years. She is widely traveled and has had a good exposure to and understanding of, global economic, social and development challenges. She has a Bachelors Degree in Commerce amp Economics from University of Delhi and Business Leadership Degree from INSEAD, Singapore. Mentees contact details - City: Singapore/ Mumbai Email: priti. devitrcgmail, pritidevi07hotmail Mobile: 65-818 152 30, 91-9833 967 900 Priti Devi Oil and Gas Sector, FMCG, Media, Private Equity, Family Office Priyamvada Balaji Automobile Mr. Puneet Bhatia Ms. Priyamvada Balaji is currently a Whole Time Director in Lucas Indian Service (LIS) Ltd, an auto parts distribution company and a part of the TVS group, with a network across the country of over 1500 dealers covering 650 towns and cities in India. Prior to working with LIS, she was a Senior Director at Fitch Ratings India (now India Ratings) and responsible for Western Region corporate credit ratings and a part of the National Rating Committee. She also has experience in international bond ratings. During her 8 years of experience in credit ratings, she has covered a wide range of sectors including autos, metals and mining and manufacturing. Prior to this, she has around 3 years of experience in commercial and investment banking. She has done her BA-Economics and PGDM from IIM Ahmedabad. Priyamvada Balaji Automobile Punita Kumar Sinha Financial Services Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan Dr. Punita Kumar-Sinha is the Founder and Managing Partner, Pacific Paradigm Advisors, an independent investment advisory and management firm. Dr. Kumar-Sinha is also a Senior Advisor to a few leading Indian companies and serves as an Independent Director on many Boards. Dr. Kumar-Sinha has deep investment expertise, extensive corporate governance insights, and broad based relationships in. USA and Asia, particularly in India. Prior to founding Pacific Paradigm Advisors in 2012 was a Senior Managing Director of Blackstone Group, leading Blackstone Asia Advisors as the business unit head and Chief Investment. Dr. Kumar-Sinha was a Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. and CIBC World Markets. Dr. Kumar-Sinha was instrumental in opening one of the first India advisory offices for a foreign firm. Prior to joining Oppenheimer, Dr. Kumar-Sinha was Portfolio Manager on the emerging markets team at Batterymarch (a Legg Mason company), which she joined after four years at Standish Ayer amp Wood (a BNY Mellon company). At Standish Ayer she helped build the international equity business and also developed country allocation models and strategies as well as researched investments in international markets. Dr. Kumar-Sinha has a Ph. D. and a Masters in Finance from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. She received her undergraduate degree in chemical engineering with distinction from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi where she also received the Distinguished Alumni Award. She has an MBA and is also a CFA Charter holder. Dr. Kumar-Sinha is a member of the CFA Institute, the Boston Security Analysts Society and the Council on Foreign Relations. She is a Charter Member and was a Board Member of TiE-Boston. Punita Kumar Sinha Dr. Omkar Goswami Ms. Punita Lal holds various advisory positions including being on the board of CeatTyres, Cipla Pharmaceuticals and Mobile Creches. She is also engaged in Leadership Coaching and Consulting practice focusing on Strategy and Marketing. She has over 25 years of experience in Strategy, Marketing and Leadership in the FMCG sector. She has been recognized as Indias top 20 Business Women in 2006 and awarded Corporate Woman of the Year in 2009 by FICCI. Her work experience spans multiple disciplines, geographies and cultures. She has been the CEO and MD for NourishCo, a strategic joint venture between PepsiCo and the Tata group. She was in-charge of drawing up JV strategy and business plans, staffing and building full functional and co-pack operations. She launched two new products in the first year of JV operations. Prior to this, she was the Executive Director, Marketing at PepsiCo Beverages in South Asia, where she was responsible for complete portfolio management for PepsiCo beverage line up, with strategy, innovation and commercial functions. Earlier, she has worked with The Coca-Cola Company and has spent 12 years in advertising at JWT and Lintas and launched many FMCG products in India. She has done her B. A. (H) Economics-St. Stephens College, Delhi and MBA-IIM Calcutta. Mr. Arun K. Nanda Ms. Radhika Haribhakti has over 30 years of experience in Commercial and Investment Banking with Bank of America, JM Morgan Stanley and DSP Merrill Lynch. She has advised several large corporates and led their fund raising in domestic and international capital markets through IPOs, FPOs, Bond Issues, GDR and ADR offerings. She now heads RH Financial, a boutique Investment Banking Firm focused on MampA and Private Equity. Ms Haribhakti is also closely involved with issues of women empowerment, financial inclusion and CSR and has served on Boards of non-profits for over 18 years, including 12 years as Chairperson. She serves on the Governing Council of Citigroup Micro Enterprise Award and is the Former Chair of Friends of Womens World Banking (FWWB) and Swadhaar Finaccess, both non-profits engaged in providing financial solutions to women in economically disadvantaged communities. At FWWB she was instrumental in supporting several start-ups grow into leading Micro Finance Institutions and in introducing the highest standards of governance to the sector. Ms Haribhakti has also served on CIIs National Committee on Women Empowerment. Mr. Saurabh Srivastava, Chairman, Steria Ltd Dr. Rajani R. Ved is Advisor, Community Processes at the National Health Systems Resource Center, which provides technical support to the National Health Mission. She also works with the state governments on district level pilots for Universal Health Coverage. Her work focuses on community processes within the broader health systems context, strengthening institutional platforms for improved governance and peoples engagement with the health system and addressing social determinants of health. Dr. Ved has over 20 years of grassroots experience in the area of women and child health, nutrition and health systems while working with NGOs, governments, donors and private foundations. She has been involved in programme implementation, evaluation, and research and policy formulation. Her special interest lies in the study and documentation of scaling up innovations to government health systems and she has conducted seminars and workshops for scaling up training. She has a Degree in Medicine from Madras University and Masters-Public Health, Harvard University. Ms. Rinita Singh is the Group Managing Director of Quantum Consumer Solutions and is actively involved in crafting the groups growth strategy across divisions and geographies. She is also a shareholder in the parent company and is on the board of all the group companies. In 1987, she joined JWT, foraying into the world of brand strategy. She participated in JWTs new strategic planning initiatives across Bombay and Bangalore, which was her first real exposure to qualitative research. She joined Quantum Market Research to set up the Calcutta office in 1992. Her role moved very quickly from that of a qualitative researcher to one of business development and she actively participated in the expansion and restructuring of the group across new geographies, especially operations in Bangladesh, Singapore and Indonesia. She became the Managing Director in 2007 after serving as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of the Quantum Group. She has been invited to speak at various forums, written several articles for media and participated in strategic discussions as an expert at various branding and strategy events. She has done her Bachelors degree in Chemistry from Bombay University and Masters in Organic Chemistry, Northwestern University, Illinois. Mentees contact details - City: Singapore Email: rinita. singhquantumcs Mobile: 65-9168 5203, 91-9987 020 565 Rinita Singh Mr. Deepak Bagla, Partner, 3i India Pvt Ltd Ms. Ritu Arora is a Founder Member, Director and Chief Investment Officer of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company. She also looks after the investment governance of HSBC insurance business in China, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. She leads a team of highly qualified fund managers and analysts who manage assets invested in Indian equity and debt markets. She has a deep understanding of global and domestic economics and its impact on financial markets. She has a rich experience in BFSI and FMCG industries and is the founding member of two very successful start-ups in India, MetLife Insurance and Canara HSBC Life Insurance. In the past, she has shouldered diverse finance, strategy and treasury responsibilities with reputed companies like Coca Cola India, Gillette India Ltd and Marico. She was awarded Leading Women in Finance by Women in Leadership Forum India 2012 and Women Leader of Choice award by WILL (Forum for Women in Leadership) in 2013. She is frequently interviewed by electronic and print media as an economy and capital markets expert. Ms. Arora is deeply passionate about coaching and mentoring and as an Executive Coach, coaches CEOs and senior professionals. She was University gold medallist and lady topper. She is also Member, ICWAI (Institute of Cost and Works Accountants). She has also done a Post graduate programme in Executive Coaching from CFI (Coaching Foundation of India) in 2013. Mr. Saroj Poddar, Chairman, Adventz Group Ms. Sangeeta Pandey currently is the Global HR Director for Powder Coatings and is based out of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In her role at Powder Coatings she will contribute to enabling the delivery of our new strategy through enhancing leadership and organizational capability and embedding a high performance culture. She has over 22 years of experience. Her work experience spans multiple disciplines, geographies and cultures. Sangeeta s previous role was within AkzoNobel, as Director HR, Decorative Paints India and South Asia and Country HR Director India and she was based out of Gurgaon. Prior to AkzoNobel, she was the Senior General Manager HR, with the Automotive Sector at Mahindra amp Mahindra. Within six months of her joining, she was nominated as a member of Shadow Board for the Automotive Sector. She also worked with Bharat Petroleum / Shell and Xerox. Ms. Pandey is a board member in AkzoNobel Powder Coatings, Turkey and AkzoNobel Industrial Paints S. L (Spain). She was previously on the board of AkzoNobel Srilanka. She has done her Chemistry Honors Fergusson College and MBA - Symbiosis Institute of Business Management. Mr. Sidharth Birla, Chairman, Xpro India Ltd Ms. Rumjhum Chatterjee is one of the co-founders of Feedback Infra Group. She serves as the Group Managing Director Human Capital Development, Chairperson of the Feedback Foundation Trust and is a Director on the Board of Feedback Infra Pvt. Ltd. She also serves as a member of the Governing Body of HelpAge India and has been nominated as a Trustee in 3E Education Trust that will set up the HDFC Schools in India. She is a leading practitioner of the management of human capital in the infrastructure sector and was recognized as one of the 20 Most Talented HR Leaders in India by the World HRD Congress in 2013. She has a deep interest in the subject of womens empowerment. She is Vice Chairperson for CIIs National Council on Women Empowerment and the Co-Chair for the Jury of the Selection Committee for CIIs Women Exemplar Award. She has represented the industrys views on the subject before Parliamentarians in India and also participated in a closed door interaction to discuss womens empowerment with Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo Abe, during his recent visit to India in January 2014. Her paper on Sustainable Rehabilitation Interventions through Community Engagement was published in the India Infrastructure Report 2009, published by 3iNetwork. She has graduated in Psychology from Calcutta University. Mentees contact details - City: Gurgaon Email: rumjhum. chatterjeefeedbackinfra Mobile: 91- 9811 025 626 Rumjhum Chatterjee Infrastructure Ms. S. C. Sharada is the Founder Director of Lex Valorem India Pvt. Ltd. a corporate consulting company offering legal and company secretarial services. Her clients belong to various sectors such as IT, ITES, Engineering, Aerospace, Retail, Manufacturing and Healthcare. She is on the advisory Board of a technology company in the agri-business space. Ms. Sharadas professional experience spans more than two decades as Company Secretary. Prior to setting up her firm in 2006, she was the Company Secretary and Legal Counsel of Buhler India Pvt. Ltd. a Swiss MNC for 11 years and was responsible for Board processes, regulatory compliances, legal matters and indirect tax management. Elected in 2014, she is the first Woman Chairperson of the Bangalore chapter of ICSI. She is Commerce graduate-Osmania University and has a Degree in law-Bangalore University. She is also on the Manthan and Corporate Affairs Committee of FICCI. Mentees contact details - City: Bangalore Email: sharada. sclexvalorem / sharada405gmail Mobile: 91-9980 533 405 S. C. Sharada Legal Advisory Sangeeta Shankaran Sumesh Consulting, Information Services Current Position/Previous Position Vice President Finance/CFO at Dun amp Bradstreet Technologies and Data Services Ms. Sangeeta Shankaran Sumesh is Vice President Finance/CFO at Dun amp Bradstreet Technologies and Data Services. Her wide areas of experience of over seventeen years includes Cost and Management controls, Enhancing shareholders return, Corporate Governance, MIS reporting amp Budgeting, Preparation and Execution of policies and procedures, Internal Controls, Risk mitigation, Audits, Financial Analysis, Forecasts, Projections and Variance Analysis, Project review and profitability, Strategic Management, Implementation of Best practices, Operations Management, Business Administration and CSR activities. She has previously worked with multinationals like Alstom, Tupperware and Thales. She has also acquired eight years of international experience during her tenure with PricewaterhouseCoopers. She has been ranked as Indias most influential women in Finance and has also won the Leading Women Chief Financial Officer at Women leaders in India awards. She has also been awarded Innovator in Finance at International Women Leaders Forum. Ms. Sumesh has been a speaker at various forums like Indo-French Chamber of Commerce, ICAI Corporate Forum, ICAI Webinar, KPMG Seminar, Rotary clubs, ICICI Bank, leading colleges etc. Ms. Sangita Singh is the Chief Executive of Healthcare and Life Sciences, Strategic Business Unit (SBU) of Wipro. She has the distinction of being the senior-most Indian woman executive among the Big-3 IT services companies in India and has a vision of making the Healthcare and Life Sciences a billion dollar business unit within Wipro by 2016. She has spearheaded multiple top management roles including SVP and Head of Enterprise Applications Services (EAS) - one of the largest technology service lines of Wipros global IT business. During her tenure as Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Wipro, she was instrumental in establishing Wipros brand as a leading IT service provider globally. Ms. Singh is passionate about nurturing people and driving people engagement. As executive sponsor for Wipros diversity initiatives, she has represented and championed the cause of diversity in multiple global forums, including the World Economic Forum at Davos, Fortune Womens Forum, FICCI, NASSCOM and the Cisco-CEO Forum. She was recognized as the Young Global Leader 2010, by the World Economic Forum. She was also christened as the Outsourcing Wunderkid by Time magazine. She is a recipient of Stevie Award for Best Asian Woman Executive and Excellence in Information Technology award by FLO, the womens wing of FICCI. Her perspectives on Accountable Care and Analytics at its Core published in the KnowledgeWharton have received great reviews by industry and analysts alike. Mentees contact details - City: Bangalore, New York Email: sangita. singhwipro Mobile: 1-408 398 4810, 91-9845 027 254 Sangita Singh Mr. Pramod Bhasin, CEO, Genpact Ms. Sarita Nair is currently GM Finance at Loreal, Mumbai. She has played a variety of roles over the last two decades including COO, CFO in top global brands such as GE, Reckitt Benckiser, Actis and ANZ Grindlays Bank (now Standard Chartered) to drive innovation initiatives that transform organizations, achieve operational excellence and capture breakthrough gains in revenue, profit - ability, production and efficiency. She has been exposed to best practices in corporate governance and enterprise risk management across emerging markets. Evolving role and responsibilities of corporate boards and directors has been an area of interest for her over the years. She brings a fresh perspective to build and hone competitive intelligence and strategic planning to avoid blind spots and capitalize on strengths to excel. She actively follows and studies new developments in multiple sectors such as consumer goods and services, lifestyle, healthcare, education, digital and telecom etc. to better understand global customer preferences, technology and business model innovation. As an active champion of corporate social responsibility, diversity and inclusion, Ms. Nair led GEs female talent development efforts in many parts of the world, achieving considerable success. She also provided management and funding support to Salaam Baalak Trust to run shelters for under - privileged children in India. She has done her BA (Economics) from Lady Shri Ram College. Mentees contact details - City: New Delhi Email: sarita1.nairloreal / snairin. loreal Mobile: 91-704535 1033 Sarita Nair Consumer Goods and Financial Sector Savita Mahajan Education, Automobiles, IT Services and Financial services Current Position/Previous Position Mr. D. Sundaram, Managing Director and Vice Chairman, TVS Capital Funds Limited Ms. Savita Mahajan is the Deputy Dean at the Indian School of Business, India. She has been associated with the ISB since its inception in 2001, and was responsible for building its second campus at Mohali, Punjab, as its CEO, from 2009-2013. She is also an independent Director on the Board of IFCI ltd, nominated by the Government of India. Previously, she has worked in several Indian organizations, including MarutiUdyog Limited, Bharat Technologies, Karvy Consultants, and Intergraph India, in diverse industry sectors, including automobiles, engineering, financial services and software. At Karvy and Intergraph, she was Head of Strategy and Organization Development. Ms. Mahajan has carried out consulting and training assignments for corporations and development organizations, including GE Capital, the Planning Commission, the World Bank, and the Tibetan Government in exile of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. Her professional interests include Strategic Management, Institutional Values, Leadership and Organizational Change. She featured in Business Todays 2013 list of 30 Most Powerful Women in Indian Business. She has done her BA(Economics) from Delhi University and has also done a fellowship programme from Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs, at Princeton University, USA. Savita Mahajan Education, Automobiles, IT Services and Financial services Shalini Kamath Defence, Media, Oil and Gas, Financial Services, Social, Human Resources, Consulting Current Position/Previous Position Advisory Board - TRRAIN (Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India). Chairperson, FICCI - Women on Corporate Boards Mentoring program Defence, Media, Oil and Gas, Financial Services, Social, Human Resources, Consulting Ms. Shalini Kamath is an Independent Director on the Board of Borosil Glassworks Ltd. and Graphite India Ltd She is also on the Advisory Board of TRRAIN (Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India). She is the Chairperson for FICCI - Women on Corporate Boards Mentorship program. She is a Certified and practicing CEO amp Leadership Coach . She has close to three decades of work experience in three distinct fields - Human Resources, Business Development and Social amp Community Development and across two continents - India and Africa. Her Human Resources Career spans close to a decade and half with Group HR Head positions for Chevron Texaco India ( Oil amp Gas), Star India ( Media amp Entertainment ), KPMG India ( Consulting, Audit amp Taxation) and Ambit Holdings ( Financial Services amp Investment Banking ). Apart from reporting to the Group CEOs, Shalini was a key member of the Executive Leadership Team in each of her assignments. She has designed and introduced various programs related to Start-Up Management, Cultural Integration, Change Management, Organization Capability Development, Redundancy. Policy formulations, Talent amp Performance Management, Remuneration amp Benefits, Employee Engagement amp Welfare, Corporate Social Responsibility, etc. She is a Strategic Partner to the businesses in providing business linked people solutions through change, renewal and transformation. In addition, her role in managing the Corporate Communications function at Ambit Holdings has given her the experience in building a strong Corporate Brand, both externally and internally. Prior to her roles in HR, Shalini was the Deputy Marketing Director at Raytheon India . She was responsible for Business Development as well as management of large multi-million dollar programs in the areas of Defense amp Commercial Electronics and provide support towards EPC contracts for large infrastructure projects across India. She began her working career in Zambia and Botswana in Southern Africa. Over a decade, she worked with the Governments of both the countries on several Educational, and Social amp Community Development projects. She acquired extensive experience in tripartite partnership projects related to community oriented income generation programs. She is an MBA graduate from Edinburgh Business School, UK. She has been trained at Harvard Business School in Change and Transformation . She is an alumni of CSC Global leadership program. She a member of the HR Western Sub-Committee of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), and a member of the HR Committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce amp Industry (BCCI). She is an excellent communicator and has addressed several forums and seminars both at the regional and the national level. Her interests are Indian classical music, theatre and travelling. Shalini Kamath Defence, Media, Oil and Gas, Financial Services, Social, Human Resources, Consulting Sheela Vadavalli Pharmaceutical Current Position/Previous Position Vice President (Legal) and Chief Compliance Officer. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Private Limited Ms. Sheela Vadavalli is Vice President (Legal) and Chief Compliance Officer at Mylan Pharmaceuticals Private Limited (subsidiary of Mylan Inc.). Her key responsibilities include setting up robust processes and systems for the emerging markets to ensure compliance with the Indian and extra-territorial laws and working closely with the global Policy amp Regulatory teams on strategic and policy matters pertaining to the pharmaceutical industry in the India and emerging markets. She has around 18 years of experience and in-depth exposure to the entire spectrum of activities in Corporate Legal and Compliance including cross border MampA, Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Governance, General and Commercial Laws, Litigation and Compliance. She has attended Senior Management Programme from the IIM, Kolkata in 2010 and an Executive Management Programme on Influence and Negotiation Strategies at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2009. Her educational qualifications are MBA (Finance)-Osmania University LL. B - Kakatiya University LL. M - Osmania University and B. Sc (Chemical Technology) - Osmania University. She is a Chartered Associate of the Insurance Institute of India and a Company Secretary. Mentees contact details - City: Secunderabad Email: sheela. vadavallimylan. in, vsheela1706yahoo. co. in Mobile: 91-9848 966 884 Sheela Vadavalli Pharmaceutical Mr. Hari S. Bhartia, Co-Chairman amp Managing Director, Jubilant Life Sciences Limited Ms. Shivpriya Nanda is Partner, J. Sagar Associates. She has extensive experience in all aspects of Corporate Commercial practice including Mergers amp Acquisitions, representing multinational corporations and enterprises in large scale cross-border transactions, advice related to the establishment of new business operation, corporate structuring, joint venture agreements, asset and share acquisition, divestment, franchising, real estate, employment and commercial contract issues and anti-corruption law. She advises International majors on large Infrastructure projects in the Transport, Aviation and Mining sector. Amongst her sector focuses are Retail and Franchising and e-Commerce, Mining, Defence, Real Estate and Manufacturing. She has advised the airport operator in the privatisation of the Delhi airport and has also advised one of the largest multinational cargo companies in setting up their operations in India. She has also been involved in assisting with the entry strategy structuring in the largest Foreign Direct Investment in the Mining sector. Having worked with one of the premier litigation firms of Delhi prior to her current practice, she has substantial experience in Litigation amp Arbitration. She has done her LL. B. and B. A. (Honours) from University of Delhi. She has attended Harvard Business School Executive Education Programs - India. She has also attended Third International Executive Training Workshop Managing Transactions and Legal Risk in Global Economy: International Finance - American University, Washington DC. She has also attended Company Directors programme. Board Best Practices - Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Mr. Ranjit Pandit Ms. Smita Aggarwal is the Senior Program Director (CGM) at Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL), Reserve Bank of India. She is all India second rank-holder Chartered Accountant with nearly 25 years of financial services and banking experience. She has been a senior faculty, instrumental in designing, developing and delivering advanced programs for Bank CEOs, Executive Directors, and Independent Directors covering a range of issues on Leadership, Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Business Strategy. She started her career at ICICI Bank, where she held several senior management positions and led initiatives in areas of international resources, retail banking, project finance and rural business. She was part of the core team responsible for setting up insurance joint ventures with foreign partners. She then joined Fullerton India Credit Company as Executive Vice - President and successfully designed and led a unique rural finance business model. In her role at Indian Cancer Society, a public charitable trust, she heads the Cancer Cure Fund, which is the largest pan-India project for funding treatment for needy cancer patients. Her experience across varying banking businesses, banking regulation and academics, combined with her strong analytical, communication and leadership skills provides her an edge in lateral thinking. She has featured in the Frontrunners column of Business India. She has attended executive management programs at Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management, USA. She is a visiting faculty at NMIMS School of Business Management for Advanced course on Microfinance. She is also a member of the National Managing Committee of Indian Cancer Society. Mentees contact details - City: Mumbai Email: saagarwal. cafralrbi. org. in. smita. aggarwal. smitagmail Mobile: 91-9821 065 105 Smita Aggarwal Mr. M. S. Verma, Senior Director, Albright Stonebridge Group Mrs. Sudha Pillai is an Independent Director on the Board of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited, International Travel House and Fullerton India Credit Company Ltd. She is also on some of the Board sub committees in these companies. Mrs. Pillai joined the Indian Administrative Services in 1972 at the age of 22 with all India Second Rank. She has served as Joint Secretary, Department of Company Affairs, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Mines and held other positions under Government of India. She was promoted as Secretary to Government of India in 2005. She served as Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and Secretary, Planning Commission before being elevated as Member Secretary. She has contributed immensely in promoting reforms and legal system in India and liberalization of industrial licensing regime. She has also contributed in drafting of the Companies Bill, 1993 and has rich experience and expertise in policy formulation. She was an ex-officio member of National Highway Authority of India, Indian Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd. and the Central Councils of the ICAI, ICSI and Institute of Cost Accountants of India. She has also served on the Boards of National Skill Development Corporation and Apollo Tyres and on the Board of Trustees of the Skill Development Trust Fund housed in the Ministry of Finance. She is a post graduate in Psychology (gold medallist), Punjab University and Public Administration, Harvard University, USA with special areas of interest in Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment amp Growth, Macro Economic Policy, World Food System, Equity in Rural Development Policy and Leadership and Mobilization of Group Resources. Ms. Sudha Ravi is Executive Director, Piramal Fund Management Pvt Ltd. providing exposure to real estate across the entire capital stack i. e. private / mezzanine equity, structured debt and construction finance. As the Chief Executive Officer, she had set up Piramal Finance Pvt Ltd (PFPL), a Non-Banking Finance Company (ND-SI). Prior to joining Piramal Group, she had a successful stint of over 30 years in State Bank of India (SBI), having joined as a Probationary Officer and risen to become a General Manager. She has worked across varied functional areas at the Bank, including International, Corporate, Retail and Rural banking. As a General Manager, she was heading the Enterprise Risk Management vertical of the Bank facilitating alignment of risk with strategy at the Bank-wide level. As Deputy General Manager, Ms. Ravi was a Representative of the Bank at Washington D. C and also Executive Assistant to the Chairman, giving her a ringside view of the dynamics of banking business and thereby widening her perspective on business strategy, economy and the financial sector. She is a Science and Law graduate and an avid reader and has keen interest in Education, with focus on Education for autistic children. Ms. Sutapa Banerjee is currently an Advanced Leadership Fellow (2015) with Harvard University. She is an Independent Director on the Boards of JSW Holdings Ltd, Oxfam India and 2 companies in the ILampFS Group. She also represents the New York based Womens World Banking (WWB) as a Nominee Director on the board of Ananya Finance (in microfinance)). She was involved in a Strategic Advisory capacity with the Aavishkaar/Intellecap Group (in impact investments) and works as a Senior Consultant (executive coaching and training) with the Singapore based Simitri Group. Prior to that she spent 24 years in the financial services sector largely across 2 large multinational banks ANZ Grindlays and ABN AMRO Bank. A seasoned banker having built and headed several businesses in banks she is especially well recognized as a thought leader in the Wealth Management industry having headed and successfully built from scratch the Private Wealth businesses in both ABN AMRO Bank and Ambit. She was voted one of the Top 20 Global Rising Stars of Wealth Management by the Institutional Investor Group in 2007, being the only Indian and one of only two winners from Asia. She led Ambit Private Wealth to Best Private Bank in India in the 2013 Asia Money polls. She was also shortlisted in the 50 most Powerful Women in India by Fortune India in 2012. She has been a speaker in many national and international seminars and has been actively profiled and quoted in both the print media and television. She is an Economics graduate from Presidency college Kolkata and a post graduate from XLRI Jamshedpur. Ms. Urvashi Saxena is a Consultant, specializing in the fields such as International Taxation and Transfer Pricing. She is also associated with a Delhi Law firm, Associated Law Advisers, looking after their Mumbai work. She is an Independent Director on the Boards of Gammon India Ltd. Elder Pharma, Elder Health Care and Sharda Worldwide Pvt. Ltd. She is also a member of their Audit Committees, Shareholders Grievance Committees and Remuneration Committees. She is committed to good and ethical governance and is also interested in Corporate Social Responsibility issues. She joined the Indian Revenue Service in 1968 and after the initial training in Mussoorie and Nagpur, was posted in Kanpur and Lucknow. She spent the major part of her career in Mumbai, Thane and Pune, where she made a mark in various fields like investigation, judicial, training and audit. She retired as Chief Commissioner of Income-Tax (CCIT) Mumbai, the first lady to occupy that office, in June 2005. During her long career of nearly four decades with the Income Tax Department, she won several citations, awards and rewards for her meritorious service. After retirement from the Income Tax Department, she was selected as a Member of the Income Tax Settlement Commission, Mumbai Bench and was later elevated to the post of Vice-Chairman. She retired as Chairperson of the Settlement Commission in June 2007. She completed her graduation and post-graduation from the University of Allahabad. Later on, she obtained her Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Lucknow. Ms. Aslesha A Gowariker is a Partner in the Mumbai offices of the law firm Desai amp Diwanji. She has been with the firm for over 20 years. She is also an Independent Director on the Board of NRB Bearings Limited. She focuses on corporate practice and project advisory work. She has wide experience in advising domestic and foreign strategic and financial investors and Indian promoters in MampA transactions across various industry sectors, as also on outbound investments. She has advised multiple projects within the infrastructure sector like telecom, power, oil amp gas, roads and ports. Ms. Gowariker has interacted with various government ministries and departments and regulators to resolve issues of legal interpretation. The various legal due diligence exercises and compliance audits that she has headed, as also requirements of transaction structuring and document drafting and negotiation, have given her rich information and experience on the perspectives of promoters, management and investors. She is a member of committees of trade bodies such as FICCI, BCCI, IACC, SME Chamber of India and speaks at various industry events. She is also on the governing body of ADAPT (formerly Spastic Society of India). Mr. MS Verma, Senior Director, Albright Stonebridge Group Ms. Dipali Khanna is currently working as the CEO of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA), Govt. of India. She is a former officer of the Indian Railway Accounts Service (1976 batch). During her 36 years of civil service, she has worked in various capacities in Finance and Administration. She has held senior positions in the Railway Board and has had extensive experience in the Ministry of Power, Defence, Information amp Broadcasting, Tourism, Law amp Justice and Culture in her various capacities as Director, Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary. Ms. Khanna has been responsible for mobilization of funds for assisting Ministries in sourcing capital from the Government and also in developing policies and a regulatory framework to enable enhanced participation of the private sector in government initiatives. She has served actively in the past on the boards of many large Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under the Ministry of Defence, Power, Tourism and Information amp Broadcasting. Ms. Khanna has experience in restructuring of Greenfield projects. She was an important part of the team that set up the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). She was also responsible in overseeing the restructuring of the then loss making National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) resulting in its dramatic reversal within a year. She has done her graduation and post-graduation in History from Lady Shri Ram College. She has also done Masters of Science in National Security from National Defence College. She also has a Certificate from the Harvard Kennedy School, USA, for its Leadership Programme. Dipali Khanna Government (IAS) Mr. DA Prasanna, Chairman, Ecron Acunova CRO amp ACRO India Ms. Indira Bharadwaj is an independent strategic HR consultant to organizations. She is a trusted advisor to CEOs focusing on assisting organizations build competitive advantage and long term value through their people. In addition, she works as a Coach to several CEOs and business Heads helping them develop their potential as leaders. Her experience of more than 25 years has been in the areas of HR strategy, Leadership assessment and Development, Organization design, Performance management and Rewards. Her strengths include Leadership Development, Performance measurement, and Coaching. She is a former Executive Director with EY (Ernst amp Young)s HR Advisory Services. Prior to that, she led Talent amp Performance Consulting for South India for AON Hewitt. Her other work stints have been with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Eicher Goodearth Ltd, JCT Electronics Ltd amp Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd . As Executive Director at EY, she was responsible for developing and managing the business of advisory services, client development and engagement, thought leadership, content and framework development and people leadership. She was part of the EYs India leadership team for HR advisory services. She holds a Masters degree in Economics and has done a 68 week Management program conducted by IIM-Bangalore for HAL specializing in HR. Mr. Hemant Luthra, Chairman, Mahindra CIE Ms. Jaya Vaidhyanathan is currently the President of Bahwan Cybertek. She comes with prior experience as Managing Partner with Accenture leading their consulting and financial services business and as a Global Technology and Strategy Leader for Standard Chartered Bank. She has over two decades of international experience, particularly in US and UK driving a gamut of functions like corporate finance, MampA, risk management, outsourcing advisory and technology. She also has extensive experience in the digital transformation space with strong product creation, execution and strategic experience in this area across financial services, retail and telecommunication business. She has anchored single vendor outsourced deals of 300-780 million and has handled multi-billion dollar portfolio of Fortune 100 companies generating revenues of over 90 million across technology, financial services and retail business. Ms. Vaidhyanathan has been honored with several awards including a Stevie for Best in Business, ABLF for Powerful Women in Business, Outstanding Manager of the Year by the All India Management Association and IT Person of the Year by Dataquest weekly. She is involved in women empowerment and inclusion in organizations and is passionate about CSR activities. She holds a management degree from Cornell University and is a computer engineering graduate. She is also a CFA charter holder and a member of the New York Security Analysts Society. Mr. GM Rao, Founder Chairman, GMR Group Ms. Mahpara Ali is an Independent Director of KBS Local Area Bank and is on the Board of Governors, Institute of Public Enterprise. She is a career banker, having held varied senior positions in the State Bank of India. Some key assignments include Deputy General Manager of NRI Branch where she handled three prestigious quasi sovereign bonds on behalf of the Government of India. As General Manager amp then Chief General Manager in charge of Karnataka, she had the distinction of taking SBI to first position in every parameter in one of the most competitive markets in the country. As the Training Head of a vast and distributed system handling 300,000 employees, she conceptualized a revamped system with standardization in content and delivery and introduction of technology through e-learning amp database management. Ms Ali has an abiding interest in education, particularly for the underprivileged. She is the President of Princess Durru Shehvar Group of Education Institutions. She is a Board Member of APMAS, an NGO, and a Trustee of NHWAT, engaged in education for girls, and skill development for women. She has a BA Honors and MA from the Bangalore University and a Diploma in Foreign Exchange from IIB. She is also an MBTI Professional. Mr. Ishaat Hussain, Finance Director, Tata Sons Ms. Meenakshi Menon is a Media amp Communications expert. During her career of over 30 years in advertising, marketing amp media, she observed that Marketing ROI was not given due importance by the marketing amp agency ecosystem. Her concern with wastage of Marketing Investments motivated the launch of her entrepreneurial venture, Spatial Access Pvt. Ltd. in 2003. Using proprietary technology and custom databases the team at Spatial Access helps over 150 companies improve marketing ROI through a combination of analytic, audits amp advisory services. She also is the Founding Trustee of an Indian NGO, Vanashakti which works in the area of environmental conservation amp ecosystem restoration. Her interest in the nonprofit sector was the motivation for the launch of a specialist communication agency that works with NGOs and Corporates to help them amplify social benefits from CSR initiatives. Ms. Menon began her career in 1980 with Lintas (now Lowe) in Account Management amp Account Planning. She later joined Zee TV in 1994 at the start of the Satellite TV revolution. In 1996 she launched Carat India (a part of the Aegis Group plc) the first media independent in India. At Zee TV (ASSPL) and Carat India she was the Managing Director and also on the company Board. She is also on the board of her own ventures. She is interested in bringing her many years of valuable experience to play and help companies with a result oriented independent view. In 2001, she was selected by Ad Age Global as one of 17 women worldwide who are changing the face of the advertising industry across the globe. She is a BA (Hons), has a PGD in Advertising amp Marketing and an AMP in Leadership from the London School of Business. Mr. Uday Khanna, Chairman, Bata India Limited Ms. Divekar is a Founder of Stratedge Consulting and is a marketing and consumer behavior consultant with over 25 years of experience across leading consulting and advertising firms. She is also an External Independent Lead Member on the Agency Selection Panel of a leading automobile major. Her experience has been largely in India but she has also handled assignments in Hong Kong, China, Middle East, and South Africa. She started her career with A. F. Ferguson amp Co. (now part of Deloitte India) and later moved into the advertising and research field with Ogilvy amp Mather and Lowe Lintas India where she was Vice President Brand Planning and earlier, General Manager handling leading Unilever brands as well as Johnson and Johnson and Cadburys. She founded her own consulting firm in 2001 which primarily focused on advising clients on their marketing and consumer issues. Ms. Divekar has extensive experience of exploring and understanding Consumer Behavior and is well versed with international techniques such as Semiotics, Ethnography, Online and Mobile. The uniqueness of her experience is that she has seen it from the client side and research agency side and hence is able to seamlessly link consumer behavior and its impact to business exigencies. She has an MBA from SPJIMR and has done an Executive Development Programme from IIM, Ahmedabad. She is an integral member of the selection panel at a premier Management Institute and also a visiting faculty at management and engineering institutes. Mr. RS Sharma, Secretary, Department of Electronics and Information Technology(DEITY) Ms. Pallavi Joshi Bakhru has 25 years of experience in tax and regulatory matters with her core strength being cross border structuring. She is currently the Head of Tax at Grant Thornton after having successfully run her own firm for 14 years. Ms. Bakhru is also the People and Culture Leader for the Firm and has led the India-US corridor within Grant Thornton. Currently, she is also on the board of two listed companies, HET and Filatex Limited. As the Head of Tax at Grant Thornton, Ms. Bakhru handles the Tax PampL, strategic planning and budgeting, talent acquisition, identifying new markets/ products, cost optimization and exploring inorganic growth opportunities. She was actively involved in the inorganic acquisition of a boutique tax firm in Mumbai and its integration in the year 2014. She has also been instrumental in introducing the compliance and outsourcing offering as well as rolling out a robust Internal Quality Control Review (IQCR) Framework at GT. She is a certified Chartered Accountant and has completed her B (H) degree from Delhi University. Ms. Sangeeta Talwar, Executive Director, Tata Tea Limited Ms. Poonam Kaul is currently the Director Communications at Nokia, India, Middle East and Africa. She manages the business and brand perception for Nokia in a cross section of emerging, developing and developed markets. She has over 19 years of leadership experience of driving integrated communications to build brands, influence policy, shape perceptions and manage crisis. In addition to her role in Nokia, she is on the board of two start-up businesses FLYFROG Products, a kids dcor company and Amazing Hind, an original Indian handicrafts venture. At Nokia she has been responsible for building a strong ecosystem by creating an influencer network with industry and Government, setting up the external India Advisory Board. Prior to this, she was with Microsoft India for six and half years and was heading advertising and PR for all business units of Microsoft in India. She was responsible for driving one India communications, brand and corporate campaigns as well as working on strategic policy issues like IPR, security, affordability for Microsoft in India. She started her career with Mudra Public Relations. Currently she is also consulting with GoQii, a health and fitness band company on brand and marketing as well as an upcoming location based app company. She also volunteers at Smile Foundation and is responsible for building the Smile teams marketing and communication skill sets. She is an MBA with specialization in Marketing. Poonam Kaul Telecommunication Mr. Deepak Satwalekar, Non-Executive Independent Director and Chairman of Investors Grievance Committee, Piramal Enterprises Limited Ms. Subbaraman is a seasoned financial service professional with 20 years of experience in corporate, legal and compliance fields. She currently runs the Compliance and Regulatory Program across securities, banking and research for the Indian operations of Goldman Sachs. She has worked in a variety of roles including as a Legal Counsel, Head of Compliance and Company Secretary in Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Kotak Mahindra. She was responsible for running compliance and Board processes in Lehman Brothers and for legal matters in Kotak Mahindra. She has also been a Board Member of Lehman Brothers India Securities. Ms. Subbaraman is interested in contributing her time to education and volunteers in mentoring and teaching economically disadvantaged students. She is a rank holder and an Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and has a degree in Law. Priya Subbaraman Financial Services Ms. Naina Lal Kidwai, Executive Director, HSBC Ms. Ranjana Agarwal is the Founder and Managing Partner of Vaish amp Associates, Chartered Accountants. The firm specializes in audit, taxation, valuations and due diligence. Having been in practice for more than 30 years, she is on the board of ICRA Limited, KDDL Limited and Shubham Housing Development Co. Pvt. Ltd. and chairs the audit committee of ICRA Limited. She also heads the India chapter of Women Corporate Directors, USA and is the honorary secretary of International Economics and Legal Forum, New Delhi. In the past, she has managed the Deloitte Haskins amp Sells practice in Delhi. Ms. Agarwal was the President of FICCI Ladies Organization in 2010-11 and on the governing body of PHD Chambers of Commerce in 2011-12.She was recognized for professional excellence and entrepreneurship and received the Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini award. She did her Economic Honours from Lady Shri Ram College and CA training from Price Waterhouse Coopers. She is actively involved with a number of non-profit organisations working in the field of health, education and welfare of handicap persons as life trustee. Ranjana Agarwal Legal Advisory Mr. D. Sundaram, Managing Director and Vice Chairman, TVS Capital Funds Limited Ms. Rashmi Joshi is currently working as Chief Financial Officer amp Executive Director on the Board of Castrol India Limited. She is a member of CSR, Risk Management and Investor grievance committees and also a permanent invitee to the audit committee. She has more than 25 years of experience in finance function with a strong track record of delivery with very good commercial insights into the working of FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Consumer durable and Lubricants business. At Castrol India she is responsible for maintaining strong corporate governance, leading India finance team and developing talent, business partnering by actively contributing in delivery of plans, improving key performance ratios and shaping country strategy for risk management amp investor relations in India and South Asia. She was earlier with BP Singapore Pvt. Ltd as Asia amp Pacific Planning amp Performance Manager. In this role she was responsible for leading the financial planning and performance management process influencing the regional leadership team to ensure delivery of financial plans and strategy, business process change management, working capital improvements and MI simplification. While in Singapore she also served as a Non - Executive Director on the Board of Castrol, Philippines. Prior to joining Castrol she worked in finance function of various FMCG, Pharma and Consumer Durable companies such as Carrier Aircon Ltd, Nutricia, Godrej Sara Lee Limited, Nicholas Piramal Ltd and Reliance Industries Ltd. Mentees contact details - City: Mumbai Email: rashjoshhotmail, Rashmi. joshise1.bp Mobile: 91- 9619 960 357 Rashmi Joshi FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Consumer durable and Lubricants Rca Godbole Agriculture Consulting Mr. V. Thyagarajan, Director, TCS Ms. Godbole, currently advices corporate houses and a law firm in matters of innovation documentation and technology application in patenting activity of Pharma and Agbiotech industries based out of Mumbai. She has founded and co-owned a venture SaliCrop in Israel. In the past, she had worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Germany. Ms. Godbole has also worked for Syngenta Seeds (India) post her doctoral work, post which she has been working as an independent plant scientist to develop seed treatments for abiotic stresses. Sustainable agriculture, silviculture and also alternative source for energy needs in villages are further areas of her interest. She has a very good network / with people who advadvisors on agricultural policy matters. Ms. Godbole is a trained plant molecular biologist with a PhD from Freiburg in Germany. She is a postgraduate in Biochemistry from the University of Bombay. She also completed the IP application course offered by the European Patent Office (SEAD course) to enable her to be more effective in advising on different patent jurisdictions. She has done her Post graduation (Biochemistry)- University of Bombay and PhD from Freiburg - Germany. Rca Godbole Mr. Pramod Bhasin, CEO, Genpact Dr. Renu Razdan is the Chief Operating Officer of Max Neeman International, a subsidiary of the Max India Group since April, 2009. In her role as COO she has fortified relationships with many US and Europe based pharmaceuticals and device companies. Prior to joining Max Neeman, she has worked with one of the top Pharmaceutical Companies of India. She joined Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited as Senior Manager, Business Development and later became the Head of Exports at Ranbaxy Laboratories. She has also worked with Transasia Biomedicals and HPCL Systems. She has featured as a prominent female achiever in the Life Sciences community, in the November 2010 issue of BioSpectrum India. She is also the Vice Chairperson for Association of Contract Research Organization of India. Dr. Razdan completed her Masters in Biochemistry from the University of Srinagar and holds a Ph. D in Biochemistry. She was awarded the ICRETT Fellowship of UICC Geneva, at International agency for Research on Cancer Lyon (France) and G. S.F. Fellowship, at German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. She has also attended training programme on Product Policy-New Product Development at Indian Institute of management, Ahmedabad in April 2000. she has done her Masters in Biochemistry, University of Srinagar and Ph. D in Biochemistry. Dr. Renu Razdan Pharmaceutical Mr. Arun Duggal, Former Chairman, Shriram Capital and Independent Director, ICRA Ms. Rishma Kaur is the National Business Development Manager, Retail and a Full time Director in Berger Paints India Limited since December 2014. She is also the Additional Director at Berger Jenson amp Nicholson (Nepal) and a Director at Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited. She is also a member of the Audit Committee of Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited. She was the Chairperson of Paints amp Allied Products Panel of Chemicals amp Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL), India from 1997 to 1999. She has also been a Director at Seaward Packaging Ltd and U K Paints (India) Ltd Rishma Kaur Paints and Chemicals Ms. Sudha Pillai, Independent Director, Jubiliant Bhartia Foundation Ms. Rita Bhagwati is an Economics and Finance advisor for Bower Group Asia Washington DC (BGA), India. She also serves on the Boards of Great Eastern Shipping Company and Indus Towers as an independent director and is the Managing Trustee of Lily Foundation, an anti-trafficking charity. She has more than 35 years of work experience in India and the United States in commercial and investment banking. Prior to joining BGA, she served as the regional economist for South Asia at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) where she helped to guide IFC operations in South Asia by identifying growth sectors in South Asia, tracking macroeconomic and policy developments and screening potential investments for economic viability. Over the span of two decades spent with the IFC, the Institute of International Finance and the World Bank, she has been responsible for a range of initiatives. She began her career with the State Bank of India. She went on to serve for over a decade in the central bank and the Reserve Bank of India, at senior levels. She initiated policy papers on Export Finance and Credit, collaborated with senior officials from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, and Export-Import Bank, Export Credit Guarantee Corporation and other banks. She is a MA (Economics)-Delhi School of Economics, MA (International Economic), Fletcher School at Tufts University and MBA, George Washington University Rita Bhagwati Financial Services Mr. Som Mittal, President, NASSCOM Ms. Shweta Tangri is currently part of CXO team and also leads Human Resources function of Pearson in India. She is also the Vice President, HR for Technology Products in US and Sri Lanka. She is currently on Board of Pearson in India. She has over 15 years of work experience and has worked for organizations such as Arthur Andersen, Ernst amp Young and Bharti Airtel before moving to work in the Education sector with Pearson. During her consulting stint with Arthur Andersen and Ernst amp Young, she worked with multiple organizations which were in various stages of business maturity cycle. She has worked with multiple clients in the area of leadership development, succession planning, driving performance culture, organization design, compensation and benefits, HR strategy and policy design etc. At Bharti Airtel, she has handled compensation and benefits function for Airtel and gained in-depth experience in the area of equity plans, compensation structuring, variable pay and bonuses etc. She also has experience of working with government on large projects funded by World Bank and DFID. She has done her Graduation, University of Delhi and MBA, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Shweta Tangri Education and Consulting Sudha Dhar Manufacturing, Retail, Airlines, Financial Services, FMCG Current Position/Previous Position Chief Information Officer-Cummins in India Engaging with civil movement called SEMAA Manufacturing, Retail, Airlines, Financial Services, FMCG Strategy Planning and Technology Management Years of Experience Cummins Technology India private limited Mr. Rashesh Shah, Chairman and CEO, Edelweiss Group Ms. Sudha Dhar is the Chief Information Officer for Cummins in India. In this role she has accountability for information technology strategy and execution to support the business growth and strategy for Cummins in India. Prior to working with Cummins, bulk of her experience has been in the middle-east market, with association to Europe and the Americas. Ms. Dhar specializes in business solutions management and analytics, spanning business domains like retail, airlines, banking, FMCG etc. She is driven by diverse opportunities to learn and champions values like diversity, inclusion, integrity, coaching and mentoring. She is active at external forums, engaging with civil movement SEMAA, which is aimed towards making Pune a safer place for Woman. Further, as a member of the senior leadership team, her responsibilities extend to sponsoring community responsible strategic initiatives, partnering to coach leaders, mentoring women leaders, participating on forums towards making Cummins College of Engineering for Women, a world class college. As the presiding officer for the ICC at Cummins, she participates as an advisor and observer on some group company Boards and as a trustee for selective company trusts. Sudha Dhar Ms Zohra Chatterji Is Former Secretary to Government of India. She is currently serving as Chairman of the UP Institute of Design which is being set up in Lucknow, by the Government of Uttar Pradesh under the mentorship of the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. She is an independent Director in National Collatoral Management Services Limited. She is also independent Director in the Travel Corporation of India, a Thomas Cook company for inbound tourism. Ms Chatterjis areas of experience are mainly industries, IT, media amp broadcasting and tourism. She has been Commissioner amp Director Industries, Labour Commissioner, DG amp Secretary Tourism amp Principal Secretary IT amp Industries in U. P. when she was awarded the Prime Ministers Award for excellence in public administration. She has also served as Regional Food Controller and JS Agriculture, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj in UP. In Govt. of India she has served as Secretary Textiles, Joint Secretary Broadcasting, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Coal amp also as CMD, Coal India. Having served on numerous Boards as the Government nominee, she is well versed with Corporate Governance. As Secretary Women amp Child Development, UP amp Member Secretary, National Commission for Women, she has also worked for womens empowerment amp drafted some landmark laws for the same. Her expertise is in policy making, implementation and management of commercial enterprises. She is a Graduate in Physics from Miranda House, Delhi University and Post Graduate in English Literature. She has a certificate from the Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, and IIM Ahmedabad for their joint programme on Governance Challenges for India She has also done a course on Management of Commercial Public Enterprises from the University of Bradford, UK. Ms Chandni Sahgal is Founder of DEssence Consulting. She subsequently Co-founded Dessence Hospitality Advisory Services Pvt Ltd and MentorVilla. Through her Operating, Consulting and Entrepreneurial experience, Ms Sahgal extends her Insights and Knowledge to help Clients Build, Manage and Grow their Businesses Profitably. She is involved in managing client relationships, team building, as well as staying abreast of business opportunities and industry trends. She provides guidance to project execution teams on approach, and quality. With a Passion for Conceptualizing and Implementing Business Ideas, Ms Sahgal has advised extensively across Indian and Global Corporates, Start-Ups, MSMEs, Owner Driven Organisations, Not For Profit Bodies, Government Bodies, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Industry Associations, Trade Bodies, Educational Institutes. She is interested in Building High Performance Teams, Lean Start-Ups, Rapid Scale up Strategies, and works closely with Core Corporate Leadership teams on Strategic Initiatives. Ms Sahgal is a Member of The Institute of Management Consultants of India (IMCI), Charter Member of TIE Mumbai and Indian Merchants Chamber, Mumbai. Ms Sahgal has been awarded the distinguished Alumni Award - BITS Pilani 2014, Features in the Oxford University Book BITS for SUCESS and won the Chairmans Award for Best Product Launch, American Cyanamid. She is a fellow of Start-Up Leadership Program 2012 and has completed Independent Directors Certificate Program Directors Club - Hunt Partners She also did a certificate course in Marketing Management form Administrative Staff College Hyderabad and GEMTRAK-General Managers Training Kit CIBA-JAPAN Chandni Sahgal Auto, Media, Healthcare Life Sciences, Retail, Lifestyle, Food Service, FB, Hospitality, Travel, Education, Fin-Tech, Consumer Internet, NGO, Government, Private Equity Manjira Khurana Aviation, Social Sector Ms Manjira Khurana is a management professional with over 38 years of industry experience. She is currently serving on the board of AVTEC, CK Birla Group and Taj Air, Tata Sons Group of companies as an independent non-executive director and working as Country Head in charge of Advocacy with HelpAge India. She has also been a member on the board of directors of Alliance Air. She has had a long career in the Airline industry with Indian Airlines and then Air India. As the Director in charge, she was instrumental in crafting the marketing strategy of India airlines and led the advertising and sales efforts. She was a key strategist in extending the domestic network of Indian Airlines to the Gulf and South East areas. She designed, launched and led the joint loyalty program of Indian Airlines and Air India. A direct result of these efforts led to the airline maintaining its edge in its market share during the years 1996 to 2005. Under her leadership, Indian airlines won several marketing and advertising awards, including the prestigious PATA Gold and the New York AME Silver. From 2010, post the airline experience, Ms Khurana has worked in the social sector. First as a consultant and currently as Country Head in charge of Advocacy and Communication with HelpAge India, she is responsible for advocacy outreach with the Ministry of Social Justice, political parties, and partner non-profits as also the corporate sponsors. Manjira is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. Mentees contact details - City: Delhi Email: manjirakhuranagmail Manjira. khuranahelpageindia. org Mobile: 91 - 9810153888 Manjira Khurana Aviation, Social Sector Ms Neelam Nath is retired IAS Officer. After having retired from Ministry of Defence as Secretary, Department of ESW, Ms Nath has been nominated by MHRD as chairman/ member on some committees as also the Governing Body of a Deemed University. During a career spanning a little over 36 years, 15 years were spent in the sectors of Finance and Industry as Director, Joint Secretary, Additional Secretary. Apart from the usual recognized/ assigned duties of officers of those levels in the financial sector she made some original contribution as the first Finance Member of the newly constituted National Highways Authority of India. Securing funds from the Govt. of India and then a Triple A rating from CRISIL in regard to a bond issue was at that time attributed to her initiative and analysis. As Secretary, Board of Reconstruction for Public Sector Enterprises she was directly involved in the financial restructuring of relevant PSUs. Special mention may be made of her instrumentality in the timely sanctions of strategic projects of MoD while having to go against set rules. A notable original contribution of Ms Nath duly recognized by the State Govt. was the stand taken by her in a case of judicial overreach leading to the successful conclusion of an appeal in the Supreme Court. That reportedly set a worthy precedent for other departments, and was appreciated at Harvard Kennedy School, USA, where she participated in a Leadership Development Course in July 2011. Ms Nath did her Masters in Political Science from Rajasthan University where she also taught at under graduate level before joining the IAS in 1975. She presented papers at QEH Oxford and at RIPA London on a comparative study of the financial systems as prevalent in UK and Bihar. Ms Kavita Venugopal is a Banking professional with over 35 years of Leadership experience with Multinational Banks (Grindlays Bank, ANZ Grindlays Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank) amp Private Banks ( Kotak Mahindra Bank, Yes Bank) in India. Currently a consultant, she was previously the Chief Executive Officer, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, India. In the past she has been the Group President amp Chief Risk Officer, Yes Bank, Group President amp Head of Corporate Banking Kotak Mahindra Bank, Executive Director Investment Banking for Kotak Mahindra Capital Company (Kotak Investment Bank). She has also held leadership roles with Standard Chartered amp ANZ Grindlays. Additionally she has been an executive member of the British Business Group, President of Indo Australian Chambers of Commerce and a Member of the General Committee of the Madras Chamber Of Commerce amp Industry. Ms Venugopal graduated with a Bachelors degree in Economics from Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi. She is a MBA from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. Ms Monica Tata has over 26 year of distinguished experience in Media and Broadcasting Industry. She brings expertise in management of television networks operations in the Media and Entertainment Industry. Ms Tata worked as part of the leadership team at Star, Turner and HBO. She has had a consistent record of increasing sales, effective negotiations, profit and loss analysis and strategic implementation of business operations. Her efforts were validated when she was recognized as Next 30 most powerful women to look out in 2010 and was also adjudged as one of Indias hottest young executives of the media industry in 2009 by Business Today and adjudged amongst the top 50 influential women in media, marketing and advertising by a leading industry magazine - IMPACT in 2012 and 2014. She has also received Women Leadership award by World Women Leadership Congress in 2014. She was judged amongst Indias top 100 important people in the industry by Digital Studio a leading magazine in Broadcasting and Production. She is also the Secretary of International Advertising Association, India Chapter and was a committee member for ASCI.(Advertising Standards Council of India) 2013-215 Ms Nina Chatrath is a founder of Enhance Consulting, a boutique leadership consulting firm based in New Delhi. With over twenty years of business and consulting experience, Ms. Chatrath focuses on the impact of leadership on business performance, organization building and the management of talent. She started leadership consulting in global search firms, and worked as a Senior Partner in Heidrick amp Struggles, and earlier with Korn/Ferry International. While in Leadership Consulting, Ms. Chatrath has consulted to a range of blue chip clients multinational companies and Indian businesses across various industries. She has successfully conducted organization and business impacting behavioral interventions spanning the top tier of leadership, and helped to cascade these across the organization. Some of the key areas of Institutional building that Ms Chatrath specializes in are around creating a robust leadership pipeline, succession planning, leadership talent benchmarking, all leading to impact performance and drive organizational excellence. She moved to the people side of the business in 2001, instituting a process-centric approach using models like People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) and then transitioned to the behavioral side of leadership and personal effectiveness with Dale Carnegie. She has been instrumental in creating innovative behavioral-based development initiatives for leaders and assessment projects evaluating executives behavior, which bear a direct correlation to positive motivation and engagement in executives. Her early years prior to consulting were largely in business development roles across hospitality, retail, and technology sectors. When not navigating through organizational blueprints and devising solutions for them, Ms Chatrath delivers thought provoking ideas in sphere of leadership across many organizational and academic forums (NHRD, CII, AIMA, SIBM). Ms Chatrath also guides the organizations and leadership on the business landscape and their leadership and talent implications through her writings for leading business publications, The Economic Times, Hindustan Times, The Mint and Business Today. Ms. Chatrath holds a bachelor of commerce degree from Delhi University, with business management and hotel management qualifications. Mentees contact details - City: Delhi Email: ninachatrathhotmail nchatrathenhanceconsulting. net Mobile: 11-41825142, 9811229213 Nina Chatrath Ms Nina Elavia Jaipuria, is Executive Vice President and Business Head, Kids Cluster at Viacom18 Media Pvt Ltd. She has been with Viacom 18 for 10 years. Ms Jaipuria is a prodigious leader, turnaround expert, marketing maven, exceptional mother and much more. She has an illustrious career spanning 2 decades across FMCG, telecom, broadcast and advertising. She started her journey in advertising at Lintas with the iconic launch of Surf Excel. She then moved on to Colgate followed by BPL Cellular to work on its customer acquisition strategy. She started her run in the broadcast industry with Sony Entertainment Television where she launched landmark brand campaigns for shows like Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi and Indian Idol. Since taking on the leadership mantle of the kids cluster at Viacom18, Ms Jaipuria has, through her vision and strength of leadership fuelled Nickelodeons turnaround story. In 2006, when she took over the kids cluster at Viacom18, it consisted of only 1 channel - Nickelodeon. Under her able leadership the kids cluster has evolved into a remarkable franchise that consists of 4 channels catering to tots to teens. She has scripted the brands turnaround journey from an alienated kids category brand languishing at No.5 to a strong No.1 by dethroning category stalwarts like Disney and Turner. Ms Jaipuria is reposed with the responsibility of driving the PampL for the kids cluster at Viacom18. She has introduced pioneering business models based on creation of Intellectual Property and localized home grown content. She has also been at the forefront of the categorys change agenda of garnering the rightful ROI and under indexation. She has not only turned the kids cluster into one of Viacom18s profitable businesses, but has also played a decisive role in scripting the future growth story of the kids category and animation industry in India. Leveraging the varying shades of her personality, she also leads the tent-pole performance development, change process and behavioural fair practice initiatives at Viacom18. As the Chairperson of the Viacom18 Performance Management council, she has been instrumental in modernising the performance tracking and normalization mechanisms at Viacom18. Ms Jaipuria also chairs the Internal Corporate Complaints Committee at Viacom18. Ms Jaipuria holds a Masters in Business Administration from the reputed Sydenham Institute of Management. A passionate business leader, she is also a committed social worker, dedicated to imparting education to the underprivileged. She also loves to travel and soak in world cultures. Ms Nishi Vasudeva with over 38 years of experience in the petroleum industry is an internationally acclaimed leader and is the first woman to chair an oil and gas company in India. As CampMD of HPCL, she was responsible for developing the vision and long term objectives, improving growth and profitability, driving a high performance culture geared towards operational excellence and consistent value creation for shareholders amp all stakeholders. The job also entailed managing relations with Govt. entities, Regulators and Industry. Prior to assuming responsibility as CampMD, she served on HPCL Board as Director-Marketing and was responsible for pan India sales (B2B amp B2C segments), Brand building, Efficient supply chain management, Infrastructure development and leading HPCL foray into new business lines. She represented HPCL as Chairman / Director on the board of several Joint Venture companies. Her career at HPCL included leadership positions in Marketing, Corporate Strategy, Planning and Information systems and has led key business transformation amp organizational restructuring projects. She is passionate about nurturing talent, leadership development, aligning the various functions to the strategic objectives and implementation of business strategy. Ms Vasudeva is the first Indian to be awarded the Global CEO of the year at Platts Global energy awards 2015. She received the SCOPE Award for excellence and outstanding contribution to Public sector Management from the Honble President of India and was also recognized with Outstanding Women Manager Award by SCOPE. Ms Vasudeva has been a member in several committees for development of policy in the Oil Industry and Hydrocarbon sector in India. She was elected as Vice President-Youth amp Gender on the Executive Committee of the World Petroleum Council for the term 20112014 and subsequently served as Special Advisor on the WPC Executive Committee. Ms Deepa Misra Harris is the Founder amp CEO of BrandsWeLove, a branding and marketing solutions consultancy. Previously she was Global head of Sales amp Marketing, Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces (127 hotels worldwide across 4 brands). Ms Harris has over 30 years of Marketing, Branding and Sales experience. Ms Harris has expertise that spans Strategy formulation amp execution, Brand building, Development amp Systems, all aspects of Marketing, Sales amp Distribution, CRM, Loyalty, PR, image management and multi-platform execution across diverse geographical markets. Ms Harris was instrumental in developing the Brand Architecture framework for the Taj Group and the conceptualisation and implementation of new brands whilst reinventing the Taj brand. She recently initiated the revamp of the new Loyalty program and the Digital Transformation for the organisation. Ms Harris has a proven track record in delivering consistent double digit growth in turnover and for building robust leader brands. Ms Harris has done her Masters in English Literature from Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University. Mr Subodh Bhargava Ms. Nandini Adya has more than 35 years of work experience, primarily in the financial sector. She has worked with private sector investment banks and multilateral organisations in India and in Hong Kong. During her tenure with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), she led both equity and debt investments across a number of sectors, including microfinance, electronics and pharmaceuticals and from 2002-2006 she was in charge of IFCs investments in the Health and Education space, in South Asia. During the same period she was appointed as IFCs nominee Director on the Board of Basix, a pioneering microfinance Company. Presently, she serves on the Boards of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. and BILT Graphic Paper Products Limited, as an independent director, and is member of some of the Board sub-committees. She also works, in an advisory capacity, with the CFM Market Linkages, particularly to assist them with their CSR activities. Ms Adya has a Masters in Nutrition from University of Delhi and an MBA from IIM, Calcutta. Mentees contact details - City: Delhi Email: nandini. adyagmail Mobile: 11 2464 2876 91 98113 34116 Nandini Adya Ms. Rita Menon, retired as Secretary to Government of India she is of the 1975 batch of the IAS of UP Cadre. During her 39 years of Civil service, she has held senior positions in Govt. of India in Finance, Industry, Defence, Textiles, Health, trade promotion amp exhibition sector sectors and CPSEs. In UP held important positions in Finance, Urban Development, Infrastructure, Rural Development, Revenue amp Administration, Ms. Menon had been instrumental in conceptualizing, implementing significant and pioneering public private partnership in the field of Power distribution, Urban infrastructure and Housing in UP. She turned around UP Finance Corporation into a profit making entity after continued losses. She was the first woman CEO in Ghaziabad Development Authority and Uttar Pradesh Finance Corporation. She has enabled large scale restructuring in a number of public enterprises as Special Secretary (Finance) as well as drawing up a number of social sector schemes, provisioning for defence hardware and reforms of central government expenditure. In her stints in Ministry of Defence, she was instrumental in obtaining orders for the defence shipyards, monitoring the projects effectively and bringing in large scale modernization in the industry as well as electronics related weaponry for armed forces. As Textiles Secretary, she brought radical changes into the Textile Industry by mobilizing maximum funds for landmark initiatives in modernization of the textile industry, handloom, handicraft and silk sectors respectively. Also, during her tenure in Ministry of Health, Ms. Menon took major initiatives in projects dealing with provisioning of Health Infrastructure at various levels in states, public health initiatives and interventions in major diseases control programs. She has served on the Boards of major entities, viz. BEL, MDL, GRSE, DMRC, Goa Shipyard Limited, SIDBI, NOIDA, GNIDA, GDA, ITPO, KTPO, TNTPO. She has been a member of University Grants of Commission (UGC) as representative of Finance Ministry. On her superannuation she was appointed Chairperson and MD of India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) till 2015. As CMD ITPO, Ms. Menon brought in major reforms in exhibition and convention domains, built in greater efficiencies, maximized profits with enhanced consumer satisfaction. A landmark accomplishment during her tenure, was the conceptualization and finalization of the project for a state-of-the-art Exhibition-cum-Convention centre in Pragati Maidan, which is currently under execution. Similar achievements were in projects for expansion of Chennai amp Bengaluru exhibition centres of the company. Ms. Menon is an Honours graduate in Economics from Miranda House, University of Delhi and Post Graduate in Economics from the prestigious Delhi School of Economics. She was lecturer in Economics for two years in Miranda House. She has undergone extensive training in Public Policy, Financial Systems and Development Economics in the World Bank, IMF, John Hopkins University, University of LEEDS and ASCI. She is widely travelled bureaucrat and has represented India in many fora. Ms. Deepti Sehgal is currently working as Director Consulting with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India P Ltd in Gurgaon. She is a Postgraduate in Management from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (1989 batch). During her 27 years of corporate experience, she has worked in various capacities in the Banking and Financial Services domain with large Multi National organizations. She has held senior positions with leading organizations such as ANZ Grindlays Bank. American Express. IBM India P Ltd and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India P Ltd and has had extensive functional experience across roles in Business Development, Strategy, Operations, Product Management, Client Satisfaction and Delivery. Ms. Sehgal has been responsible for the development of innovative financial services in the liability portfolio of ANZ Grindlays Bank at a time when the economy was deregulating. With American Express she played a key role in transitioning significant card processes and managing their operations till stability. In IBM she managed key strategic relationships and was instrumental in driving a significant large value deal in the Financial Services space. Ms Sehgal is keen to start the journey as an Independent Director in the corporate world upon completion of the FICCI mentorship program. She has done a Bachelors in Commerce from the Shri Ram College of Commerce. She has also done Masters of Commerce from the Delhi School of Economics. She also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Ms. Nita Kapoor is currently working as the Head, India Digital News Ventures of News Corp, comprising of VCCircle amp Big Decisions. News Corp VCCircle is Indias leading online financial news and data services news portal. News Corp Big Decision is another digital medium which enables the Indian consumer to make well informed financial choices (on topics such as tax planning, Health amp Life insurance, retirement plan, education and housing). In a professional career spanning three decades, Nita has amassed significant management and strategic execution experience. She began her career at an ad agency Mudra Communications in 1985, where she spent the next 16 years working on a portfolio of iconic brands that included Rasna, Vimal, Nestle, FritoLay, Dabur and McDonalds. At Mudra, Nita rose to be the head of their flagship Delhi operations. From 2002, Nita has been with Godfrey Phillips, as Chief Operating Officer, India. She guided all business functions, including HR, advertising, marketing, sales, product development, finance, RampD and operations, there. She also oversaw the companys well-regarded CSR initiative around womens empowerment, Amodini, and the Godfrey Phillips Bravery awards. Nita has been actively involved in industry bodies such as FICCI, and is a member of the India Angels Network, as well as a Life Member of the G100 Network NY. She is also on the visiting faculty of several top-tier business schools in India, and a non-Executive Director of Muskaan, which works towards providing comprehensive education, vocational training and work opportunities to young people who are intellectually challenged. A Commerce graduate, Nita completed the Executive Management Program at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, as well as the Advanced Management Program in the Harvard Business School at Harvard University. Mr Pradeep Bhide Dr Rashmi Aggarwal has been associated with IMT Ghaziabad since 2007, in the area of Economics, Environment and Policy as Professor of Law. She is currently a Board member of Zee Media Corporation Ltd, Dish TV and Essel VKC Forex limited as an Independent Director. She is also on the Boards Sub - Committees like Audit Committee Nomination and Remuneration Committee and CSR committee. She was the Chairperson - 2 years PDGM Program and core coordinator for the coveted AACSB accreditation at IMT Ghaziabad. She started her career as an advocate in the Punjab and Haryana High Court and Supreme Court of India before joining academics. Dr. Aggarwal is Bachelor of Science, Law Graduate, Masters in Law, and PhD (Patents Law) from Law Department, Punjab University, Chandigarh. Dr. Aggarwal research domains are Corporate laws, Corporate governance, Cybercrimes, Labour Laws and Intellectual Property Rights with more than 70 publications to her credit, including books, international research publications, book chapters, book reviews and case studies. Dr Aggarwal has presented her research work in national and international conferences in India and abroad including USA, Japan, UK, Hong Kong, UAE and Italy. She has been a visiting professor at various IIMs and reputed institutes abroad like Toulouse Business School, France and S. P Jain Dubai. She has designed and delivered numerous executive training programmes both as a facilitator and Program Director for In-company and Open Company. Rashmi Aggarwal Bhaswati Mukherjee Diplomatic Relations/ Indian Foreign Service Current Position/Previous Position Former Ambassador of India to The Netherlands Presently writing a book sponsored by Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) on New Challenges to the India-EU Relationships. Also lecturing at the Indian Foreign Service Institute and different universities in India and abroad on disarmament and strategic issues, commercial and trade issues between India and EU, soft power and cultural heritage. Diplomatic Relations/ Indian Foreign Service Ms Bhaswati Mukherjee is former Indias Ambassador to The Netherlands. She is an Officer of the 1976 batch of the Indian Foreign Service. She is presently lecturing at the Indian Foreign Service Institute and in different Universities in India and abroad on disarmament and strategic issues, Indias relations with its neighbors and EU, challenges emerging from use of chemical weapons as well as on Soft Power and Cultural Heritage. She is engaged in authoring a book on New Challenges in the India-EU relationship sponsored by the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA). During her 38 years in the Indian Foreign Service, she was engaged in high level and effective bilateral and multilateral diplomacy on behalf of India in the Ministry of External Affairs, in the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, New York, and as Indias Ambassador/PR to UNESCO, France. On deputation from the IFS for six years from 1991 to 1997, she was selected by the UN for the prestigious post of Chef de Cabinet to Ambassador Ayala Lasso, the UNs first High Commissioner for Human Rights. As Ambassador of India to The Netherlands, Ms Mukherjee oversaw transformation of Indo-Dutch relations to build new political and strategic relationships and strongly pushed the Indo-Dutch commercial and economic relationship effectively applying over 25 years of multilateral experience, including on disarmament and arms control issues, she was unanimously elected as Chairperson of the Executive Council of Organisation for Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on May 2012 at a difficult period of transition in the Organisation. Oversaw change in Indias position on Rome Statute and International Criminal Court (ICC). As Director General for Europe in MEA for six years, Ms Mukherjee formulated and extensively expanded Indo-EU relations in all its dimensions. She negotiated at senior official level with the EU Troika to establish an annual India-EU Summit Level relationship commencing from the first Summit in Lisbon in June 2000 under Prime Minister Vajpayee. Ms Mukherjee was Secretary to four Eminent Persons Groups shaping Indias relations with these countries including the India-EU Roundtable, the India-UK Roundtable, the Indo-French Forum and the Indo-German Eminent Persons Group. Organized and managed the substantive arrangements of return summits with the EU in every alternate year commencing from 2001 till 2004. Ms Mukherjee has done her graduation and post-graduation in History from Miranda House, Delhi University, with a First Class in both BA and MA. She was recruited as the first woman to teach History in St. Stephens College in 1975 until she was selected for the IFS in 1976. Fluent in written and spoken French, she has an Advanced Degree in French History and Civilization from Sorbonne University, Paris, France. Ms Jaya Vaidhyanathan is currently the President of Bahwan Cybertek. She comes with prior experience as Managing Partner with Accenture leading their consulting and financial services business and as a Global Technology and Strategy Leader for Standard Chartered Bank. She has over two decades of international experience, particularly in US and UK driving a gamut of functions like corporate finance, MampA, risk management, outsourcing advisory and technology. She also has extensive experience in the digital transformation space with strong product creation, execution and strategic experience in this area across financial services, retail and telecommunication business. She has anchored single vendor outsourced deals of 300-780 million and has handled multi-billion dollar portfolio of Fortune 100 companies generating revenues of over 90 million across technology, financial services and retail business. Ms. Vaidhyanathan has been honored with several awards including a Stevie for Best in Business, ABLF for Powerful Women in Business, Outstanding Manager of the Year by the All India Management Association and IT Person of the Year by Dataquest weekly. She is involved in women empowerment and inclusion in organizations and is passionate about CSR activities. She holds a management degree from Cornell University and is a computer engineering graduate. She is also a CFA charter holder and a member of the New York Security Analysts Society. Mentees contact details - City: Chennai Email: jayvaidhyayahoo Mobile: 044-43449000, 39239000, 9840898709 Jaya Vaidhyanathan Ms Vijaya Sampath Ms Padmaja Ruparel is an Angel Investor and President of Indian Angel Network (IAN), Indias first and now one of Asias largest group of business angels, comprising the whos who of successful entrepreneurs and dynamic CEOs from India and overseas. She built IAN from inception, taking it within 7 years to nearly 350 investors across 10 countries and a portfolio of 100 companies across multiple sectors in 7 countries. She has now operationalised IANs international operations in London making it the only angel group in the world to set up operations outside of its home country Ms Ruparel established a unique model of an incubator, in partnership with the Indian Government which leverages 400 mentors to provide mentoring amp domain expertise to around 50 young fledgling incubatee companies. Till date, many of these have exited raising seed money within 6 months of incubation. Ms Ruparel has been a key player in the Indian entrepreneurial eco system over the last 25 years. She set up and operationalised the TiE Delhi chapter, setting it on a sound footing for it to be rated as number one amongst 60 chapters around the world, for the last 4 years. She played a key role as Executive Director in building the Indian Venture Capital Association, Indias oldest and largest association of VC and PE firms. In addition she helped the creation of Lankan Angel Network in Sri Lanka. She contributed actively in the Planning Commissions Committee on Angel amp Early Stage Investing in India which resulted in a seminal report. Creating a Vibrant Entrepreneurial Eco system in India. She is actively engaged with the various committees of Ministry of Finance, Security Exchange Board of India, etc. In her corporate avatar at Xansa India, an US800mn company listed on LSE (before being acquired by Steria) she managed the recruitment operations, built and successfully executed an innovative brand and communication strategy and led the corporate social responsibility initiative which engaged the government, employees as well as the clients. She was a key member of the corporate strategy and MampA team as the Company went public, forged joint ventures and the final acquisition of the Indian company. Ms Ruparel is deeply involved in Indias path breaking Impact investing initiative the India Inclusive Innovation Fund, a US1 bn. dollar fund which focuses on the Base of the Economic Pyramid. This unique initiative is being seed funded by the Government of India, bringing in public, private and development fund investors, architected to be driven by professional management and promises both financial and impact returns. This is an initiative undertaken by the Prime Ministers National Innovation Council. Dr. Sushila Rao is Director and cofounder of Soft Skills India Pvt. Ltd and Senior Partner at Consulting and Research Enterprise (CARE), a management consulting firm that she cofounded in 1983. She has been Independent Director of several companies as a nominee of APIDC and on the Board of the State Bank of Hyderabad for six years as a nominee of the Government of India. Dr. Rao received her DBA in Marketing from Indiana University, USA, her MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, and MSc. in Physics from Osmania University. She has over 40 years of rich and varied experience in management consulting, management education and research, and business. Dr. Rao has taught at various management schools in India and the U. S. She was Associate Professor at Boston University and a Faculty Member at Administrative Staff College of India. She was Visiting Professor at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, Northeastern University, and IIM Bangalore. Dr. Rao has extensive experience as a management consultant and has consulted for companies in a variety of industries in India and the United States. She is skilled at putting theory into practice and effectively combining her consulting, research, and training experience in India and the United States to provide outstanding value to her clients. She has helped clients in solving short term problems, developing strategies for the medium term and planning for the long term. Her expertise lies in creating a customer focus in organizations, developing competitive marketing strategies, designing suitable organizational structures, recruitment, and implementing strategic change through people and systems. She has designed and conducted seminars and workshops for executives at junior, middle, senior and top management levels in India and the United States on various topics in strategy, general management, marketing, and soft skills. Dr. Rao has helped organizations in the private and public sectors, in a wide range of businesses including consumer durables, industrial products, pharmaceuticals, agribusiness, healthcare, transportation, banking and financial services, computers and information technology. As President, Hyderabad Management Association for 1988 and Chairperson, Southern Regional Council of, All India Management Association, 1991-1993, she contributed significantly to the advancement of management thinking and management education in India. She was the first woman in India to head a management association. She is widely traveled in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia and is a US citizen. Mentees contact details - City: Hyderabad Email: Sushila. Raosoftskillsindia drsushilaraoyahoo Mobile: 91-40-23352529/ 9848823944 Sushila Rao Consulting, Education and Research Ms. Kalpana Maniar is currently working as the President amp CIO at Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd. supporting business and digital transformation initiatives. Edelweiss is a diversified financial services company having presence across Financial Markets, Asset Management, Retail amp Corporate lending, Life Insurance and Commodities verticals. Ms Maniar is a senior professional with 29 years of experience in Financial Services domain from business and information systems perspective. Prior to Edelweiss, Kalpana worked as an independent consultant assisting the Board and senior management of leading Investment Banks and Stock broking companies on strategy, technology and business expansion. She has earlier worked with i-flex Solutions Ltd. (now Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd.) amp Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and led implementation of strategic business technology initiatives such as setting up of Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. and modernization of Exchange Clearing House. She is actively engaged with social sector and does volunteering work in the area of rural education. Ms Maniar is a graduate in Commerce from H. R College, Mumbai University. She is a Chartered Accountant amp Cost Accountant. She has also done her Post Graduate Diploma in Securities Law from Govt. Law College and holds a Diploma in Systems Analysis amp Design from NIIT. Ms Padma Parthasarathy currently heads the global consulting team at Tech Mahindra a team of 2,500 people engaged in business, technology and process advisory amp re-engineering services. She joined Tech Mahindra in 2006, as Vice-President, Strategic Markets amp Initiatives, where her responsibilities included expansion to new geographies such as China, as well as Mergers and Acquisitions. In 2009, Ms Parthasarathy moved to the then newly acquired Satyam organization, to lead the post-acquisition program office and the integration activities between Tech Mahindra and Mahindra Satyam. She planned and coordinated a range of programs to turn the company around and lay the base for future growth and integration. She worked with various cross-functional implementation teams to rapidly deploy a series of initiatives across marketing, HR, finance, sales, legal and operations to successfully carry out this role. Between mid-2010 and early 2015, Ms Parthasarathy was a consultant with Tech Mahindra, working on developing new strategic lines of business in BFSI, especially in the wealth and superannuation space. In particular, she led the creation of a platform-based outsourcing business servicing the Australian investment and retirement savings market. An alumna of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and the University of Bombay, Ms Parthasarathy has more than 27 years of experience in consulting and technology amp process outsourcing. She joined Tech Mahindra from financial services consulting firm Capco, where she was Country Manager in India, responsible for Capcos offshore services to global clients such as AXA, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, ING, as well as consulting services for domestic clients. Prior to Capco, Ms Parthasarathy was Vice-President of Strategic Accounts and Initiatives at Perot Systems Indian subsidiary. She was responsible for the creation of the financial services practice in the company, which grew to account for more than half the business of the organization, servicing clients such as UBS, Bank of Ireland, MBNA, Merrill Lynch and VOCA. She started her career in 1988 with Citicorp Overseas Software in Mumbai, one of the pioneering organizations in offshore technology services for large multinational universal banks, where she specialized in business analysis and application development for the investment banking business. Mentees contact details - City: Bangalore Email: Padma. ParthasarathyTechMahindra Mobile: 91-9845929292 Padma Parthasarathy Consulting and Technology, Process Outsourcing Visalakshi Chandramouli Healthcare Financial Services Ms. Visalakshi Chandramouli is the Founding Partner of Tata Capital Healthcare Fund, an India dedicated Healthcare amp Life Sciences Private Equity Fund. She has spent over two decades across healthcare private equity, equity research and pharmaceutical RampD operations. Ms Chandramouli presently heads the Tata Capital Healthcare Fund and drives the fund raising and investment management activities of the fund. She has successfully led the fund raise of Tata Capital Healthcare Fund with commitments from global investor base as well as deployment of the fund commitments. She is actively involved in portfolio management through presence on Board and other committees of Investee companies. Ms Chandramouli started her career as a research scientist at Cipla and thereafter, she spent over 12 years as Lead Healthcare investment analyst at leading financial services firms like Kotak Securities and Merrill Lynch where she was Senior Director of India Healthcare Equity Research. She brings on board a deep experience of technical skills within the pharmaceutical industry as well as commercial amp investment experience in the industry. In her previous two roles at DSP Merrill Lynch and Kotak Securities for close to a decade, she had been involved in executing IPO/ADS transactions aggregating to value of US400 million for Indian pharmaceutical companies. Ms Chandramouli is actively involved in engaging with industry regulatory agencies, healthcare consultants, industry professionals, investment bankers, due diligence agencies amp market research agencies. Apart from driving the sourcing, evaluating, negotiating and execution of private equity transactions for the fund Ms Chandramouli has been responsible for creating an ecosystem of active operating advisors for the fund to drive value-addition initiatives for the Funds portfolio companies. Visalakshi Chandramouli Ms. Sandhya Baliga is currently working as Insurance Ombudsman for Delhi region under the Governing Body of Insurance Council (GBIC). She is a retired officer of Indian Revenue Service, (1976 batch) Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax. During her 37 years of government service she has worked in various capacities. In the Department of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax she held positions of Commissioner of Central Excise and Customs at Delhi, Pune and Shillong. Her primary function in these positions was administration of Indirect Taxes, including collection of the duty/tax, Quasi Judicial and legal review functions, formulation and implementation of the Human Resource policies multifarious facets of human resource management viz. Cadre Management, Performance Management, Capacity Building and Strategic Vision and reorganization of the field formations. She held position of Member of the Board of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax, from which she superannuated. Outside of her parent Department she held positions of Director Vigilance in HUDCO, Central PSU under the Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation. She developed various manuals for preventive vigilance and ethics in corporate dealings, was responsible for introducing a Whistle Blower Policy and was instrumental in obtaining ISO certification for HUDCO responsible for developing policies and their implementation. She spearheaded proposals to introduce Two Bills Persons with Disabilities, Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation Act, 1996 and National Trust for the Mentally Retarded. Ms Baliga has done her graduation and post-graduation in Political Science and M. Phil in Public Administration. Mr Sidharth Birla Dr Tamali Sen Gupta has over 30 years experience in law and is a specialist in transactional legal transactions covering a wide range of industries including media, infrastructure and real estate, energy and insurance. She has wide experience in negotiations and drafting documents for privatization projects and has dealt with various forms of contractual agreements for project finance, including inter alia, concession agreements (BOT, BOOT, BOLT) as well as EPC amp OampM contracts. She has been a counsel to the Government of India and has also worked extensively on project finance and privatization of core infrastructure including power, roadways, railways, ports and townships, both in India and overseas. Dr Sen Gupta was Rotary International Scholar from 1987-1988, Recipient of a USEFI study grant in 2002 and is a Fellow of the Centre of International Legal Studies, Salzburg. She has also been an active Rotarian and was President of Rotary Club of Delhi Midwest in 2009. Dr Sen Gupta Started her career in 1983 with Khaitan amp Co and then went on to work with legal luminaries including KK Venugopal JB Ddadachandji. Since 1996 she has been the Principal of T Sen Gupta amp Associates a corporate law practice based in New Delhi, which provides advice on corporate law, intellectual property, insurance, taxation, project finance, corporate affairs and privatization. Dr Sen Gupta was member of the expert panel constituted by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, to conduct the study on offences against children with Prayas and to draft the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (PCSO) Act 2012. Separately she provided pro bono services for several human right cases before the National Human Rights Commission dealing with political and custodial deaths. Dr Sengupta is a Law Graduate from Delhi University. She is a Doctorate in Law from Stanford University, California. Ms Suvalaxmi Chakraborty is the Founder Director of Espandere Advisors Pvt Ltd which provides Business advisory and Transaction advisory services in Banking amp Finance, Agriculture amp Rural, Infrastructure, Information amp Technology and Manufacturing sector. Ms Chakraborty is also an Advisor to Fullerton India (a 100 step down subsidiary of Tamasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd, Singapore). She was earlier the CEO of State Bank of Mauritius (SBM), Indian operations where she was responsible for the overall banking operations of SBM in India encompassing Corporate Banking, Treasury and HNI banking. Prior to joining SBM, she was the Commercial Banking Director in Barclays Bank, India where she launched the commercial banking business comprising Corporate banking (large corporates), Emerging Corporate (Mid market) financing, SME financing and treasury sales. She started her banking career with ICICI Bank where she spent 17 years in different functions viz Project Finance, Treasury, Corporate Banking and Rural, Agri amp Microbanking. She has held several committee and Board positions she was Director on the board of FIMMDA and represented ICICI on the board of Clearing Corporation of India, Banking amp Finance committee of Bombay Chamber of commerce. She is a Chartered Accountant by Profession and has completed the Financial Investment Technology Program at HAAS school of Business at Berkeley and an Executive Leadership Program in the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, California, USA. Ms. Monaz Noble is a Whole Time Director amp Chief Financial Officer, Novartis India Limited. She joined Novartis in 2010 and has over 25 years experience in the area of strategy, treasury, accounting, taxation, commercial finance, mergers amp acquisitions, secretarial, corporate governance and investor relations. She started her career with Godrej Soaps Limited as management trainee where she worked in different capacities and handled functions such as corporate planning, supply chain finance, statutory accounts, secretarial, supporting finance and business strategies across the group companies. She then joined Cadbury India Limited where she was the Company Secretary and also held various responsibilities in the area of tax, treasury, and value based management strategy, integrated portfolio management, board governance, investor relations, planning and international business development. In her last role as the Vice President Commercial Finance she was instrumental in the set-up of the shared finance services and customer business development strategy. Throughout her career she has led and strategized many technology solutions and roadmaps. Ms. Noble has led various mergers amp acquisitions and legal entity structuring assignments which have given her rich information and experience on the perspectives of regulators, management, and investors. She is passionate about mentoring and diversity at workplace. She is an avid animal lover and her hobbies include sailing, squash and traveling. Mentees contact details - City: Mumbai Email: monaz. noblegmail monaz. noblenovartis Mobile: 91-9833355101 Ms Ruchira Jaitly is currently Director, Strategy and Nutrition Challenges with Royal DSM, and has over 19 years of prior experience in delivering Demand Side Strategy and Execution in Sales and Marketing for FMCG companies like Unilever and PepsiCo. Ms Jaitly has over 18 years of prior experience spanning leadership positions in Category amp Brand Marketing Strategy and Execution with Unilever and PepsiCo, She has led Communication, Innovation, Brand Consumer amp Customer Engagement Development, and Sales Management. Her last role at PepsiCo was leading Strategy, Marketing and Operating Plan delivery for Beverage brands Pepsi, Mountain Dew, 7Up, Mirinda and Gatorade topping off a 12 year stint across snacks and beverages at the FampB major. Her focus with Royal DSM in her current role is on building socio-commercial for-profit businesses that address the malnutrition problem in India, across a spectrum of FampB categories. Given the localised nature of the stakeholders and solutions in this area, she is also responsible for execution of relevant solutions on nutrition via strategic alliances with scale cross category industry partners towards the common cause. Ms Jaitly is currently an Executive Director on the Board of the JV between DSM amp Sobisco which was established to make Affordable Nutritious snacks available in Bihar, and later across East India. Ms Jaitly is also charged with engaging with a diverse set of public amp private stakeholders as well as not-for-profit organizations, towards developing a common agenda to address malnutrition amongst the lower income population in India. In this, she is working with multiple MNC and Social Sector entities, with a key emphasis on how to build successful public-private partnerships. Mrs. Sudha Pillai Mrs. Sudha Pillai is an Independent Director of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited. She is a post graduate in Psychology (gold medalist), Punjab University and in Public Administration, Harvard University, USA with special areas of interest in Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment Growth, Macro Economic Policy, World Food System, Equity in Rural Development Policy, Leadership Mobilization of Group Resources. Mrs. Pillai joined the Indian Administrative Services in 1972 with Second Rank on all India basis. She has served as Subollector and District Collector, Trivandrum, Chairman Managing Director of Kerala Finance Corporation, Secretary Finance (Coordination), Govt. of Kerala, Principal Secretary (Finance) Govt. of Kerala. She has also served as Joint Secretary, Department of Company Affairs, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Mines and other positions under Govt. of India. She has contributed immensely in promoting reforms and legal system in India. She has contributed to liberalise industrial licensing regime. She has also contributed in drafting of the Companies Bill, 1993, Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas Act, 1996, processing amendment of the Constitution of India, enactment of Unorganised Workers Social Security Law, 2008, implementation of Bundelkhand Package 2009-12, formulation and implementation of New Land Use Policy for Mizoram 2009-12 and implementation of Integrated Action Plan for Naxal affected districts 2010-12. Mrs. Pillai has rich experience in policy formulation relating to Technology Transfer, Foreign Investment and Competition Law, National Skill Development Policy and Safety, Health Environment at Workplace. Mrs. Pillai has served as Member Secretary of Planning Commission (India) in the rank of Minister of State and has served as member of high powered bodies on infrastructure development. Mrs. Pillai has attended many conferences in India and abroad and in some of them, she has led the Govt. of India delegations. She was an ex-officio member of National Highway Authority of India, Indian Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd. and the Central Councils of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India Institute of Cost Accountants of India. She has also served on the Boards of National Skill Development Corporation and Apollo Tyres Ltd. She was also a member of the Board of Trustees of National Skill Development Corporation. Ms. Shalini Kamath Ms. Shalini Kamath is an Independent Director on the Board of Borosil Glassworks Ltd. and Graphite India Ltd. She is also on the Advisory Board of TRRAIN (Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India). She is the Chairperson for FICCI - Women on Corporate Boards Mentorship program. She is a Certified and practicing CEO Leadership Coach . She has close to three decades of work experience in three distinct fields - Human Resources, Business Development and Social amp Community Development and across two continents - India and Africa. Her Human Resources Career spans close to a decade and half with Group HR Head positions for Chevron Texaco India ( Oil amp Gas), Star India ( Media amp Entertainment ), KPMG India ( Consulting, Audit amp Taxation) and Ambit Holdings ( Financial Services amp Investment Banking ). Apart from reporting to the Group CEOs, She was a key member of the Executive Leadership Team in each of her assignments. She has designed and introduced various programs related to Start-Up Management, Cultural Integration, Change Management, Organization Capability Development, Redundancy. Policy formulations, Talent amp Performance Management, Remuneration amp Benefits, Employee Engagement amp Welfare, Corporate Social Responsibility, etc. She is a Strategic Partner to the businesses in providing business linked people solutions through change, renewal and transformation. In addition, her role in managing the Corporate Communications function at Ambit Holdings has given her the experience in building a strong Corporate Brand, both externally and internally. Prior to her roles in HR, she was the Deputy Marketing Director at Raytheon India . She was responsible for Business Development as well as management of large multi-million dollar programs in the areas of Defense amp Commercial Electronics and provide support towards EPC contracts for large infrastructure projects across India. Ms. Kamath began her working career in Zambia and Botswana in Southern Africa. Over a decade, she worked with the Governments of both the countries on several Educational, and Social amp Community Development projects. She acquired extensive experience in tripartite partnership projects related to community oriented income generation programs. She is an MBA graduate from Edinburgh Business School, UK. She has been trained at Harvard Business School in Change and Transformation . She is an alumni of CSC Global leadership program. She is a certified Zenger Folkman Leadership4you trainer facilitator She is a member of the HR Committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce Industry (BCCI). She is an excellent communicator and has addressed several forums and seminars. Mr. Rashesh Shah Mr. Rashesh Shah is the Chairman and CEO of the Edelweiss Group Mr Shah has spent over 25 years in the corporate and financial markets sector and is one of the leading spokespersons for the industry. He started Edelweiss in 1996 that has since grown into one of Indias leading diversified financial services conglomerates. The 270 billion Edelweiss Group is present across all significant areas of financial services including Credit, Housing Finance, Financial Markets, Commodities, Asset Management and Life Insurance. The Group has 240 offices in 125 cities, including eight international offices in New York, Canada, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mauritius, Nigeria and Chad with headquarters in Mumbai, India He is passionate about financial services and the role it can play in translating Indias vast savings into investments thereby powering economic growth and development. Under his leadership, Edelweiss has combined technology, innovation and growth oriented entrepreneurship with a strong focus on risk management to become one of the more successful, stable and well respected financial services companies in India. Finance Asia, Hong Kong ranked Edelweiss as Indias Best Managed mid-cap company in 2013 and 2014. A regular commentator on macro - economic policies, development matters and financial markets in the mainline and financial media, he serves on the Boards of various companies and public institutions. He has previously been on the Executive Committee of the National Stock Exchange and also on the SEBI (Stock Exchange Board of India) committee to review Insider Trading Regulations. He currently serves as Chairman, Maharashtra Council of FICCI and is a part of the Directors Forum formed by corporate stalwarts under the aegis of the FICCI Center for Corporate Governance seeking to improve the quality of board-level governance in Indian industry. An MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, he also holds a Diploma in International Trade from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. A voracious reader, a fitness enthusiast and an avid runner, he has recently participated in a triathlon and continues to participate in marathons across the globe. Founders Profiles Shalini Kamath Ms. Anjali Bansal is Managing Director of Spencer Stuart India, which she was instrumental in establishing. Based in Mumbai, she also co-leads the firms Asia Pacific Board CEO practice. Anjali works in various geographies across the United States, Europe and Asia, advising companies on Board governance, CEO and senior executive search and succession planning. Earlier, Anjali was with McKinsey Company in New York and Mumbai. She is a recognized expert and a frequent commentator on Corporate Governance, Board and CEO succession. Anjali serves on the boards of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Pharmaceuticals India and Bata India Limited. She is on the Advisory Board of the Columbia University Global Centers and a trustee of the United Way of Mumbai. Previously, she chaired the board of FWWB, a leading development and livelihood promoting institution. She chairs the FICCI Women on Corporate Boards programand is a Charter member of TiE. She serves on the Managing Committee of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry and of the CII Women Empowerment Committee. She has been listed as one of the Most Powerful Women in Indian Business by Business Today and by Fortune Magazine. She received a Masters degree in International Finance and Business from Columbia University, New York and Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from Gujarat University. You have searched for mishra travellers Hyperloop is the future of travel Pune to Mumbai will be a 40-minute ride: Bibop G Gresta 11 Dec 2016, 00:02 Bibop G Gresta is chairman and co-founder of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, which is developing new futuristic transport pods that move faster than sound in giant vacuum tubes. Hyperloop is currently in talks with 20 countries including India and Gresta, who was in Bengaluru for the Carnegie Global Technology Summit, spoke to TOI about the future of transport and the chances of building a Mumbai-Pune Hyperloop network. Hyperloop sounds like science fiction. How realistic is it and can it be built in India We are in negotiations with the Indian government. I met surface transport minister Nitin Gadkari, and separately Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Silicon Valley. It ended up in a proposal which is lying on their desk to evaluate. We are ready to move forward. We have given three options: we build it for government, or we build it in public-private model, or we build it on our own at our cost if we are given the land. PM Modi has focused on bullet trains. Hyperloop is faster, right It is not only faster, it is more efficient. The bullet train is not a system that can be profitable in any way: it costs too much money, consumes too much energy and is very inefficient. Above 500km/hour for trains, according to aerodynamic principles, air becomes like liquid. It is like a wall of water coming at you and there are lots of safety issues. So how will Hyperloop be safe Can people trust these travel capsules Hyperloop is the future of travel. You feel more in an airplane than what you will feel in a Hyperloop. It will be very smooth and a less exciting ride than you think. A lot of people dont know they are already travelling at almost the speed of sound. I travelled to India in an Airbus A380 and this airplane goes at 1,000km/hour. We are talking about going at 1,223km/hour which is not that different. With driverless cars also being developed, how does the future of cities look to you In our vision ultimately, you should be able to push a button in Pune, a self-driving car picks you up, brings you up to a local Hyperloop station and you reach your destination in, say, Mumbai. Then you switch again to local transport and a self-driving car takes you to your destination. It will be Pune-Mumbai in 40 minutes. You can live in Pune and work in Mumbai or vice-versa. What has been the reaction of various governments I was expecting more resistance. Governments have passed from a phase of its cool to have you and to take a selfie with you so we can show we are innovative and lets analyse your technology to saying oh my god its happening and lets jump on to this. That shift has happened in three years. We are now in negotiations with 20 countries. We have signed with Slovakia, Nigeria, Abu Dhabi and California. Abu Dhabi is putting money in the feasibility study. How fast can we see the first deployment We are ready to build. We acquired the levitation system because of our crowd-sourcing model which allowed us to have access to technologies that we didnt even think were conceivable. Like, through the Lawrence Livermore Lab which developed the first atom bombs, we spoke to Richard Post who developed the technology used by the American government to stabilise bullets inside cannons and he told us this technology was designed originally for transportation. The crowd model allowed us to have this intelligence in real time not just the information but also the people who can do this. Years ago Richard Post actually spent 50 million of US government money to build a track with this technology. We were shocked. There was actually a capsule levitating on a track in San Diego which we found like this. We didnt have to build anything. We found it, checked the parameters, got the permission to declassify and we made it. We ask people to spend 10 hours a week of their best time while they work in their own companies. We pay them one stock for each hour they contribute. We already have 25 people from India and overall from 42 countries. Where will it be operational first How much will this cost The first one will be Abu Dhabi. It will take 38 months from the approval of permit. We are talking to 20 countries and whoever gives us land first we will go there. Costs will be different depending on whether it is built in a desert or in Switzerland with tunnels and bridges through mountains. Generically speaking, it would be about 40 million per kilometre. Train travel, the answer to decongesting Bengaluru roads 11 Dec 2016, 00:00 Citys IT folk are ditching cars and jumping on to trains to travel to work Tips to travel safely for people with diabetes 10 Dec 2016, 10:00 Travel can be enjoyable, but for the diabetic patient a little rational planning and preparation can help them sustain their focus on their destination rather than on diabetes. Smoke detected in coach, Metro travels 2km 9 Dec 2016, 00:22 NEW DELHI: There was a big panic on board a Delhi Metro train travelling from Dwarka to Vaishali when commuters noticed smoke billowing from the last coach on Thursday evening. They alerted the driver, but the passengers had to keep their wits about them as the train had to traverse the two kilometres to the next nearest station, Rajendra Place. Witnesses said that the moment the train stopped at Rajendra Place, the frightened passengers rushed out of the coach. The Central Industrial Security Force personnel posted at the station were the first responders, followed by the Metro staff and other agencies. After cordoning off the affected coach, CISF personnel worked hard to control the pandemonium on the platform. Five fire tenders reached the station to contain the fire. The train was later removed and the route cleared for normal operations. According to the officials, the smoke was first emitted from an AC duct on the roof of the last coach of the six-coach train just as it started leaving Patel Nagar station for Vaishali. Jitender Mani, DCP (Metro), said that no passengers had been injured. Vidhan Sonkar, who was travelling in a train on the opposite direction and disembarked at the station upon seeing the unusual crowd, said, By that time, the train had been vacated, but there was still a lot of smoke inside. After around 15 minutes, the train was moved away. Incredibly, the incident showed that none of Delhi Metros Phase I and Phase II coaches were equipped with fire or smoke detectors. Admitting this, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation officials said that the trains being inducted for use in Phase III would come fitted with fire safety instrumentation. Sharat Sharma, director (operations), Delhi Metro, however, played down any serious threat to commuters by the coaches catching fire. There is no way that fire can spread in the train as the coaches are made of fire-retardant, low-smoke, zero-halogen materials, he pointed out. Any fire or smoke will obviously be detected by commuters, and the driver will be alerted so that adequate measures can be taken to the nearest station, which, in the Delhi Metro network, would be located close by. Sharma also revealed that the trains were designed so as not to allow a fire to spread. Since the train uses zero-halogen materials, the smoke too is non-toxic, he claimed. The only reason smoke travelled through the coaches today was because the fans re-directed it from the roof into the interior parts. In a statement later in the day, Delhi Metro said that the smoke detected in coach M3B10 emanating from the rooftop was due to a probable fault in the control circuit in Line 3 (Blue line) at Patel Nagar. Some of the smoke travelled through the HVAC duct inside the car and caused panic among the passengers. All passengers were safely evacuated without any injury to anyone. The train will be taken to the Yamuna Bank depot for further investigation. Expect huge discounts on food bills, travel 8 Dec 2016, 23:56 MUMBAI: Expect a huge discount on bills for food, travel, leisure and other consumer services such as cooking gas, electricity and mobile phones if you make digital payments from next year. Regular foodies in Mumbai will save almost Rs100 on a bill of Rs2,000. Hotel and bar owners, and thus consumers, will save up to 2 service charge on every card-based transaction, which would earlier go to banks and card service providers. In retail shops, card-based payments will reduce by up to Rs40 on a bill of Rs2,000 as service charges collected by banks will go, said Viren Shah, president, Federation of Retail Traders Welfare Associations. Shah said retailers were not supposed to pay service tax to the government, thus there is no question of them passing it to consumers. Amit Vorha, a tourist taxi owner who frequently uses national highways, is among the happiest lot. If one goes by the announcement of incentives made by Union finance minister Arun Jaitley, Vora said, for every 10 one-way trip toll payments, one will come free, going by the 10 discount announced on one-way toll charge. This is besides the service tax waiver for consumers. If you travel by a private tourist taxi to Ahmedabad or Indore via the Ahmedabad and Agra highways, not only will the toll of about Rs500 get saved, but also service tax on the travel bill will go, taking benefits to more than Rs600, he said. Pradip Shetty of the Hotels and Restaurants Association, Western India (HRAWI) said the 2 service charge for every card-based payment from establishment owners will be waived. But he was sceptical if the government had waived service tax charged by hoteliers on 40 of the bill amount. If that is so, its welcome and will be a huge saving for consumers, he added, pointing out that it would encourage more consumers to come to hotels. Ravi Shinde, president, Petrol Dealers Association, Mumbai, said a discount on fuel was never heard of, but with this announcement, diesel and petrol have become an attractive option. It is to be seen who foots the bill. Of course, we welcome the move. Around 75 paise will be saved by consumers on fuel worth Rs100, he said. The government had waived service charge collected by POS owners on every debit card transaction till December 30. Jaitleys decision will help waive similar charges on credit cards for most transactions. Some other services that will fall in this bracket include cable TV, telephone, insurance and electricity. Adarsh Shetty, president of Ahar, an association of over 8,000 bars, hotels and restaurants in the city, welcomed the move but requested the government to provide infrastructure, such as more POS devices, to promote cashless payments among patrons. Travel becomes easier after North Dakota blizzard Jodhpur ranked 10 globally in travellers choice for 2017 The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has come up with a solution to tackle the shortage of small denomination currencies which has been causing inconvenience to both the commuters and staff. The corporation is all set to roll out travel cards which offer an unlimited travel for a month, in the denominations of Rs 1000, Rs 1,500 and Rs 3,000. Barapullah ramps to cut travel time by 30 minutes NEW DELHI: Two key ramps to the Barapullah elevated road will be officially thrown open on Sunday in an attempt to improve connectivity between south and east Delhi and vice-versa. Two links one for traffic coming from Ashram/DND Flyway side on Ring Road and the other from Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium towards Lala Lajpat Rai Marg near Jangpura are expected to save travel time up to 30 minutes. Ramp B will bring down a 2.8km drive from the Sidharth Extension side on Ring Road to get onto Barapullah which has been rechristened Banda Bahadur Marg to a mere 400 metres, saving travel time of around half an hour even during peak traffic movement and reducing congestion on Ring Road near the Sarai Kale Khan bus terminus. The travel time to ITO and east Delhi by Ring Road, too, is expected to go down due to decongestion of traffic around Sarai Kale Khan. Ramp B was opened in November on trial basis while Ramp G, the link from JLN Stadium, will be inaugurated on Sunday. However, commuters will have to wait till March 2017 to take Barapullah from INA, which had a deadline of December. The delay is attributed to a railway overbridge that is to be constructed near Thyagaraja Stadium to link the elevated road between INA and JLN Stadium. Once the railways completes it, the public works department (PWD) will connect the elevated road from INA to JLN Stadium, completing Phase-II of Barapullah, being built at a cost of Rs 530 crore. Phase-III will go over the Yamuna connecting Barapullah with Mayur Vihar. It is estimated to cost around Rs 1,000 crore and scheduled to be ready in 2018. Ramp G, near Jangpura, will facilitate the traffic coming from the JLN Stadium/INA side and going towards CGO complex/ITO. This ramp will fork out of the elevated corridor and merge with Lala Lajpat Rai Marg near the Jangpura Metro station. According to officials, the real benefit of the ramp will be visible when the phase is over as it will facilitate direct access from INA to central, south and east Delhi. Traffic coming from the INA side will go directly to CGO Complex and Pragati Vihar via Lala Lajpat Rai Marg. It will also decongest Lodhi Road and Aurobindo Marg. Ramp B, which has been functional for a fortnight, is letting commuters take Barapullah from the Ashram side without having to travel till the bus terminus to take a U-turn towards the elevated Road. People travelling to central Delhi from Ashram, too, can hope for a relatively easy commute. As one goes up the ramp, another loop, ramp C, will fork out and go under the elevated road leading to ISBT, which is being renovated. This ramp will be kept closed till the renovation work is over. Once the 460-metre-long ramp opens, buses coming from the Ashram side will go directly to the bus stand instead of causing bottlenecks on Ring Road. Ramps B and G, being executed by PWD, will be inaugurated on Sunday by chief minister Arvind Kerjiwal. Demonetisation effect: Chinese travellers to India advised to bring enough sources of plastic money The Indian embassy has issued a travel advisory asking Chinese travellers to India to bring sufficiently funded international credit and debit cards during their visits. Heart travels 149km in 1 hour, 50 minutes Thanks to green corridor between Pune to Mulund, a teenager who needed a transplant urgently got his organ transported with ease. The distance of 149 km, which otherwise takes 2.45 hours, was covered in 1 hour and 50 minutes. Western Railways batsman Sagar Mishra hits six sixes in an over The left-hander, who made his First Class debut for Railways against Mumbai at the Wankhede last year, blasted nine sixes off the final 11 balls that he faced. 5 reasons why travelling solo is good for a girl with a broken heart If you are game to travel solo, it is a sign that you are ready to leave the past behind and move forward to start afresh. Here are few reasons why a solo trip might be the best thing that will do you good, mentally and emotionally. Passport authority has no power to curb travel: HC The Bombay High Court said on Wednesday that the passport authority did not have the right to decide whether an accused in a criminal case could travel abroad or not, and that right vests with a magistrate. Watch: Fidel Castros ashes travel across Cuba Concerned about American investment, Pakistan raised travel warning issue with US NEW DELHI: Concerned that US investment in Pakistan may be hit, Islamabad recently raised the issue of the travel warning advisory against it with Washington, a US State Department spokesman said today. John Kirby, the State Department spokesperson, also said that sectarian violence - mentioned in the travel warning - is a topic of discussion that we routinely have with Pakistan. Close to a 1,000 people have been killed in terror-related violence in Pakistan this year, according to the South Asia Terrorism Portal. Just last month, at least 60 people were killed and more than 190 people were injured in a terror attack at a police training college in Quetta. And in August, a bomb blast outside a hospital in Quetta killed at least 70 people. I think, without getting into specifics - and Ive said this before - Pakistani leaders know all too well the threats of extremism and terrorism inside their own borders because theyve lost too many soldiers, theyve lost too many citizens. So of course, we continue to have conversations with them about the extremist threat that resides inside of their own borders, Kirby said. On October 7, the US released a travel advisory in which the Department of State warned US citizens against all non-essential travel to Pakistan. Pakistan Travel Warning. The Department of State warns U. S. citizens against all non-essential travel to Pakistan. Pakistan continues to experience significant terrorist violence, including sectarian attacks. Throughout Pakistan, foreign and indigenous terrorist groups continue to pose a danger to U. S. citizens, reads the State Department advisory. Kirby today confirmed that Islamabad had raised the issue with Washington. They (Pakistan) did raise their concerns about the Travel Warning with us. (But) Heres a newsflash: Thats not uncommon when these things get issued. And we welcome discussion on that, but we have an obligation to keep Americans informed, Kirby said. He was responding to a question about whether, after the travel warning, US investors would go to Pakistan, which is seeking American investment in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and in the Gwadar port. Kirby also said the warning issued was not based on a specific threat and nor was it indicative of bilateral relations. But again, I think its really important for you and for people in Pakistan to understand what a Travel Warning is. It is simply providing, in this case, a routine update of general information so that they can make informed decisions about travelling - not not to go, just to be informed as they go. And Pakistan is not the only country in the world for which we have existing Travel Warnings, said Kirby. He added that this travel warning or any travel warning isnt meant to discourage people from actually travelling or doing legitimate business. Thats not the purpose of it at all, Kirby sought to clarify. Police await permission for travelling to Jalna to nab main accused The Jinsi police, investigating the forged voter identity cards case, are still awaiting approval from the top brass for sending a team to the neighbouring Jalna district to nab the key accused. To spread message of safe travel, GRP goes to your cable channel 9 clips will educate the public about dangers of trespassing, performing stunts and other safety-related issues Suburban train travellers seek card facility for ticket renewal While the Centre is advocating adoption of cashless transactions in the wake of demonetisation, Indian Railway seems to be taking baby steps towards the goal.

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