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Interessado Visite sucuri / website-firewall Copyright 2016, Sucuri LLC. Todos os direitos reservados. Termos de Serviço Política de Privacidade Perguntas cloudproxy sucuri Sobre a Conferência: O iGlobal Forum tem o prazer de anunciar a nossa 3ª Cúpula de Investimentos de Mercados Emergentes: os formuladores de políticas do BRIC para avaliar essas questões e apresentar estratégias de melhores práticas. Principais tópicos a serem abordados: Panorama geral: reconciliar as visões de curto versus longo prazo nos mercados emergentes Voltar aos BRICs: chiando ou fizzling Private equity de mercado emergente, capital de crescimento capital de risco Índices de mercados emergentes: alocações precisas ou exposições não intencionais 2012 Ser o ano da dívida dos mercados emergentes Inteligência dos investidores insights sobre os mercados emergentes Mercados de fronteira: adicionando especiarias à sua carteira de mercados emergentes Olhos abertos: os dez principais riscos de investir em mercados emergentes Qual é a melhor maneira de investir em mercados emergentes Rede com líderes: Fundos de Investimento Fundos Private Equity Capitalistas de Risco Fundos de Hedge Gerentes de Moeda Familiares Particulares de Alta Valor Gerentes de Carteira de Ativos Banqueiros de Investimento Companhias de Seguros Economistas Pesquisadores Fotos de Eventos Anteriores: Gerente de Carteira, Grupo Global de Renda Fixa PRINCIPAL GLOBAL INVESTORS Nick é uma carteira Gerente de Principal Global Fixed Income. Ele é responsável por carteiras de dívida de mercados emergentes. Nick ingressou na empresa em 2001. Anteriormente, atuou como analista junior responsável por títulos de renda fixa nas indústrias industrial, cíclica e de utilidade dentro do setor corporativo de grau de investimento. Ele recebeu um diploma de bacharel em finanças da Universidade do Norte de Iowa e seu MBA da Universidade de Iowa Global Head of Indices Steven passou 7 anos em bolsa no mercado australiano, com foco em derivativos de ações e produtos estruturados. Em 2002, mudou-se para o Reino Unido e juntou-se à Reuters UKI como Cliente Trainer, com base no Barclays Capital. Em 2006, ele deixou a Reuters para se juntar à StarMine e passou dois anos como gerente de conta para os gestores de ativos britânicos e europeus. No início de 2008 ele se mudou para Boston, onde dirigiu as funções de Gerenciamento de Contas e Atendimento ao Cliente da StarMine nas Américas. Após a fusão, ocupou diversos cargos na Unidade de Negócios Estratégicos de Gerenciamento de Investimentos - incluindo o Chefe Global de Gerenciamento de Negócios, Chefe de Gerenciamento de Investimentos na Ásia e, mais recentemente, trabalhou em um realinhamento organizacional dos negócios Quant Analytics e Índices. Senior Sovereign Analista AIG ASSET MANAGEMENT A Ashok tem mais de 15 anos de experiência em gestão de investimentos e análises de políticas focadas em mercados emergentes. No setor de investimentos, Ashok trabalhou na Invesco, Fidelity Investments e em vários hedge funds. Ashok também atuou no Departamento do Tesouro dos EUA, onde ajudou a coordenar a política econômica dos EUA com relação ao Afeganistão e ao Sul da Ásia e supervisionou o FMI e os empréstimos do Banco Mundial a essa região. Mais cedo em sua carreira, Ashok ajudou a estabelecer um Programa do Sul da Ásia no Centro de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (CSIS) e mais recentemente ajudou a iniciar o microfinanciamento sem fins lucrativos Unidos Prosperidade onde ele atua no Conselho. Ashok recebeu um diploma de bacharel da Duke University e um mestrado em política pública da Universidade de Harvard. NOKIA GROWTH PARTNERS Paul Asel, sócio-gerente da Nokia Growth Partners, traz mais de 25 anos de experiência em investimentos globais e mais de 15 anos de experiência em investimentos em mercados emergentes na China, Índia, Rússia e Europa. Durante este tempo seus investimentos realizados criaram mais de 1 bilhão de valor para os acionistas e ele aconselhou em aquisições e IPOs avaliados em mais de 7 bilhões. Ele é responsável por investimentos na Ásia e nos EUA e está ativamente envolvido em Ganji, Intermedia, KongZhong, Luminate, Madhouse, Network18, Techprocess e UCWeb. Antes de ingressar no Nokia Growth Partners em 2007, ele liderou investimentos em tecnologia na Ásia na International Finance Corporation. Mais cedo, Paul era Sócio Geral da Telos Venture Partners, uma empresa de risco em fase inicial no Vale do Silício, e vice-presidente sênior da Delta Capital, uma empresa internacional de private equity. Ele começou sua carreira na Merrill Lynch em finanças corporativas e fusões e aquisições. Ele recebeu um Mestrado em Administração de Empresas da Stanford Graduate School of Business e um Bacharel em Artes da Dartmouth College. Paul é co-autor de Upward Bound: Lições de como nove líderes alcançaram suas cimeiras. Ele é membro do Conselho Consultivo da Universidade de Baltimore e atuou como Professor Adjunto na Escola de Políticas Públicas George Mason. Justin Karol atuou como chefe de produto global para Global Depositary Notes (GDNs) no Citi desde 2009. Nesta função, Justin é o principal responsável pela estruturação e gestão dos programas da GDN, onde ele facilita o acesso off-shore à moeda local denominada em moeda local Títulos de dívida emitidos em economias de mercado emergentes. Antes de seu papel atual, Justin serviu como Chefe de Produto no Grupo de Produtos de Curto Prazo do Citi durante 4 anos e trabalhou em Vendas de Bônus do Governo dos EUA por 3 anos. Justin recebeu um diploma de Bacharelado em Ciências em Finanças da Escola de Negócios Kelley da Universidade de Indiana e um MBA da Fordham Graduate School of Business. Gerente de Produtos Globais, Grupo de Índices Florian Fischer é Gerente de Produto Global para o grupo de índices da Thomson Reuters. Suas responsabilidades incluem manutenção e desenvolvimento de produtos para os índices de commodities da Thomson Reuters, em particular a família de índices Thomson Reuters Jefferies CRB eo Thomson Reuters Continuous Commodity Index. Nos últimos três anos, ele também trabalhou em índices de ações, moeda e renda fixa personalizados. Florian tem um Bacharelado em Ciências em Filosofia e Economia pela London School of Economics, uma graduação em Econometria pela Universidade de Paris Sorbonne, E um mestrado em Economia pela Escola de Economia de Paris. Francis G. Rodilosso Gerente de Carteira de Renda Fixa O Sr. Rodilosso atua como gestor de carteira, renda fixa, nos Vetores de Mercado da Van Eck s corporativos de alto rendimento negociados em bolsa (ETFs). É responsável pela estratégia de portfólio, crédito e análise de mercado. Antes de ingressar na Van Eck, Rodilosso atuou como Diretor Gerente de Mercados Emergentes Globais com o Grupo Seaport, onde lançou os mercados emergentes de mercados emergentes de vendas e negócios de renda fixa. Experiência de carreira anterior inclui posições de gestão de carteira em Greylock Capital e Soundbrook Capital, onde ele se concentrou em empresas de alto rendimento e situações de angústia, com ênfase em mercados emergentes. Ele também ocupou posições de negociação de renda fixa sênior no Credit Lyonnais e no HSBC. O Sr. Rodilosso é um membro da CFA e membro da New York Society of Security Analysts. Ele recebeu um MBA em Finanças da Wharton School of Business e BA em História da Universidade de Princeton. John Leone é Diretor Gerente da PineBridge Investments e anteriormente serviu como Diretor Geral da PineBridge Investments Emerging Market Private Equity (ex Ásia). Em seu papel atual, Leone trabalha na execução de operações de private equity na América Latina, Europa Central e Oriental, Turquia, África e na antiga União Soviética. O Sr. Leone está envolvido ativamente em todos os assuntos relacionados a investimentos, incluindo a negociação de novos investimentos, estruturação e execução de transações, monitoramento de carteiras e reestruturações de empresas de portfólio. O Sr. Leone também é responsável por formações de fundos e assuntos operacionais do dia-a-dia do fundo. O Sr. Leone faz parte dos conselhos de administração do The Resource Group International e TRG Pakistan Limited, uma empresa listada na Bolsa de Valores de Karachi. Antes de ingressar na PineBridge Investments em 2004, o Sr. Leone era advogado da Kirkland Ellis LLP, onde assessorou clientes de private equity em aquisições alavancadas, investimentos em ações de crescimento e formações de fundos. O Sr. Leone ganhou um Juris Doctor, com Honras, da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade George Washington, onde foi membro da Law Review, e um Bacharel em Artes, Magna Cum Laude, da Universidade Estadual de Nova York em Binghamton. Managing Director Co-fundador MARCO POLO ASSET MANAGEMENT Shiva Ganapathy é Managing Director do Marco Polo Group, NY, e co-fundador da Marco Polo Asset Management, uma plataforma integrada de gerenciamento de investimentos com sede em Nova York. Shiva tem mais de 20 anos de mercados financeiros globais e experiência bancária, comprometendo capital de risco em uma variedade de classes de ativos, administrando tesouraria do banco, bem como executando negócios rentáveis internacionais de tamanho. Além disso, Shiva tem interesses académicos e de investigação e é actualmente um membro do corpo docente da Universidade de Michigan, Ann Arbor, onde ensina Engenharia Financeira para estudantes de pós-graduação. Antes de Marco Polo, ele foi Diretor Executivo Sênior da Structured Asset Management Company, Manuseio de linhas de negócios de crédito e Hedge Fund. E antes disso, Shiva foi Diretor Geral da Citigroup Global Markets, NY. Começando como um Associado de Gestão, ele passou a desenvolver uma notável carreira no Citi, ocupando posições-chave em diversos mercados (Ásia, CEEMEA e os Estados Unidos). Ele também foi instrumental no desenvolvimento de várias novas linhas de negócios (dívida em dificuldades, renda fixa local e mercados eletrônicos). Shiva é um aluno da Tepper School of Business (Carnegie Mellon University) e da London School of Economics. HAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT John Liu, ex-gerente de carteira do SAC, é o fundador da HAN Capital, um hedge fund, um fundo de investimento de commodities Natural Resources e uma firma de investimentos de private equity focada na grande região da China e nos mercados globais. A HAN Capital possui atualmente três fundos de investimento, o fundo de oportunidade quantitativa de ouro multi-estratégia da China, fundo de private equity e fundo de investimento global de recursos naturais, com foco em investir no ativo real e ativos financeiros do setor global de recursos naturais, Mineração, explorando a experiência e os mercados financeiros para gerar retorno em excesso para os investidores, importantes recursos estratégicos da mina para o crescimento econômico futuro da China, como ferro, níquel, cobre, ouro, carvão, metais não ferrosos e energia et al. Ele tem mais de 15 anos de Wall Street financeira. Antes, HAN Capital era um gerente de carteira de fundos de hedge e diretor-gerente de hedge funds, Steven Cohen s SAC e Rubicon. Antes disso, trabalhou nos principais bancos de investimento do mundo, incluindo o Citigroup, Credit Suisse e Nomura, liderando e gerenciando as carteiras de arbitragem de crédito e arbitragens estatísticas de ações. Na PSEG, ele gerenciou um grupo de estratégia quantitativa para apoiar negociação de commodities e energia, estruturação e precificação de derivativos exóticos e gerenciamento de risco de carteira. Ele recebeu PhD da University of Pennsylvania em Economia Financeira e PhD Candidate da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego. Ele é co-autor de um livro, Gestão de Risco para Instituições Financeiras publicado pela Risk Books em 1997. Vice-Presidente, Aquisições HARBOURVEST PARTNERS, LLC Mac Grayson juntou HarbourVest s principal parceria equipe como um associado em 2007 e tornou-se vice-presidente em 2011. Ele é Atualmente focada em investimentos de risco, aquisição, crédito e ativos reais dos EUA. Ele também está envolvido com cleantech e investimentos latino-americanos. Sua experiência anterior inclui três anos como analista financeiro no Grupo Global de Energia da Morgan Stanley em Nova York, onde assessorou empresas nacionais e internacionais de energia em fusões e aquisições, financiamentos e reestruturações. A outra experiência de Mac inclui um cargo na McMaster-Carr Supply Company, um estágio na divisão de Imóveis da Quilombo Empreendimentos e Participações em São Paulo, Brasil, e trabalhando como assistente de projetos imobiliários na Boston Redevelopment Authority. Ele recebeu um BA (cum laude) no governo da Harvard College em 2000 e um MBA da Harvard Business School em 2007. Curt é um parceiro no Silicon Valley Transaction Services Group com a PwC, tendo recentemente deslocado de Xangai, China e de San Francisco , CA em 2008. A experiência de transações da Curt inclui investigações de due diligence nacionais e internacionais para clientes buy-side, recapitalização de alavancagem e outras consultas de estruturação financeira, análises alternativas de investimentos estratégicos, consultas sobre modelagem de negócios, entrada no mercado e Para clientes multinacionais. Curt tem uma experiência significativa trabalhando em projetos transfronteiriços. Além de sua experiência recente na Ásia, durante 1995-1998, Curt trabalhou no escritório PwC Milão Itália, onde ele foi envolvido com várias privatizações, ofertas de dívida e joint ventures para grandes empresas privadas italianas e agências governamentais. Curt teve experiência significativa trabalhando com tecnologia e empresas de produtos de consumo e industriais ao longo de sua carreira, tendo trabalhado com compradores financeiros e estratégicos. Curt graduou-se da Universidade de Tufts em Boston, Massachusetts com um diploma duplo de Bacharel em Relações Internacionais e Economia. Ele tem seu mestrado em Administração de Empresas da Universidade de Manchester, no Reino Unido. Ele é um Contador Público Certificado nos Estados Unidos. VIY MANAGEMENT LLP (VIYM) Dmitry tem mais de 13 anos de experiência cumulativa de executivos sênior em finanças, produção industrial e varejo. Em novembro de 2011, ele se juntou ao VIYM como Chefe do Escritório de Investimentos de Moscou. Antes do VIYM Dmitry foi Diretor Geral Adjunto da Evolution Management LLC, Diretor Executivo da URALSIB Financial corporation e Diretor Geral da URALSIB Leasing. Ele também trabalhou em altos cargos executivos para empresas como o Dialog Optim Bank, Rossiyskiy Credit Bank. Dmitry foi Presidente do Conselho de Administração da National Factoring Company, do Grupo Deshoulieres, do Grupo Organik, do Grupo Polisad e também membro do Conselho de Administração da Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, o Registrador Nikoil. Dmitry é doutor em Economia e Finanças pela Universidade Tecnológica do Estado da Rússia (MATI). Ele é russo nativo e fluente em inglês. Gestor Global de Carteiras CARAVEL FUND (INTERNATIONAL) LTD. O Sr. Somek é o Gestor Global de Carteiras do Fundo Caravel (International) Ltd., um fundo global de mercados emergentes e fronteiriços focado unicamente para além dos BRICs. A Caglar é responsável por supervisionar a carteira da Caravel, acrescentando sua visão e experiência à análise de ações nos 30 mercados emergentes e fronteiriços do universo Caravel. Além disso, a Caglar ajuda a gerenciar uma equipe de seis analistas que têm responsabilidades de cobertura regional. Antes de ingressar na Caravel, Caglar foi Vice-Presidente, Analista de Investimentos Sênior da Goldman Sachs Asset Management International (2007 2008), com foco na região Ásia-Pacífico ex-Japão, com amplas responsabilidades em pesquisa, incluindo materiais básicos, energia e financeiro. A partir de 2005, Caglar trabalhou na Salomon Brothers Asset Management como Vice-Presidente, Analista de Investimentos, cobrindo os setores de commodities e bens de capital e apoiando todos os fundos de crescimento e valor de cap. Caglar também passou cinco anos (2000 2005) como Analista Global de Materiais Básicos e Especialista em Avaliações do Credit Suisse First Boston. Caglar foi criado na Turquia e fala fluentemente o turco eo francês. Ele é um CFA Charterholder, tem um M. A. em Economia Internacional e Finanças da Universidade Brandeis e um B. S. Em Economia, Banca, Finanças e Seguros pela Universidade de Paris IX Dauphine. Brian Whisler Brian Whisler é membro do Grupo de Investigações e Crimes Empresariais do Baker McKenzie e do Grupo Global Compliance. Ele é um líder regional nas áreas de crimes comerciais, investigações, conformidade corporativa e governança. O Sr. Whisler focaliza sua prática em investigações internas, conselhos regulatórios, defesa criminal de colarinho branco e litígios civis. Antes de se juntar a Baker McKenzie, o Sr. Whisler serviu como Assistente Criminal Chefe do Procurador Geral dos Estados Unidos em Richmond, Virgínia, Distrito Oriental da Virgínia, onde gerenciou a prática de julgamento criminal de mais de 25 promotores processando casos que variam entre crimes de colarinho branco, A corrupção pública e o terrorismo, e centrou sua própria prática de julgamento em processos de colarinho branco de fraude em serviços de saúde, fraude de títulos, lavagem de dinheiro e fraude fiscal. Ele também serviu por dez anos como Assistente do Procurador Geral dos Estados Unidos para o Distrito Oeste da Carolina do Norte, onde se concentrou em processos de colarinho branco e serviu como Chefe de Recursos e Coordenador de Fraudes em Cuidados de Saúde. O Sr. Whisler tem experiência em lidar com uma ampla gama de assuntos civis e criminais, incluindo Lei de Práticas de Corrupção Estrangeiras, Lei de sigilo bancário, lavagem de dinheiro, saúde, valores mobiliários e fraude de compras e questões de controles de exportação. Ele forneceu orientação em investigações, bem como consultoria regulatória para clientes multinacionais e nacionais em serviços de petróleo e gás, produtos farmacêuticos, serviços financeiros, manufatura e telecomunicações. Além disso, Whisler desenvolveu programas de conformidade para clientes corporativos da Fortune 50, empresas guiadas e indivíduos em investigações governamentais em várias jurisdições globais e defendido clientes em litígios criminais e civis. Kristina Matthews é fundadora e sócia-gerente da Rising Tide Fund Advisors LLC, entidade que atua na área de Relações com Investidores terceirizada e fornece serviços de colocação de fundos para vários fundos de private equity e hedge cuidadosamente selecionados . Antes de lançar a Rising Tide Fund Advisors, em junho de 2012, a Sra. Matthews foi Diretora Executiva da PineBridge Investments na Equipe de Investimento Direto de Private Equity da Europa Central e Oriental, onde dividiu seu tempo entre Nova York e escritórios na região da CEE. Ela foi a principal responsável pela gestão de Relações com Investidores e angariação de fundos, mas também participou integralmente na determinação da estratégia, no aprovisionamento de contratos e no trabalho sobre assuntos relacionados com as empresas do portfólio. Matthews se juntou originalmente à Pinebridge (então AIG Investments) em novembro de 2006 como Especialista em Produtos, lidando com Relações com Investidores e angariação de fundos para os fundos de private equity de empresas emergentes, e dada a presença local e diversificada de investidores, Atravessou o globo. A partir de março de 2000, até ingressar na PineBridge, trabalhou na Merrill Lynch como Gerente Regional de Vendas para Investimentos Alternativos e durante seu mandato, administrou a distribuição em várias regiões dos EUA, América Latina e Ásia / Pacífico. Antes de trabalhar na Merrill Lynch, a Sra. Matthews era uma coligada de alto rendimento e comerciante de valores em dificuldades com o BNP-Paribas, embora a maior parte da carreira inicial da Kristina tenha sido como Chefe de Vendas para Moedas e Derivados de Moeda. Ela trabalhou para BNP-Paribas (na época, BNP) nessa qualidade de 1992 a 1996 e UBS de 1988 a 1992. Kristina recebeu seu MBA em Economia e Finanças Internacionais da New York University Graduate School of Business e um B. S. Em Administração de Empresas da Northeastern University com um duplo Major em Finanças e Negócios Internacionais e um Menor em Economia. Ela é cidadã da Suécia e dos Estados Unidos e fala várias línguas. Dr. Harry G. Broadman Diretor Executivo Economista-Chefe e Líder, Mercados Emergentes Dr. Harry G. Broadman é Diretor Gerente da PwC e Economista-Chefe e Líder do Grupo de Práticas de Mercados Emergentes, Governança e Investimentos Internacionais da PwC. Sua carreira abrangeu todos os principais mercados emergentes, especialmente China, Rússia, Índia, Europa Oriental, Ásia Central, Bálcãs, África subsaariana, Vietnã, Tailândia e Mongólia. Os papéis precedentes incluem o economista principal de Albright Capital Management LLC, uma empresa internacional de gestão de investimentos de mercados emergentes co-presidida pelo ex-secretário de Estado e alto funcionário do Grupo do Banco Mundial que trabalha na China, nos Balcãs, na antiga União Soviética e na África Subsaariana África. REAL INFRASTRUCTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC O Sr. P ez é sócio-gerente da REAL Infrastructure Capital Partners LLC, uma empresa de gestão de investimentos que busca oportunidades de investimento no espaço de energias renováveis da América Latina e Caribe. Em sua experiência no setor, o Sr. P ez foi responsável por administrar e investir mais de 420 milhões de participação em investimentos em países como Colômbia, Per, Mxico, Honduras, Brasil, Jamaica, Costa Rica e Chile. A experiência do Sr. P ez envolveu todos os aspectos do negócio de private equity, tais como originação, gestão de ativos e desinvestimentos. Antes de estabelecer a REAL, o Sr. P ez era sócio da Conduit Capital Partners, com sede em Nova York, onde trabalhou por quase 11 anos. O Sr. P ez, Engenheiro Industrial da Universidad de los Andes (Colômbia) iniciou sua carreira na Colômbia enquanto trabalhava para o Banco de Bogot (Grupo Aval) e Fiduciaria Tequendama (de propriedade da Credicorp do Peru). O Sr. P ez ganhou seu MBA da escola de negócio de Londres em 1999. Estratega de negócio principal, mercados emergentes HSBC A GESTÃO GLOBAL do ATIVO Peter Marber foi um pioneiro na dívida dos mercados emergentes (EMD) desde 1987, e dirige atualmente a estratégia de negócio de EMD em HSBC Global Asset Gestão em Nova Iorque. Ele tem sido o arquiteto da premiada plataforma de EMD do HSBC desde 1993. Marber é um membro do corpo docente de pós-graduação da Universidade de Columbia desde 1993 e é autor de mais de 100 artigos e colunas sobre finanças internacionais e globalização. Seu primeiro livro, From Third World to World Class: O Futuro dos Mercados Emergentes na Economia Global, foi nomeado um livro de negócios top ten em 1998 pelos jornais Knight Ridder e foi chamado de futura referência de referência para The 24/7 Global Marketplace por Wired Revista em 2001. Seu segundo livro, o dinheiro muda tudo: como a prosperidade global está remodelando nossas necessidades, valores e estilos de vida, foi publicado pela Financial Time Prentice Hall em 2003. David Brooks do New York Times observou, Money Changes Tudo é um Excelente imprimação sobre os impressionantes efeitos sociais da globalização. Seu último livro, Seeing the Elephant: Understanding Globalization from Trunk to Tail, foi lançado em 2009 e seu mais novo livro, Brave New Math: New Economic Thinking na era global será publicado em 2012. David Kang é Managing Partner at Turtle Bay Capital, uma empresa de investimentos focada em recursos naturais e investimentos em energia na América Latina. David co-fundou a TBC e tem estado envolvido em todas as fases de desenvolvimento e operações da empresa. Anteriormente, David liderou investimentos em uma empresa de investimento corporativo focada em infra-estrutura em Boston, MA e foi consultor de estratégia com a empresa de portfólio Kleiner Perkins Viant. David é graduado pela Universidade Brandeis. Vice-Presidente e Estratégico de Moeda WELLS FARGO FOREIGN EXCHANGE Vassili Serebriakov é vice-presidente e estrategista de moeda para o Currency Strategy Group, parte da Wells Fargo Foreign Exchange (FX). Com sede em Nova York, Vassili apóia o grupo de câmbio mais amplo, fornecendo análises de mercados de câmbio importantes e emergentes, bem como contribuindo para previsões de FX e publicações sobre uma ampla gama de tópicos. Com a contribuição de Vassili, o grupo Wells Fargo Currency Strategy alcançou posições de destaque nos rankings dos analistas de câmbio mais precisos da indústria. Entre o início de 2011 e início de 2012, a Wells Fargo foi classificada pela Bloomberg como a mais precisa previsão de moeda global para três dos cinco trimestres. Para 2011, Wells Fargo também foi classificado como o precursor de moeda global mais preciso pela Reuters. Antes de ingressar na Wells Fargo, Vassili foi analista sênior na consultoria econômica líder 4Cast, com foco principalmente nas principais moedas. Possui extensa experiência profissional e acadêmica em ambientes multiculturais e em vários países como a Suíça, Alemanha e Rússia. Ele é fluente em russo e francês. Vassili recebeu um B. A. Graduação em negócios internacionais pela European Business School em Londres e um mestrado em economia internacional com uma concentração em macroeconomia internacional pelo Instituto de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Internacionais em Genebra, na Suíça. Ele também é um CFA titular da carta. Vassili aparece na televisão de negócios e em mídia como Bloomberg, CNBC e Reuters, e sua pesquisa é citada freqüentemente em publicações financeiras como The Wall Street Journal e The Financial Times. PEPPER HAMILTON LLP James D. Rosener é sócio do Departamento Comercial da Pepper Hamilton LLP. O Sr. Rosener lidera o Grupo de Prática Internacional da empresa, é sócio-gerente do escritório de Nova York e atuou como membro do Comitê Executivo da empresa. Sua prática é dedicada principalmente a transações internacionais, private equity, fusões e aquisições e financiamento corporativo. O Sr. Rosener representou fundos de private equity nacionais e estrangeiros em transações em mais de 70 países em todo o mundo, incluindo aquisições de plataformas e de acompanhamento, aquisições angustiadas, incluindo falências, cortes corporativos e reestruturações. Ele também representou empresas com sede nos Estados Unidos em transações em toda a Europa, América Latina e Ásia (em particular Índia e China), bem como várias empresas européias, indianas, sul-americanas e japonesas em operações de fusão e aquisição, financiamento e licenciamento envolvendo os Estados Unidos Estados-Membros. Morris F. DeFeo, Jr. Sócio, Chefe de Prática de MENA CROWELL MORING LLP Morris F. DeFeo, Jr. é um sócio no Grupo Corporativo de Crowell Moring eo Chefe de Prática de MENA da empresa. Sua prática abrange todas as facetas de finanças corporativas, fusões e aquisições, joint ventures, roll-ups e transações de valores mobiliários por conta de imóveis, tecnologia da informação, software, Internet, tecnologia de defesa, telecomunicações e outros clientes, incluindo empresas emergentes e novas empresas entrantes , Nos Estados Unidos, Europa, Oriente Médio, Brasil, Índia e Extremo Oriente. Morris representa corporações públicas e privadas, parcerias, sociedades de responsabilidade limitada, fundos de investimentos imobiliários (REITs) e outros clientes em conexão com ofertas públicas e privadas de títulos de dívida e ações, incluindo ofertas públicas iniciais e ofertas registradas em prateleira, Joint ventures, fusões, aquisições e alienações de ativos e ações, listagens de câmbio e conformidade com os requisitos de registro, solicitação de procuração e relatórios periódicos das leis de valores mobiliários dos EUA. Como conselheiro geral externo para empresas públicas, Morris também fornece orientação sobre os complexos e abrangentes requisitos da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley, incluindo aqueles relacionados ao controle interno da seção 404 sobre relatórios financeiros, controles de divulgação e governança. Morris recebeu seu B. A. Cum laude, da Universidade da Pensilvânia em 1981 e seu J. D. da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Boston em 1984, onde ele era um erudito de Edward J. Hennessey e um erudito de G. Joseph Tauro. Morris é um membro do Distrito de Columbia e bares de Maryland. Richard S. Ross, Estratega Técnico Global da CMT AUERBACH GRAYSON E COMPANY, INC. O Sr. Ross é o Estratega Técnico Global da Auerbach Grayson, uma corretora com sede em Nova York, especializada em Mercados Emergentes Globais. Ele publica estratégia macro técnica, comentários de mercado e recomendações comerciais específicas para clientes institucionais. Seu universo de cobertura inclui moedas, commodities, taxas de juros e principais índices em mais de 128 países ao redor do mundo. Ao longo de sua carreira de 17 anos em Wall Street, Ross trabalhou como um fabricante de mercado de ações, comerciante proprietário e analista técnico. Ele possui MBA em Finanças da Stern School of Business da NYU e um BBA da Emory University. Seu comentário foi apresentado no Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Barron s, Forbes, Dinheiro Inteligente, Fortune, CNN Money e theStreet. Além disso, ele apareceu na TV e Rádio em todo o mundo em toda a Ásia, Índia, Europa e Américas. Diretor Geral, Chefe de Private Equity A ASSOCIAÇÃO DE SEGUROS DE VIDA DE AMERICA David Turner é Diretor Gerente e Chefe de Private Equity para a Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Ele ingressou na equipe de investimentos da Guardian em junho de 2007 para liderar a implantação e o desenvolvimento de sua iniciativa de investimento em private equity. Ele tem mais de 25 anos de experiência em investimentos de private equity e gestão de carteiras. David tem originado e conduziu mais de 90 investimentos de capital privado totalizando cerca de 4,7 bilhões em capital comprometido e carteiras administradas totalizando mais de 17,5 bilhões em compromissos acumulados. Esses investimentos incluem capital de risco, parcerias de compra e parcerias especiais e distribuições de ações de pequena capitalização, bem como investimentos diretos e co-investimentos em várias empresas de médio porte, em fase inicial e de crescimento. David liderou investimentos no mercado interno dos EUA, bem como nos mercados internacionais desenvolvidos e emergentes. Anteriormente, David passou cinco anos e meio no WestLB Mellon Asset Management como Sócio Geral e mais tarde como CEO e CIO de seu Private Equity Group. Antes do WestLB Mellon, David foi Diretor da Divisão de Investimentos Alternativos e Gerente de Carteira Sênior da Divisão de Investimentos Alternativos do Estado de Michigan Retirement System. David apresentou e falou em muitos seminários e conferências da indústria da equidade privada e ganhou um B. A. De SUNY em Geneseo. Morgan C. Harting Gerente de Carteira Sênior Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Team Líder Morgan C. Harting co-chefes da equipe de Multi-Asset mercados emergentes. Ele é responsável pela criação, design e gestão diária da estratégia investindo em equidade, dívida e moeda. O papel de Harting como Gerente de Carteira Sênior para Valor de Mercados Emergentes e sua participação na equipe mais ampla de Valor Global complementam essas responsabilidades. Ele começou sua carreira em mercados emergentes como analista de crédito focado em países emergentes da Standard Poor's e depois na Fitch Ratings, onde era diretor sênior. Harting ganhou um BA da Universidade Wesleyan e um mestrado e MBA da Universidade de Yale, onde ele era um professor de pós-graduação em economia internacional. Ele é um membro da CFA e um Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). Localização: New York. Co-Founder Managing Director FRONTAURA CAPITAL LLC Nick Padgett co-founded Frontaura Capital LLC in July 2007 after researching and visiting frontier companies and stock exchanges in Africa. Since its founding, Frontaura has established itself as one of the world s best performing global frontier market funds, gaining 25 after fees from its investing inception in November 2007 through December 2011, a period during which the MSCI Frontier Markets Index lost 46 on a total returns basis. The global business media frequently quotes Mr. Padgett and he is often a conference speaker on the subject of frontier markets. The genesis of Frontaura was conceived when Mr. Padgett took a two-year career sabbatical, culminating in a 65-country around-the-world extended honeymoon with his wife. Prior to this, Mr. Padgett was involved with Inforte Corp. a global technology consulting firm. Mr. Padgett provided the seed capital to launch the business in 1993 and he served as a member of the board of directors and was one of the largest shareholders through 2003. Mr. Padgett joined Inforte full-time in 1997 as chief financial officer, a position he held through 2003. He coordinated the company s initial public offering in 2000. Prior to its IPO, Inforte was one of the fastest growing US private companies, placing 14 on the 1999 Inc. 500 list. During the technology downturn that followed, the American Business Awards named Mr. Padgett as Financial Executive of the Year in 2003, highlighting his ability to accurately forecast revenue, manage costs, and meet earnings guidance in an environment that bankrupted many direct competitors. Prior to Inforte, Mr. Padgett worked as a sell-side research analyst at investment bank William Blair Company, covering technology stocks from 1994 through 1997. He graduated in 1994 with an MBA from The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College. Prior to business school, he worked as a consultant for Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), with assignments in Chicago, London, and Manila. Mr. Padgett graduated summa cum laude and as co-valedictorian from Western Illinois University in 1988 with a BS in computer science and minors in math and finance. He has held the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation since 1997. Clifford Quisenberry, Jr. CARAVAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Mr. Quisenberry brings to bear more than 20 years of experience in the investment management industry, including over 16 years of experience managing portfolios of emerging market equities. He currently is the Chief Investment Officer of Caravan Capital Management, manager of The Emerging Frontiers Fund, a top performing private fund dedicated to frontier and early stage frontier emerging markets which has outperformed its benchmark by over 1200 basis points per annum in its three year history. Mr. Quisenberry began his career in 1987 at Fred Alger Management in New York as a research associate, was a Vice President and portfolio manager at Cutler Company. In 1994 he joined Parametric, a Seattle-based subsidiary of Eaton Vance, and became Parametric s Director of Research and chief of emerging market strategies. As the portfolio manager of the Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Emerging Markets Fund (EITEX), his fund achieved a consistent, top-decile ranking and obtained a 5-star Morningstar rating until his departure in 2007. Mr. Quisenberry is particularly recognized as a pioneer in the structured emerging markets approach and as an early proponent of frontier emerging markets which he introduced into Parametric s emerging market strategy in 1997. He has been published in Pensions Investments and The Journal of Wealth Management, interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News and CNBC, and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences. Mr. Quisenberry holds a BA degree in economics from Yale University with a Distinction in Economics and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Founding Principal Managing Member CAERUS EMERGING MARKETS, LLC Rudy Amoresano is the Managing Member and founding Principal of Caerus Management, LLC ( Caerus ), an investment management firm that he organized in 2009 to specialize in emerging markets investments. Caerus Emerging Markets, LLC is the General Partner for Caerus Emerging Markets Opportunity Fund, LP. Rudy is responsible for the implementation of the investment strategy including idea generation and research, due diligence, portfolio construction and monitoring of the overall portfolio. Mr. Amoresano has accumulated over 25 years of specialized experience in Emerging Markets, having invested and advised clients during all of the financial market cycles and crises since the mid-1980s. He has held a variety of financial positions that have provided him with extensive investment experience, broad international contacts as well as the ability to run businesses. He has managed up to 2 billion of investments in emerging markets including fixed income and equities. Prior to forming Caerus in January 2009, Mr. Amoresano spent a decade in the hedge fund community, following 15 years of international banking experience, developing contacts in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. His most recent experience was at Greylock Capital Management in New York (2007-2008) where he served on the pricing committee and in an advisory role from October 2007 until March 2008 and as portfolio manager from March 2008 through December, 2008. He previously served as Managing Director at Contrarian Capital Management in Greenwich, CT. (Sept. 2005-March 2007) where he focused on the emerging markets portfolio. He spent the prior six years as a principal of Frontier Investments in New York (June 1999-Sept. 2005), advising clients during the financial crises in Russia, Argentina and Brazil. Mr. Amoresano s international banking experience included three global banks: Nomura Holdings America in New York (1993-1999), serving as Portfolio Manager and Managing Director of the proprietary global emerging markets unit Banco Santander in New York (1989-1993), serving as Vice President, Emerging Markets and Manufacturers Hanover Trust (1983-1989), where he co-created the bank s emerging markets trading, advisory and product initiative. Mr. Amoresano earned a B. S. in Business Administration from Arizona State University in 1983. He has completed N. A.S. D. Series 7, 63, 24 and 8 registrations. Mr. Amoresano is an Argentine-born naturalized U. S. citizen, fluent in Spanish and has been a speaker at Emerging Markets conferences throughout the world. Emerging Markets Economist/Debt Strategist LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT Katerina Alexandraki is an Economist at Lazard Asset Management s Emerging Markets Debt team. Prior to joining Lazard, Katerina spent 3 years as senior portfolio manager at Alliance-Bernstein s Currency Strategies Group, which ran long-short currency investment strategies. Before that she spent 6 years at the International Monetary Fund, working in the design and implementation of IMF programs, mostly in Latin America. While at the IMF, she also did research on balance of payments and exchange-rate vulnerabilities in emerging markets. Katerina has an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a BA in Physics and Philosophy from Oxford University. Director, Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy Jennifer Delaney is a Director at UBS working on the Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy Team. The team manages cross country and sector views across the emerging markets universe and maintain a 40 stock recmmended portfolio. Thematic research interests include corporate governance in GEM and the Frontier markets. The team was ranked 1 in Extel in 2011. Jennifer joined UBS in 2004 and during her tenure has worked in a number of roles within strategy research including in developed market equity strategy and the cross-asset global asset allocation team. She began her career in London, moving to the US with UBS in 2006. Jennifer graduated from Cambridge University with a BA Hons in Economics. She is a CFA charterholder. Chief Investment Officer Director of Research EMERGING GLOBAL ADVISORS Richard Kang has served as Chief Investment Officer and Director of Research at Emerging Global Investors since its founding in September 2008. He has been active in both institutional and individual asset/risk management for eighteen years with extensive experience in alternative asset classes, especially hedge funds and managed futures. Mr. Kang began his career at Guardian Timing Services, a Toronto based hedge fund focused on global macro and GTAA strategies including the very early use of ETFs. In late 2002, Mr. Kang co-founded Meridian Global Investors ( Meridian ), an investment counseling firm and thereafter Quadrexx Asset Management, a Toronto based fund-of-hedge funds. More recently, Mr. Kang co-founded and was CIO of ETFx Indexes LLC, a boutique index provider focused on alternative investments and strategies. Mr. Kang received his degree in mathematics from the University of Waterloo in Canada, is an associate editor of Institutional Investors Journal of Index Investing and is an adjunct professor at NYU. Lawrence S. Speidell, CFA Chief Investment Officer FRONTIER MARKET ASSET MANAGEMENT Larry Speidell is founding Partner, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Frontier Market Asset Management, sponsor of the Frontier Market Select Fund, which invests in frontier stock markets around the world. He travels widely and has recently researched companies in many places, including Abu Dhabi, Bangladesh, Botswana, Cote d Ivoire, Dubai, Ghana, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan, Qatar, Senegal, Trinidad Tobago, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Zambia. From 2003 to 2006 he was Executive Vice President at Laffer Associates, an investment management and economic research firm. Prior to joining Art Laffer, Larry was a Partner and Director of Global Research and Management at Nicholas Applegate where he launched the firm s emerging markets products and developed and enhanced the firm s international and global quantitative disciplines. Larry also spent eleven years as a Trustee at Batterymarch Financial Management where he was a portfolio manager for domestic and international strategies, was responsible for one of the first equity funds in China and worked on the development of a fund for Russia. As Senior Vice President and portfolio manager at Putnam Management Company from 1971 to 1983, Larry served as a member of that firm s Investment Policy Committee. He is a past president of the Boston Securities Analysts Society and a past director of the Investor Responsibility Research Center in Washington, D. C. Prior to the investment business, Larry earned his B. E. in Mechanical Engineering from Yale University and his M. B.A. from Harvard University and served as a submarine officer in the U. S. Navy. Mr. Levitt joined Pomona in 2007 and focuses on investment analysis. He has eight years of private equity experience. Prior to joining Pomona, Mr. Levitt was an Investment Professional at GE Equity managing deal execution and underwriting in the Energy, Healthcare and Financial Services sectors. Previously, he was an analyst in General Electric Company s Financial Management Program, completing rotational assignments in Aviation Services and Aircraft Engines, Commercial Finance and Corporate Financial Services. Mr. Levitt received a BS from Boston College. Managing Director Chief Economist for Latin America Gray Newman is Managing Director for Morgan Stanley in New York, which he joined in 2000. As Chief Economist for Latin America he is in charge of all Latin American macro-economic research. The Latin American Economics team s research is used by the fixed income, as well as the FX, equity and investment banking groups within Morgan Stanley. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Mr. Newman was Senior Latin America Economist at Merrill Lynch through June 2000. Prior to that, Mr. Newman was Chief Economist for Latin America for the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC) in New York. Before working at HSBC, Mr. Newman was Senior Economist for Interacciones Casa de Bolsa, a Mexico City-based brokerage house. Mr. Newman is regularly cited by the financial press on Latin American economic trends. He was ranked 1 as Latin American Economist in the 2011, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 and 2002 Institutional Investor polls. Chief Investment Officer, Private Equity Group INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (IFC) Founder and Managing Partner JINA VENTURES INC. Mr. Shah has worked in Indian private equity for the past 10 years. Mr. Shah founded Jina Ventures in 2003 as a private equity firm exclusively focused on India. Jina Ventures advised on several notable Indian transactions in its first two years, including the early development of MakeMyTrip (recently listed on Nasdaq). Jina launched its first India-focused private equity fund in 2005. The Fund invested in 12 Indian companies and produced 11 exits in 4 years, with over 40 IRR. The current fund of 200M, the Jina Strategic Growth Fund, is focused on special-situations private equity investments in India. Over his career, Mr. Shah has sat on the board of directors of six Indian companies, four US companies and a variety of non-profit and start-up ventures. Mr. Shah began his career in Indian private equity transactions while working for Resurgence Capital and Quantum in New York. In 2010, Mr. Shah won a 40 under 40 award from M A Advisor and was appointed as an official contributor on emerging markets for CNBC. Mr. Shah received his BA from the George Washington University and his MBA from New York University s Stern School of Business. Vice President and Global Emerging Markets Economist WELLS FARGO COMPANY Aryam V zquez is the Global Emerging Markets Economist for Wells Fargo Country Risk Management Group, conducting indepth economic, political and financial market analysis on the principal emerging markets and assessing and managing country risk conditions across the global emerging markets. Mr. V zquez s work supports Wells Fargo s FX team, the Capital Markets Group, Wells Fargo Securities and the Global Bank. He has held this position since 2008. Before joining Wells Fargo, Mr. V zquez directed all global emerging market economic and financial market research at Informa Global Markets writing and advising on macroeconomic trends, political developments and trading ideas across Asia, CEEMEA and Latin America. Mr. V zquez began his career with Weston Financial Services in 1995 as an emerging markets economic analyst. He later joined Dexia, serving as a sovereign risk analyst responsible for number of credits in Asia, CEEMEA and Latin America. In 2000, Mr. V zquez joined IDEA Global, a leading global economic research and advisory firm, as Latin American Economist, covering a host of credits in the region, in support of trading execution across the local and external markets. Mr. V zquez was born in Havana, Cuba, and immigrated to the US in 1980. He graduated from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, with a B. A. in international economics in 1995, and from Columbia University with an M. A. in economics and international affairs in 2007. He is a frequent contributor to Bloomberg News, REUTERS, CNBC, BBC and CNNfn, as well as a number of prominent newspapers in the US and throughout the world. Timothy J. Seymour TRIOGEM ASSET MANAGEMENT Tim Seymour is a co-founder and Managing Partner at Triogem Asset Management, a firm formed in 2008, focusing on long short emerging market equity investments. At Triogem, Tim is a PM and member of the Investment Committee. Triogem approaches EM with a bottom up, low volatility approach, that emphasizes stock picking and superior risk adjusted returns. Triogem manages long short and long only equity products. Tim is also the host of CNBC s Emerging Market program, Trading the Globe and a trader on Fast Money . Tim also founded EmergingMoney , a site focused on extending the reach of emerging market news and investment concepts. Mr. Seymour has over 16 years of global and emerging market s investment experience in both equity and fixed income. Mr. Seymour has spent significant time living and investing through the major crises and booms that have unfolded in EM, including significant time on the ground in Russia through the devaluation and default in 1998. Prior to Triogem, Tim was a Managing Partner at Red Star Asset Management (Moscow, New York), which was focused on low volatility, multi-strat investing across Russia and the CIS. Prior to Red Star, Seymour was a Partner and Managing Director for seven years at Troika Dialog, Russia s largest investment bank. Seymour moved to Moscow in 1998 as Head of Fixed income, and was later appointed Global Head of Sales for all products. In January 2000, Seymour moved from Moscow to New York to found Troika Dialog USA, a full-service FINRA/SEC regulated brokerage firm and subsidiary of Troika Dialog Group. Seymour started his career at UBS in New York, focusing on international credit (cash, swaps, forex) in a specialized hedge fund group. Seymour completed the firm s training program after graduating with an MBA in international finance from Fordham University. Seymour received his undergraduate degree at Georgetown University. CEO/CIO Portfolio Manager GREENHEART CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC Prior to founding Greenheart Capital Partners, Matt was a Managing Director at Shumway Capital Partners (SCP) from 2005 to 2009. During his tenure at SCP, he was head of Global TMT and EM/Asia teams responsible for covering significant emerging markets exposure in SCP s portfolios. Before joining SCP, Matt served as a Managing Director in High Yield Cable/Telecom research at Merrill Lynch from 1999 to 2004. During that time, he was ranked by Institutional Investor as one of the top analysts for four consecutive years. Previously, Matt was with Wasserstein Perella, where he worked as a Research Associate covering the wireless industry. He served as a First Lieutenant in the United States Army, where he worked in Military Intelligence from 1993 to 1995 and in the Airborne Infantry from 1984 to 1986. Matt received his MBA from the University of Southern California in 1997 and his B. S. in Finance and Economics from Indiana University in 1990. He is proficient in Mandarin Chinese and attended graduate school at Fudan University in Shanghai (1996). Sponsors BIG PICTURE: RECONCILING THE SHORT VS. LONG-TERM VIEWS ON EMERGING MARKETS What s the near-term outlook for emerging markets Is the current slowdown just a blip in a positive long-term trend Can we really expect the rapid growth rates of the past to continue How much depends on U. S. European recovery Clarifying the differences between emerging, converging and frontier markets where s the smart money going Macroeconomic, geopolitical and regulatory issues impacting emerging markets: what lies ahead How might the 2012 U. S. elections and new leadership in China affect the prognosis for emerging market investments Current correlations of emerging market investments to those in the U. S. including stocks, bonds and private equity. Vice President and Global Emerging Markets Economist WELLS FARGO COMPANY Aryam V zquez is the Global Emerging Markets Economist for Wells Fargo Country Risk Management Group, conducting indepth economic, political and financial market analysis on the principal emerging markets and assessing and managing country risk conditions across the global emerging markets. Mr. V zquez s work supports Wells Fargo s FX team, the Capital Markets Group, Wells Fargo Securities and the Global Bank. He has held this position since 2008. Before joining Wells Fargo, Mr. V zquez directed all global emerging market economic and financial market research at Informa Global Markets writing and advising on macroeconomic trends, political developments and trading ideas across Asia, CEEMEA and Latin America. Mr. V zquez began his career with Weston Financial Services in 1995 as an emerging markets economic analyst. He later joined Dexia, serving as a sovereign risk analyst responsible for number of credits in Asia, CEEMEA and Latin America. In 2000, Mr. V zquez joined IDEA Global, a leading global economic research and advisory firm, as Latin American Economist, covering a host of credits in the region, in support of trading execution across the local and external markets. Mr. V zquez was born in Havana, Cuba, and immigrated to the US in 1980. He graduated from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, with a B. A. in international economics in 1995, and from Columbia University with an M. A. in economics and international affairs in 2007. He is a frequent contributor to Bloomberg News, REUTERS, CNBC, BBC and CNNfn, as well as a number of prominent newspapers in the US and throughout the world. Timothy J. Seymour TRIOGEM ASSET MANAGEMENT Tim Seymour is a co-founder and Managing Partner at Triogem Asset Management, a firm formed in 2008, focusing on long short emerging market equity investments. At Triogem, Tim is a PM and member of the Investment Committee. Triogem approaches EM with a bottom up, low volatility approach, that emphasizes stock picking and superior risk adjusted returns. Triogem manages long short and long only equity products. Tim is also the host of CNBC s Emerging Market program, Trading the Globe and a trader on Fast Money . Tim also founded EmergingMoney , a site focused on extending the reach of emerging market news and investment concepts. Mr. Seymour has over 16 years of global and emerging market s investment experience in both equity and fixed income. Mr. Seymour has spent significant time living and investing through the major crises and booms that have unfolded in EM, including significant time on the ground in Russia through the devaluation and default in 1998. Prior to Triogem, Tim was a Managing Partner at Red Star Asset Management (Moscow, New York), which was focused on low volatility, multi-strat investing across Russia and the CIS. Prior to Red Star, Seymour was a Partner and Managing Director for seven years at Troika Dialog, Russia s largest investment bank. Seymour moved to Moscow in 1998 as Head of Fixed income, and was later appointed Global Head of Sales for all products. In January 2000, Seymour moved from Moscow to New York to found Troika Dialog USA, a full-service FINRA/SEC regulated brokerage firm and subsidiary of Troika Dialog Group. Seymour started his career at UBS in New York, focusing on international credit (cash, swaps, forex) in a specialized hedge fund group. Seymour completed the firm s training program after graduating with an MBA in international finance from Fordham University. Seymour received his undergraduate degree at Georgetown University. Brian L. Whisler Brian Whisler is a member of Baker McKenzie s Investigations and Business Crimes Group, and Global Compliance Group. He is a regional leader in the areas of business crimes, investigations, corporate compliance and governance. Mr. Whisler focuses his practice on internal investigations, regulatory advice, white collar criminal defense and civil litigation. Prior to joining Baker McKenzie, Mr. Whisler served as the Criminal Chief Assistant United States Attorney in Richmond, Virginia, Eastern District of Virginia, where he managed the criminal trial practice of over 25 prosecutors handling cases ranging from white collar crime, violent crime, public corruption and terrorism, and focused his own trial practice on white collar prosecutions of health care fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and tax fraud. He also served for ten years as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina where he focused on white collar prosecutions and served as Chief of Appeals and Health Care Fraud Coordinator. Mr. Whisler is experienced in handling a broad range of civil and criminal matters, including Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Bank Secrecy Act, money laundering, health care, securities, and procurement fraud, and export controls issues. He has provided guidance in investigations as well as regulatory advice to multinational and domestic clients in oil and gas services, pharmaceuticals, financial services, manufacturing, and telecommunications. Additionally, Mr. Whisler has developed compliance programs for Fortune 50 corporate clients, guided companies and individuals in government investigations in multiple global jurisdictions and defended clients in criminal and civil litigation. BACK TO THE BRICS: SIZZLING OR FIZZLING Revisiting the BRICs in the new financial landscape: which BRIC(s) currently offer the best risk-adjusted returns Brazil: still attractive despite macroeconomic and inflationary concerns and policy inconsistencies Russia: is perceived vs. actual risk overblown Is now the time to take advantage of attractive valuations India: is the investment environment as negative as the analysts proclaim Should only long-term investors apply China: is the slowdown in growth temporary or permanent What impact will new leadership have on China s future VIY MANAGEMENT LLP (VIYM) Dmitry has more than 13 years of cumulative senior executive experience in finance, industrial production and retail. In November 2011 he joined VIYM as Head of Moscow Investment Office. Prior to VIYM Dmitry served as Deputy Director General for Evolution Management LLC, Executive Director for URALSIB Financial corporation and General Director for URALSIB Leasing. He also worked in top executive positions for such companies as Dialog Optim Bank, Rossiyskiy Credit Bank. Dmitry was Chairman of the Board of Directors for National Factoring Company, Deshoulieres Group, Organik Group, Polisad Group and also a member of the Board of Directors for Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, Registrar Nikoil. Dmitry holds a PhD in Economics and Finance from the Russian State Technological University (MATI). He is native Russian and fluent in English. NOKIA GROWTH PARTNERS Paul Asel, Managing Partner, Nokia Growth Partners, brings more than 25 years of global investment experience and over 15 years emerging markets investment experience in China, India, Russia and Europe. During this time his realized investments have created over 1 billion value for shareholders and he has advised on acquisitions and IPOs valued at over 7 billion. He is responsible for investments in Asia and the U. S. and is actively involved in Ganji, Intermedia, KongZhong, Luminate, Madhouse, Network18, Techprocess and UCWeb. Prior to joining Nokia Growth Partners in 2007, he led technology investments in Asia at the International Finance Corporation. Earlier, Paul was a General Partner at Telos Venture Partners, an early stage venture firm in Silicon Valley, and Senior Vice President at Delta Capital, an international private equity firm. He began his career with Merrill Lynch in corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions. He received a Masters in Business Administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Bachelor of Arts from Dartmouth College. Paul is co-author of Upward Bound: Lessons of How Nine Leaders Achieved their Summits. He is an Advisory Board member at the University of Baltimore and has served as an Adjunct Professor at the George Mason School of Public Policy. Managing Director Chief Economist for Latin America Gray Newman is Managing Director for Morgan Stanley in New York, which he joined in 2000. As Chief Economist for Latin America he is in charge of all Latin American macro-economic research. The Latin American Economics team s research is used by the fixed income, as well as the FX, equity and investment banking groups within Morgan Stanley. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Mr. Newman was Senior Latin America Economist at Merrill Lynch through June 2000. Prior to that, Mr. Newman was Chief Economist for Latin America for the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC) in New York. Before working at HSBC, Mr. Newman was Senior Economist for Interacciones Casa de Bolsa, a Mexico City-based brokerage house. Mr. Newman is regularly cited by the financial press on Latin American economic trends. He was ranked 1 as Latin American Economist in the 2011, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 and 2002 Institutional Investor polls. Founder and Managing Partner JINA VENTURES INC. Mr. Shah has worked in Indian private equity for the past 10 years. Mr. Shah founded Jina Ventures in 2003 as a private equity firm exclusively focused on India. Jina Ventures advised on several notable Indian transactions in its first two years, including the early development of MakeMyTrip (recently listed on Nasdaq). Jina launched its first India-focused private equity fund in 2005. The Fund invested in 12 Indian companies and produced 11 exits in 4 years, with over 40 IRR. The current fund of 200M, the Jina Strategic Growth Fund, is focused on special-situations private equity investments in India. Over his career, Mr. Shah has sat on the board of directors of six Indian companies, four US companies and a variety of non-profit and start-up ventures. Mr. Shah began his career in Indian private equity transactions while working for Resurgence Capital and Quantum in New York. In 2010, Mr. Shah won a 40 under 40 award from M A Advisor and was appointed as an official contributor on emerging markets for CNBC. Mr. Shah received his BA from the George Washington University and his MBA from New York University s Stern School of Business. PEPPER HAMILTON LLP James D. Rosener is a partner in the Commercial Department of Pepper Hamilton LLP. Mr. Rosener heads the firm s International Practice Group, is managing partner of the New York office and has served as a member of the firm s Executive Committee. His practice is devoted primarily to international transactions, private equity, mergers and acquisitions and corporate financing. Mr. Rosener has represented domestic and foreign private equity funds in transactions in over 70 countries throughout the world, including platform and follow-on acquisitions, distressed buyouts, including in bankruptcy, corporate carve-outs and restructurings. He also has represented U. S.-based companies in transactions throughout Europe, Latin America and Asia (particularly, India and China), as well as several European, Indian, South American and Japanese companies in merger and acquisitions, financing and licensing transactions involving the United States. EMERGING MARKET PRIVATE EQUITY, GROWTH CAPITAL AND VENTURE CAPITAL Fundraising facts and figures: of total deals in emerging markets breakdown by fund location, type, sector terms Which emerging economies will generate the best long-term results while providing ample deal-flow exit options Identifying and steering clear of overshopped, overcapitalized, and overcrowded markets Investing in infrastructure opportunities in traditional renewable energy, transportation, communications utilities Boosting returns via direct and co-investment strategies vs. traditional private equity funding models Will M A and IPO markets keep pace with the volume of capital being deployed by PE funds in emerging markets REAL INFRASTRUCTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC Mr P ez is a Managing Partner of REAL Infrastructure Capital Partners LLC, an investment management firm seeking investment opportunities in the Latin American and Caribbean renewable energy space. In his experience in the sector Mr. P ez has been responsible for managing and investing more than 420 million of equity in investments in countries including Colombia, Per , M xico, Honduras, Brazil, Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Chile. Mr. P ez s experience has involved all aspects of the private equity business such as origination, asset management and divestments. Prior to establishing REAL, Mr. P ez was a partner at New York based Conduit Capital Partners where he worked for close to 11 years. Mr P ez, an Industrial Engineer from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) started his career in Colombia while working for Banco de Bogot (Grupo Aval) and Fiduciaria Tequendama (owned by Credicorp of Peru). Mr P ez earned his MBA degree from London Business School in 1999. David Kang is Managing Partner at Turtle Bay Capital, an investment firm focused on natural resources and energy investments in Latin America. David co-founded TBC and has been involved in all phases of the firm s development and operations. Previously, David led investments at a corporate investment firm focused on infrastructure in Boston, MA and was as a strategy consultant with Kleiner Perkins portfolio company Viant. David is a graduate of Brandeis University. Mr. Levitt joined Pomona in 2007 and focuses on investment analysis. He has eight years of private equity experience. Prior to joining Pomona, Mr. Levitt was an Investment Professional at GE Equity managing deal execution and underwriting in the Energy, Healthcare and Financial Services sectors. Previously, he was an analyst in General Electric Company s Financial Management Program, completing rotational assignments in Aviation Services and Aircraft Engines, Commercial Finance and Corporate Financial Services. Mr. Levitt received a BS from Boston College. EMERGING MARKETS INDICES: ACCURATE ALLOCATIONS OR UNINTENDED EXPOSURES How do you logically define and segregate developed, emerging and frontier markets Isolating and expressing investment ideas: do the indices available today help or hinder Tracking error: a useful indicator or a performance killer Active, passive or passtive-- what s the best way forward Global Portfolio Manager CARAVEL FUND (INTERNATIONAL) LTD. Mr. Somek is the Global Portfolio Manager for The Caravel Fund (International) Ltd. a global emerging and frontier markets fund focused solely beyond BRICs. Caglar is responsible for overseeing Caravel s portfolio adding his insight and expertise to the analysis of stocks across the 30 emerging and frontier markets in the Caravel universe. In addition, Caglar helps manage a team of six analysts who have regional coverage responsibilities. Prior to joining Caravel, Caglar was a Vice President, Senior Investment Analyst at Goldman Sachs Asset Management International (2007 2008) focusing on the Asia Pacific ex-Japan region with broad research responsibilities including the basic materials, energy and financial sectors. From 2005 2007, Caglar worked at Salomon Brothers Asset Management as a Vice President, Investment Analyst covering commodities and capital goods sectors and supporting all cap growth and value funds. Caglar also spent five years (2000 2005) as a Global Basic Materials Analyst and Valuations specialist at Credit Suisse First Boston. Caglar was raised in Turkey and speaks Turkish and French fluently. He is a CFA Charterholder, has an M. A. in International Economics and Finance from Brandeis University and a B. S. in Economics, Banking, Finance and Insurance from University of Paris IX Dauphine. Global Head of Indices Steven spent 7 years in stockbroking in the Australian market, focused on equity derivatives and structured products. In 2002 he moved to the UK and joined Reuters UKI as a Client Trainer based at Barclays Capital. In 2006 he left Reuters to join StarMine and spent 2 years as an account manager supporting UK and European asset managers. In early 2008 he relocated to Boston where he ran the Account Management and Customer Support functions for StarMine in the Americas. Post the merger he has held a variety of roles in the Investment Management Strategic Business Unit - including Global Head of Business Management, Head of Investment Management, Asia, and most recently has been working on an organizational realignment of the Quant Analytics and Indices businesses. Director, Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy Jennifer Delaney is a Director at UBS working on the Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy Team. The team manages cross country and sector views across the emerging markets universe and maintain a 40 stock recmmended portfolio. Thematic research interests include corporate governance in GEM and the Frontier markets. The team was ranked 1 in Extel in 2011. Jennifer joined UBS in 2004 and during her tenure has worked in a number of roles within strategy research including in developed market equity strategy and the cross-asset global asset allocation team. She began her career in London, moving to the US with UBS in 2006. Jennifer graduated from Cambridge University with a BA Hons in Economics. She is a CFA charterholder. Chief Investment Officer Director of Research EMERGING GLOBAL ADVISORS Richard Kang has served as Chief Investment Officer and Director of Research at Emerging Global Investors since its founding in September 2008. He has been active in both institutional and individual asset/risk management for eighteen years with extensive experience in alternative asset classes, especially hedge funds and managed futures. Mr. Kang began his career at Guardian Timing Services, a Toronto based hedge fund focused on global macro and GTAA strategies including the very early use of ETFs. In late 2002, Mr. Kang co-founded Meridian Global Investors ( Meridian ), an investment counseling firm and thereafter Quadrexx Asset Management, a Toronto based fund-of-hedge funds. More recently, Mr. Kang co-founded and was CIO of ETFx Indexes LLC, a boutique index provider focused on alternative investments and strategies. Mr. Kang received his degree in mathematics from the University of Waterloo in Canada, is an associate editor of Institutional Investors Journal of Index Investing and is an adjunct professor at NYU. Global Product Manager, Indices Group Florian Fischer is a Global Product Manager for the indices group at Thomson Reuters. His responsibilities include maintenance and product development for the commodity indices of Thomson Reuters, in particular the Thomson Reuters Jefferies CRB index family and the Thomson Reuters Continuous Commodity Index. In the past 3 years, he has also worked on custom equity, currency, and fixed income indices. Florian holds a Bachelor of Science in Philosophy and Economics from the London School of Economics, an undergraduate degree in Econometrics from the University of Paris Sorbonne, and a Masters degree in Economics from the Paris School of Economics. WILL 2012 BE THE YEAR OF EMERGING MARKET DEBT Should emerging market debt be viewed as a strategic investment or a tactical opportunity or both Comparing the risks and rewards of corporate vs. sovereign debt and local currency vs. dollar-denominated debt Debt opportunities in Asia, Latin America EMEA: which emerging markets offer the best risk-adjusted returns Mitigating emerging market debt risk: assessing country and company creditworthiness Protecting/hedging against currency and liquidity risk what are the options Portfolio Manager, Global Fixed Income Group PRINCIPAL GLOBAL INVESTORS Nick is a portfolio manager for Principal Global Fixed Income. He is responsible for emerging market debt portfolios. Nick joined the firm in 2001. Previously, he served as a junior analyst with responsibility for fixed income securities in the industrial, cyclical and utility industries within the investment grade corporate sector. He received a bachelor s degree in finance from the University of Northern Iowa and his MBA from the University of Iowa Senior Sovereign Analyst AIG ASSET MANAGEMENT Ashok has over 15 years experience in investment management and policy analysis focusing on emerging markets. In the investment industry, Ashok worked at Invesco, Fidelity Investments, and at various hedge funds. Ashok also served at the US Treasury Department where he helped to coordinate US economic policy towards Afghanistan and South Asia and oversaw IMF and World Bank lending to that region. Earlier in his career, Ashok helped to establish a South Asia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and more recently helped to start the microfinance non-profit United Prosperity where he serves on the Board. Ashok received a bachelor s degree from Duke University and a master s degree in public policy from Harvard University. Francis G. Rodilosso Portfolio Manager, Fixed Income Mr. Rodilosso serves as portfolio manager, fixed income, on Van Eck s Market Vectors corporate high-yield exchange-traded funds (ETFs). He is responsible for portfolio strategy, credit and market analysis. Prior to joining Van Eck, Mr. Rodilosso served as Managing Director of Global Emerging Markets with The Seaport Group where he launched the firm s emerging markets fixed income sales and trading business. Earlier career experience includes portfolio management positions at Greylock Capital and Soundbrook Capital where he focused on corporate high-yield and distressed situations, with an emphasis on emerging markets. He also held senior fixed income trading positions at Credit Lyonnais and HSBC. Mr. Rodilosso is a CFA charterholder and member of New York Society of Security Analysts. He received a MBA in Finance from The Wharton School of Business and BA in History from Princeton University. Chief Business Strategist, Emerging Markets HSBC GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT Peter Marber has been a pioneer in emerging markets debt (EMD) since 1987, and currently heads EMD business strategy at HSBC Global Asset Management in New York. He has been the architect of HSBC s award-winning EMD platform since 1993. Marber has been a graduate faculty member of Columbia University since 1993, and has authored more than 100 articles and columns on international finance and globalization. His first book, From Third World to World Class: The Future of Emerging Markets in the Global Economy, was named a top ten business book in 1998 by the Knight Ridder newspapers and was called future reference reading for The 24/7 Global Marketplace by Wired magazine in 2001. His second book, Money Changes Everything: How Global Prosperity is Reshaping Our Needs, Values, and Lifestyles, was published by Financial Time Prentice Hall in 2003. David Brooks of the New York Times has noted, Money Changes Everything is an outstanding primer on the awesome social effects of globalization. His last book, Seeing the Elephant: Understanding Globalization from Trunk to Tail, was released in 2009 and his newest book, Brave New Math: New Economic Thinking in the Global Age is to be published later in 2012. Emerging Markets Economist/Debt Strategist LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT Katerina Alexandraki is an Economist at Lazard Asset Management s Emerging Markets Debt team. Prior to joining Lazard, Katerina spent 3 years as senior portfolio manager at Alliance-Bernstein s Currency Strategies Group, which ran long-short currency investment strategies. Before that she spent 6 years at the International Monetary Fund, working in the design and implementation of IMF programs, mostly in Latin America. While at the IMF, she also did research on balance of payments and exchange-rate vulnerabilities in emerging markets. Katerina has an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a BA in Physics and Philosophy from Oxford University. INVESTOR INTELLIGENCE AND INSIGHTS INTO EMERGING MARKETS How has sluggish growth in the global economy impacted investor allocations to emerging markets Where is capital currently being deployed, how are investment models evolving, and what are investors future plans Why are investors increasingly moving away from traditional fund models to direct and co-investment strategies LP concerns: opacity, lack of exits (illiquidity), lack of discipline, mediocre performance, manager turnover Identifying the best GPs: track record, alignment of interests, fund governance, transparency, terms and fees Dr. Harry G. Broadman Managing Director Chief Economist and Leader, Emerging Markets Dr. Harry G. Broadman is a Managing Director at PwC and Chief Economist and Leader of PwC s Emerging Markets, Governance and International Investment Trade Practice Group. His career has spanned all key emerging markets, especially China, Russia, India, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Balkans, sub-Saharan Africa, Vietnam, Thailand, and Mongolia. Prior roles include Chief Economist of Albright Capital Management LLC, an international emerging markets investment management firm co-chaired by the former Secretary of State, and senior official at the World Bank Group working in China, the Balkans, former Soviet Union and Sub-Saharan Africa. Chief Investment Officer, Private Equity Group INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (IFC) FRONTIER MARKETS: ADDING SPICE TO YOUR EMERGING MARKET PORTFOLIO Examining the impact of the U. S. and European recessions on the growth and performance of frontier markets Comparing frontier market investment returns to those of BRICs and developed markets The long view: are the fundamental underpinnings supporting frontier market growth still intact Identifying the next hot pockets--which regions, countries, and sectors currently appear most attractive Emerging stars in Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia assessing their political, economic, business legal climates Which countries/regions should be avoided entirely and why Co-Founder Managing Director FRONTAURA CAPITAL LLC Nick Padgett co-founded Frontaura Capital LLC in July 2007 after researching and visiting frontier companies and stock exchanges in Africa. Since its founding, Frontaura has established itself as one of the world s best performing global frontier market funds, gaining 25 after fees from its investing inception in November 2007 through December 2011, a period during which the MSCI Frontier Markets Index lost 46 on a total returns basis. The global business media frequently quotes Mr. Padgett and he is often a conference speaker on the subject of frontier markets. The genesis of Frontaura was conceived when Mr. Padgett took a two-year career sabbatical, culminating in a 65-country around-the-world extended honeymoon with his wife. Prior to this, Mr. Padgett was involved with Inforte Corp. a global technology consulting firm. Mr. Padgett provided the seed capital to launch the business in 1993 and he served as a member of the board of directors and was one of the largest shareholders through 2003. Mr. Padgett joined Inforte full-time in 1997 as chief financial officer, a position he held through 2003. He coordinated the company s initial public offering in 2000. Prior to its IPO, Inforte was one of the fastest growing US private companies, placing 14 on the 1999 Inc. 500 list. During the technology downturn that followed, the American Business Awards named Mr. Padgett as Financial Executive of the Year in 2003, highlighting his ability to accurately forecast revenue, manage costs, and meet earnings guidance in an environment that bankrupted many direct competitors. Prior to Inforte, Mr. Padgett worked as a sell-side research analyst at investment bank William Blair Company, covering technology stocks from 1994 through 1997. He graduated in 1994 with an MBA from The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College. Prior to business school, he worked as a consultant for Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), with assignments in Chicago, London, and Manila. Mr. Padgett graduated summa cum laude and as co-valedictorian from Western Illinois University in 1988 with a BS in computer science and minors in math and finance. He has held the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation since 1997. Clifford Quisenberry, Jr. CARAVAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Mr. Quisenberry brings to bear more than 20 years of experience in the investment management industry, including over 16 years of experience managing portfolios of emerging market equities. He currently is the Chief Investment Officer of Caravan Capital Management, manager of The Emerging Frontiers Fund, a top performing private fund dedicated to frontier and early stage frontier emerging markets which has outperformed its benchmark by over 1200 basis points per annum in its three year history. Mr. Quisenberry began his career in 1987 at Fred Alger Management in New York as a research associate, was a Vice President and portfolio manager at Cutler Company. In 1994 he joined Parametric, a Seattle-based subsidiary of Eaton Vance, and became Parametric s Director of Research and chief of emerging market strategies. As the portfolio manager of the Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Emerging Markets Fund (EITEX), his fund achieved a consistent, top-decile ranking and obtained a 5-star Morningstar rating until his departure in 2007. Mr. Quisenberry is particularly recognized as a pioneer in the structured emerging markets approach and as an early proponent of frontier emerging markets which he introduced into Parametric s emerging market strategy in 1997. He has been published in Pensions Investments and The Journal of Wealth Management, interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News and CNBC, and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences. Mr. Quisenberry holds a BA degree in economics from Yale University with a Distinction in Economics and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Founding Principal Managing Member CAERUS EMERGING MARKETS, LLC Rudy Amoresano is the Managing Member and founding Principal of Caerus Management, LLC ( Caerus ), an investment management firm that he organized in 2009 to specialize in emerging markets investments. Caerus Emerging Markets, LLC is the General Partner for Caerus Emerging Markets Opportunity Fund, LP. Rudy is responsible for the implementation of the investment strategy including idea generation and research, due diligence, portfolio construction and monitoring of the overall portfolio. Mr. Amoresano has accumulated over 25 years of specialized experience in Emerging Markets, having invested and advised clients during all of the financial market cycles and crises since the mid-1980s. He has held a variety of financial positions that have provided him with extensive investment experience, broad international contacts as well as the ability to run businesses. He has managed up to 2 billion of investments in emerging markets including fixed income and equities. Prior to forming Caerus in January 2009, Mr. Amoresano spent a decade in the hedge fund community, following 15 years of international banking experience, developing contacts in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. His most recent experience was at Greylock Capital Management in New York (2007-2008) where he served on the pricing committee and in an advisory role from October 2007 until March 2008 and as portfolio manager from March 2008 through December, 2008. He previously served as Managing Director at Contrarian Capital Management in Greenwich, CT. (Sept. 2005-March 2007) where he focused on the emerging markets portfolio. He spent the prior six years as a principal of Frontier Investments in New York (June 1999-Sept. 2005), advising clients during the financial crises in Russia, Argentina and Brazil. Mr. Amoresano s international banking experience included three global banks: Nomura Holdings America in New York (1993-1999), serving as Portfolio Manager and Managing Director of the proprietary global emerging markets unit Banco Santander in New York (1989-1993), serving as Vice President, Emerging Markets and Manufacturers Hanover Trust (1983-1989), where he co-created the bank s emerging markets trading, advisory and product initiative. Mr. Amoresano earned a B. S. in Business Administration from Arizona State University in 1983. He has completed N. A.S. D. Series 7, 63, 24 and 8 registrations. Mr. Amoresano is an Argentine-born naturalized U. S. citizen, fluent in Spanish and has been a speaker at Emerging Markets conferences throughout the world. Lawrence S. Speidell, CFA Chief Investment Officer FRONTIER MARKET ASSET MANAGEMENT Larry Speidell is founding Partner, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Frontier Market Asset Management, sponsor of the Frontier Market Select Fund, which invests in frontier stock markets around the world. He travels widely and has recently researched companies in many places, including Abu Dhabi, Bangladesh, Botswana, Cote d Ivoire, Dubai, Ghana, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan, Qatar, Senegal, Trinidad Tobago, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Zambia. From 2003 to 2006 he was Executive Vice President at Laffer Associates, an investment management and economic research firm. Prior to joining Art Laffer, Larry was a Partner and Director of Global Research and Management at Nicholas Applegate where he launched the firm s emerging markets products and developed and enhanced the firm s international and global quantitative disciplines. Larry also spent eleven years as a Trustee at Batterymarch Financial Management where he was a portfolio manager for domestic and international strategies, was responsible for one of the first equity funds in China and worked on the development of a fund for Russia. As Senior Vice President and portfolio manager at Putnam Management Company from 1971 to 1983, Larry served as a member of that firm s Investment Policy Committee. He is a past president of the Boston Securities Analysts Society and a past director of the Investor Responsibility Research Center in Washington, D. C. Prior to the investment business, Larry earned his B. E. in Mechanical Engineering from Yale University and his M. B.A. from Harvard University and served as a submarine officer in the U. S. Navy. CURRENCY, COMPLEXITY AND GLOBAL CAPITAL MARKETS Clarifying your emerging market currency strategy: is currency a potential source of alpha or a hedging vehicle or both Analyzing the underlying dynamics driving individual currencies including country-specific exchange rate policies Correlations: how do emerging market currencies move relative to each other and to those in the developed world Using a relative value approach, incorporating both quantitative qualitative factors, to refine your currency strategy How are fund managers using global diversification, hedging, and local currencies to mitigate currency risk Managing Director Co-Founder MARCO POLO ASSET MANAGEMENT Shiva Ganapathy is Managing Director at Marco Polo Group, NY, and co-founder of Marco Polo Asset Management, an integrated investment management platform based in New York City. Shiva has over 20 years of global financial markets and banking experience, committing risk capital across a range of asset classes, managing bank Treasuries as well as running profitable international businesses of size. In addition, Shiva has academic and research interests and is presently a faculty member at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he teaches Financial Engineering to graduate students. Prior to Marco Polo, he was Senior Managing Director at Structured Asset Management Company, NY, handling Credit and Hedge Fund lines of business. And before that, Shiva was Managing Director with Citigroup Global Markets, NY. Starting as a Management Associate he went on to develop a noteworthy career at Citi, holding key positions across diverse markets (Asia, CEEMEA, and the United States). He was also instrumental in developing several new lines of business (distressed debt, local fixed income and electronic markets). Shiva is an alumnus of the Tepper School of Business (Carnegie Mellon University) and the London School of Economics. Vice President and Currency Strategist WELLS FARGO FOREIGN EXCHANGE Vassili Serebriakov is a vice president and currency strategist for the Currency Strategy Group, part of Wells Fargo Foreign Exchange (FX). Based in New York, Vassili supports the broader foreign exchange group by providing analysis of major and emerging currency markets, as well as by contributing to FX forecasts and publications on a wide array of topics. With Vassili s contribution, the Wells Fargo Currency Strategy group has achieved top positions in rankings of the industry s most accurate foreign exchange forecasters. Between early 2011 and early 2012, Wells Fargo was ranked by Bloomberg as the most accurate overall currency forecaster for three out of five quarters. For 2011, Wells Fargo was also ranked as the most accurate overall currency forecaster by Reuters. Prior to joining Wells Fargo, Vassili was a senior analyst at the leading economic consultancy 4Cast, focusing primarily on the major currencies. He has extensive professional and academic experience working in multicultural settings and various countries such as the U. K. Switzerland, Germany, and Russia. He is fluent in Russian and French. Vassili received a B. A. degree with first-class honors in international business from the European Business School in London and a master s degree in international economics with a concentration in international macroeconomics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also a CFA charter holder. Vassili appears on business television and in media such as Bloomberg, CNBC, and Reuters, and his research is quoted frequently in financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times. Richard S. Ross, CMT Global Technical Strategist AUERBACH GRAYSON AND COMPANY, INC. Mr. Ross is the Global Technical Strategist for Auerbach Grayson, a NYC based Brokerage firm specializing in the Global Emerging Markets. He publishes macro technical strategy, market commentary, and specific tradable recommendations for institutional clients. His coverage universe includes currencies, commodities, interest rates and major indexes in over 128 countries around the world. Throughout his 17 year career on Wall Street, Mr. Ross has worked as an equity market maker, proprietary trader and technical analyst. He holds an MBA in finance from the Stern School of Business at NYU and a BBA from Emory University. His commentary has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Barron s, Forbes, Smart Money, Fortune, CNN Money and theStreet . In addition he has appeared on TV and Radio around the world throughout Asia, India, Europe and the Americas. EYES WIDE OPEN: TOP TEN RISKS OF INVESTING IN EMERGING MARKETS Measuring, monitoring and mitigating the unique risks of emerging market investments Evaluating macroeconomic, geopolitical and transparency risks Examining legal, liquidity, taxation and regulatory risks Counteracting currency, counterparty and corruption risks Quantitative and qualitative de-risking strategies Integrating risk management with portfolio modeling techniques John Leone is a Managing Director of PineBridge Investments and formerly served as the General Counsel of PineBridge Investments Emerging Market Private Equity (ex Asia) operations. In his current role, Mr. Leone works on executing private equity transactions in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey, Africa and the former Soviet Union. Mr. Leone is actively involved in all investment related matters including negotiating terms of new investments, transaction structuring and execution, portfolio company monitoring and portfolio company restructurings. Mr. Leone is also responsible for fund formations and day-to-day fund operational matters. Mr. Leone serves on the boards of directors of The Resource Group International and TRG Pakistan Limited, a company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. Prior to joining PineBridge Investments in 2004, Mr. Leone was an attorney at Kirkland Ellis LLP where he advised private equity clients on leveraged buyouts, growth equity investments, and fund formations. Mr. Leone earned a Juris Doctor, with High Honors, from The George Washington University Law School where he was a member of the Law Review, and a Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, from the State University of New York at Binghamton. Curt is a Partner in the Silicon Valley Transaction Services Group with PwC, having recently relocated from Shanghai, China and from San Francisco, CA in 2008. Curt s transaction experience includes leading domestic and international due diligence investigations for buy-side clients, leveraged recapitalization and other financial structuring consultations, strategic investment alternative analyses, consultations on deal modeling, market entry and dealing with other complex financial and accounting issues for multinational clients. Curt has significant experience working on cross border projects. In addition to his recent experience in Asia, during 1995-1998, Curt worked in the PwC Milan Italy office, where he was involved with several privatizations, debt offerings, and joint ventures for large Italian private companies and government agencies. Curt has had significant experience working with both technology and consumer and industrial products companies over his career, having worked with both financial and strategic buyers. Curt graduated from Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts with a dual Bachelors degree in International Relations and Economics. He has his Masters in Business Administration from University of Manchester in the UK. He is a Certified Public Accountant in the United States. Morris F. DeFeo, Jr. Partner, Head of MENA Practice CROWELL MORING LLP Morris F. DeFeo, Jr. is a partner in Crowell Moring s Corporate Group and the Head of the firm s MENA Practice. His practice covers all facets of corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, roll-ups and securities transactions on behalf of real estate, information technology, computer software, Internet, defense technology, telecommunications and other clients, including emerging and new entrant companies, in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Brazil, India and the Far East. Morris represents public and private corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and other clients in connection with public and private offerings of debt and equity securities, including initial public offerings and shelf-registered offerings, Rule 144A high yield debt offerings, international joint ventures, mergers, asset and stock acquisitions and dispositions, exchange listings and compliance with the registration, proxy solicitation, and periodic reporting requirements of the U. S. securities laws. As outside general counsel for public companies, Morris also provides guidance on the complex and far-reaching requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, including those related to section 404 internal control over financial reporting, disclosure controls and governance. Morris received his B. A. cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania in 1981 and his J. D. from the Boston University School of Law in 1984, where he was an Edward J. Hennessey Scholar and a G. Joseph Tauro Scholar. Morris is a member of the District of Columbia and Maryland bars. CEO/CIO Portfolio Manager GREENHEART CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC Prior to founding Greenheart Capital Partners, Matt was a Managing Director at Shumway Capital Partners (SCP) from 2005 to 2009. During his tenure at SCP, he was head of Global TMT and EM/Asia teams responsible for covering significant emerging markets exposure in SCP s portfolios. Before joining SCP, Matt served as a Managing Director in High Yield Cable/Telecom research at Merrill Lynch from 1999 to 2004. During that time, he was ranked by Institutional Investor as one of the top analysts for four consecutive years. Previously, Matt was with Wasserstein Perella, where he worked as a Research Associate covering the wireless industry. He served as a First Lieutenant in the United States Army, where he worked in Military Intelligence from 1993 to 1995 and in the Airborne Infantry from 1984 to 1986. Matt received his MBA from the University of Southern California in 1997 and his B. S. in Finance and Economics from Indiana University in 1990. He is proficient in Mandarin Chinese and attended graduate school at Fudan University in Shanghai (1996). WHAT S THE BEST WAY TO INVEST IN EMERGING MARKETS Private equity: pan-regional vs. country-specific, direct investment vs. fund of funds Emerging market debt: sovereigns, quasi-sovereigns, corporates and currencies Hedge funds: convergence of emerging market hedge funds and private equity ETFs, ETNs, mutual funds: providing transparency and liquidity in emerging markets Secondary markets for emerging market private equity and hedge funds Justin Karol has acted as the Global Product Head for Global Depositary Notes (GDNs) at Citi since 2009. In this role, Justin is primarily responsible for the structuring and management of GDN programs, where he facilitates off-shore access to local currency-denominated debt securities issued in emerging market economies. Prior to his current role, Justin served as a Product Head in Citi s Short-Term Products Group for 4 years and worked in U. S. Government Bond Sales for 3 years. Justin received a Bachelors of Science Degree in Finance from Indiana University s Kelley School of Business and an MBA Degree from the Fordham Graduate School of Business. HAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT John Liu, ex-SAC portfolio manager veteran, is the founder of HAN Capital management, a hedge fund, a commodity Natural Resources investment fund, and private equity investment firm focusing on the great China region and global markets. The HAN Capital currently has three investment funds, the China golden multi-strategy quantitative opportunity fund, private equity fund and global natural resources investment fund, focusing on investing in global natural resources sector s real asset and financial assets, taking advantage of and combining both mining, exploring experience and financial markets to generate excess return for the investors, strategic important mine resources for the China s future economic growth, such as iron, nickel, copper, gold, coal, nonferrous metals, and energy et al. He has more than 15 years Wall Street financial. Before, found HAN Capital, he was a hedge fund portfolio manager and Managing Director at world top hedge funds, Steven Cohen s SAC and Rubicon. Prior to that, he worked at world top investment banks, including Citigroup, Credit Suisse and Nomura, leaded and managed the credit arbitrage and equity statistical arbitrage portfolios. At PSEG, he managed a quantitative strategy group to support commodity and energy trading, structuring and pricing exotic derivatives, and managing portfolio risk. He received PhD from University of Pennsylvania in Financial Economics and PhD Candidate from University of California at San Diego. He co-authored a book, Risk Management for Financial Institutions published by Risk Books in 1997. Kristina M. Matthews RISING TIDE FUND ADVISORS LLC Kristina Matthews is the founder and Managing Partner of Rising Tide Fund Advisors LLC, an entity serving in the capacity of outsourced Investor Relations and providing fund placement services for a number of carefully screened private equity and hedge funds. Prior to launching Rising Tide Fund Advisors, in June 2012, Ms. Matthews was a Managing Director at PineBridge Investments within the Central and Eastern European Direct Private Equity Investment Team where she split her time between New York and offices in the CEE region. She was primarily responsible for managing Investor Relations and fund raising but was also integrally involved in determining strategy, deal sourcing, and working on matters related to the portfolio companies. Ms. Matthews originally joined Pinebridge (then AIG Investments) in November 2006 as the Product Specialist handling Investor Relations and fund raising for the firm s emerging markets private equity funds and given the firm s on the ground local presence and diverse investor base, her duties spanned the globe. From March 2000, until joining PineBridge she worked at Merrill Lynch as a Regional Sales Manager for Alternative Investments and during her tenure, managed distribution in various U. S. regions, Latin America, and Asia/Pacific. Prior to working at Merrill Lynch, Ms. Matthews was a high-yield bond and distressed securities trader with BNP-Paribas, though most of Kristina s early career has been as the Head of Sales for Currencies and Currency Derivatives. She worked for BNP-Paribas (at the time, BNP) in this capacity from 1992 to 1996 and UBS from 1988 to 1992. Kristina received her MBA in Economics and International Finance from New York University Graduate School of Business and a B. S. in Business Administration from Northeastern University with a dual Major in Finance and International Business and a Minor in Economics. She is a citizen of both Sweden and the United States and speaks several languages. Morgan C. Harting Senior Portfolio Manager Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Team Leader Morgan C. Harting co-heads the Emerging Markets Multi-Asset team. He is responsible for the creation, design and day-to-day management of the strategy investing across equity, debt and currency. Harting s role as Senior Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Value and his participation on the broader Global Value team complement these responsibilities. He began his career in emerging markets as a credit analyst focused on emerging countries at Standard Poor s and then at Fitch Ratings, where he was a senior director. Harting earned a BA from Wesleyan University and an MA and MBA from Yale University, where he was a graduate teaching fellow in international economics. He is a CFA charterholder and a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). Location: New York. Founder and Managing Partner JINA VENTURES INC. Mr. Shah has worked in Indian private equity for the past 10 years. Mr. Shah founded Jina Ventures in 2003 as a private equity firm exclusively focused on India. Jina Ventures advised on several notable Indian transactions in its first two years, including the early development of MakeMyTrip (recently listed on Nasdaq). Jina launched its first India-focused private equity fund in 2005. The Fund invested in 12 Indian companies and produced 11 exits in 4 years, with over 40 IRR. The current fund of 200M, the Jina Strategic Growth Fund, is focused on special-situations private equity investments in India. Over his career, Mr. Shah has sat on the board of directors of six Indian companies, four US companies and a variety of non-profit and start-up ventures. Mr. Shah began his career in Indian private equity transactions while working for Resurgence Capital and Quantum in New York. In 2010, Mr. Shah won a 40 under 40 award from M A Advisor and was appointed as an official contributor on emerging markets for CNBC. Mr. Shah received his BA from the George Washington University and his MBA from New York University s Stern School of Business. Vice President and Global Emerging Markets Economist WELLS FARGO COMPANY Aryam V zquez is the Global Emerging Markets Economist for Wells Fargo Country Risk Management Group, conducting indepth economic, political and financial market analysis on the principal emerging markets and assessing and managing country risk conditions across the global emerging markets. Mr. V zquez s work supports Wells Fargo s FX team, the Capital Markets Group, Wells Fargo Securities and the Global Bank. He has held this position since 2008. Before joining Wells Fargo, Mr. V zquez directed all global emerging market economic and financial market research at Informa Global Markets writing and advising on macroeconomic trends, political developments and trading ideas across Asia, CEEMEA and Latin America. Mr. V zquez began his career with Weston Financial Services in 1995 as an emerging markets economic analyst. He later joined Dexia, serving as a sovereign risk analyst responsible for number of credits in Asia, CEEMEA and Latin America. In 2000, Mr. V zquez joined IDEA Global, a leading global economic research and advisory firm, as Latin American Economist, covering a host of credits in the region, in support of trading execution across the local and external markets. Mr. V zquez was born in Havana, Cuba, and immigrated to the US in 1980. He graduated from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, with a B. A. in international economics in 1995, and from Columbia University with an M. A. in economics and international affairs in 2007. He is a frequent contributor to Bloomberg News, REUTERS, CNBC, BBC and CNNfn, as well as a number of prominent newspapers in the US and throughout the world. Timothy J. Seymour TRIOGEM ASSET MANAGEMENT Tim Seymour is a co-founder and Managing Partner at Triogem Asset Management, a firm formed in 2008, focusing on long short emerging market equity investments. At Triogem, Tim is a PM and member of the Investment Committee. Triogem approaches EM with a bottom up, low volatility approach, that emphasizes stock picking and superior risk adjusted returns. Triogem manages long short and long only equity products. Tim is also the host of CNBC s Emerging Market program, Trading the Globe and a trader on Fast Money . Tim also founded EmergingMoney , a site focused on extending the reach of emerging market news and investment concepts. Mr. Seymour has over 16 years of global and emerging market s investment experience in both equity and fixed income. Mr. Seymour has spent significant time living and investing through the major crises and booms that have unfolded in EM, including significant time on the ground in Russia through the devaluation and default in 1998. Prior to Triogem, Tim was a Managing Partner at Red Star Asset Management (Moscow, New York), which was focused on low volatility, multi-strat investing across Russia and the CIS. Prior to Red Star, Seymour was a Partner and Managing Director for seven years at Troika Dialog, Russia s largest investment bank. Seymour moved to Moscow in 1998 as Head of Fixed income, and was later appointed Global Head of Sales for all products. In January 2000, Seymour moved from Moscow to New York to found Troika Dialog USA, a full-service FINRA/SEC regulated brokerage firm and subsidiary of Troika Dialog Group. Seymour started his career at UBS in New York, focusing on international credit (cash, swaps, forex) in a specialized hedge fund group. Seymour completed the firm s training program after graduating with an MBA in international finance from Fordham University. Seymour received his undergraduate degree at Georgetown University. CEO/CIO Portfolio Manager GREENHEART CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC Prior to founding Greenheart Capital Partners, Matt was a Managing Director at Shumway Capital Partners (SCP) from 2005 to 2009. During his tenure at SCP, he was head of Global TMT and EM/Asia teams responsible for covering significant emerging markets exposure in SCP s portfolios. Before joining SCP, Matt served as a Managing Director in High Yield Cable/Telecom research at Merrill Lynch from 1999 to 2004. During that time, he was ranked by Institutional Investor as one of the top analysts for four consecutive years. Previously, Matt was with Wasserstein Perella, where he worked as a Research Associate covering the wireless industry. He served as a First Lieutenant in the United States Army, where he worked in Military Intelligence from 1993 to 1995 and in the Airborne Infantry from 1984 to 1986. Matt received his MBA from the University of Southern California in 1997 and his B. S. in Finance and Economics from Indiana University in 1990. He is proficient in Mandarin Chinese and attended graduate school at Fudan University in Shanghai (1996). Sponsors PwC is a professional services firm that focuses on audit and assurance, tax and consulting services. Additionally, in the US, PwC concentrates on 16 key industries and provides targeted services that include but are not limited to human resources. deals. forensics. and consulting services. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities. Our reputation lies in building lasting relationships with our clients and a focus on delivering value in all we do. Pepper Hamilton LLP is a multi-practice law firm with more than 500 lawyers nationally. The firm provides corporate, litigation and regulatory legal services to leading businesses, governmental entities, nonprofit organizations and individuals throughout the nation and the world. Pepper s Funds Services Group is composed of more than 50 lawyers from multiple and diverse practice areas. With judgment honed from representing hundreds of pooled investment vehicles over more than two decades, we have helped both U. S. and international funds and their sponsors, managers, advisers and investors define and achieve their goals. The Funds Services Group is a core component of the firm s Investment Funds Industry Group, which is an interdisciplinary industry group comprised of more than 60 lawyers nationwide who focus their practices in areas vital to the success of all types of investment funds throughout their entire life cycle, including with respect to formation, transactional and investment, operational, and regulatory and compliance matters. The Fund Services Group within IFIG includes experienced investment management, corporate and securities lawyers, seasoned regulatory lawyers (including veterans of the asset management industry, the SEC, FINRA, the United States Department of Justice and other agencies), and tax and employee benefits lawyers, who regularly work with the issues that arise from different fund structures, different fund strategies and different investor bases. Thomson Reuters is the world s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property, science and media markets, powered by the world s most trusted news organization. Thomson Reuters provides powerful analytics and trading tools, and reliable and scalable technology to make your emerging markets strategy profitable. With over a century s experience in emerging markets, we deliver breaking news and latest prices, insight and commentary, and access to the deep emerging markets community. To learn about our emerging markets coverage and capabilities, access financial. thomsonreuters /emergingmarkets Crowell Moring has a strong reputation as a law firm that works well in a team environment. For example, we have a very successful practice serving many clients as National Coordinating Counsel for major litigation. This requires us to work with and manage the activities of many different attorneys and law firms throughout the country. In both education and experience, our lawyers come from diverse backgrounds that enable them to offer premier service to all clients. Many different nationalities and more than 20 different languages are represented on our legal staff. Many of our lawyers and specialists have held significant positions in government service before joining the firm. Citi . the leading global bank, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth management. Baker McKenzie: In today s global market, a multijurisdictional approach to compliance is essential. With offices in key financial centers and emerging markets, our lawyers are already on the ground, ready to tackle investigations. Our approach ensures that your compliance program satisfies the expectations of enforcement authorities around the globe, providing protection where you need it most. VIY Managements (VIYM) represents an independent UK-based investment manager with a diversified investment platform with its exclusive expertise in private equity and real estate across the emerging markets of the Greater Europe area, with 26 most vital regional center projects in Russia only. To date VIYM operates from London, Moscow and St. Petersburg with some US 420 million in AUM and a ca. US 1 billion programme. Our LPs are primarily HNWIs and family offices of the continental Europe, the UK and Russia, who seek exposure to the balanced risk / return profile between the established European markets and fast-growing emerging opportunities of FSU economies as well as diversification across private equity high-growth capital strategy in consumer-driven industries, materials and industrials as balanced by secure, low-risk hospitality real estate investments with mixed-use component to provide stable returns and value added upside potential. Apex Fund Services delivers global fund administration solutions to investment managers investing in traditional and alternative assets. Apex offers clients a wide variety of specialized and integrated products supporting middle and back office fund administration, complex derivatives, risk reporting and corporate secretarial and fund formation administration, as well as specialist start up services to asset managers. Our service solutions are tailored to the investment managers needs as well as the regulatory and investment environment within all of the main global financial centers. Apex administers both onshore and offshore investment funds such as Mutual Funds, UCITs, SICAVs, Fund of Funds, Private Equity, Real Estate, Shari ah and Partnerships from our global footprint of 24 offices around the world. With extensive industry expertise, innovative products and robust operating solutions, Apex has become internationally recognized as one of the world s leading and fastest growing independent fund administration businesses. Media Partners The Policy and Regulatory Report (PaRR) is an intelligence and analytical news service that provides predictive insight on the development and adaptation of global competition law and sector-specific regulatory change. With on-the-ground teams in the world s regulatory capitals, PaRR delivers unmatched coverage of EU, US and emerging BRICS competition law, offering unique angles into conflicts with intellectual property and trade law. This intelligence, along with PaRR s extensive M A Regulatory Database and Global Litigation Database, provides readers with the insightful analysis they need to stay ahead of competitors and on top of the latest global regulatory developments, threats and opportunities. Visit parr-global . Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS) a product of ISI Emerging Markets ( securities ), is a Euromoney Institutional Investor Group Co. delivering deep, rich company and industry information, alongside the relevant proprietary and multi-source news, research and analytics that allow professionals to make profitable decisions faster. This single resource of hard-to-get information covers more than 100 emerging markets, includes company profiles and financials from more than 1.6 million listed and private companies, offers single company and industry analysis, and delivers proprietary and multi-source news and research from over 20,000 publications, all delivered via an easy-to-use interface. securities /products Property Funds World is the property fund industry s leading portal on news and topical features, including updates on new fund launches, investment trends, regulatory news and distribution strategies, and a regular series of market surveys and fund manager interviews. Property Funds World produces a free weekly and a daily newsletter covering essential news and features within the property fund industry as well as an extensive special reports series. Click here to access propertyfundsworld Private Equity Wire is the private equity industry s leading portal on news and topical features, including updates on new fund launches, investment trends, regulatory news and distribution strategies, and a regular series of market surveys and product profiles. Private Eq uity WIre produces a free daily newsletter covering essential news and features within the private equity industry and a series of special reports. Click here to access privateequitywire. co. uk . Preqin is the leading source of information for the alternative assets industry, providing data and analysis via online databases, publications and complimentary research reports. Preqin is an independent business with over 250 staff based in New York, London, Singapore, San Francisco and Hong Kong serving over 12,500 customers in 94 countries. 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Click here to access etfexpress Institutionalassetmanager is a news and information and fund data service for institutional investors and institutional asset managers focusing on the traditional asset management sector worldwide. Institutionalassetmanager offers a daily newsletter service and a full web site. Click here to access institutionalassetmanager. co. uk Hedgeweek is the hedge fund industry s leading portal on news and topical features including updates on new fund launches, investment trends, regulatory news and distribution strategies, and a regular series of market surveys and fund manager interviews. Hedgeweek produces a free weekly and a daily newsletter covering essential news and features within the Hedge Fund industry. Click here to access hedgeweek . Leebug is a free, interactive social networking site for people attending conferences. It allows event participants to network before, during and after an event. The platform provides tools to make every connection a strategic one and empowers interactions that will enhance the users ability to build relationships. leebug Hedge Connection has been helping managers and investors through web-based research, events and advisory work since 2005. Hedge Connection is the first and only internet - based platform that offers hedge funds direct access to a membership of opt-in qualified active hedge fund allocators. Investor members join for free and gain access to detailed information on hedge fund members. All members receive invitations to member s only events and partner discounts. Learn more and Join the Club at hedgeconnection Park Lane Hotel 36 Central Park S iGlobal Forum is pleased to be hosting the Summit at the luxury Park Lane Hotel in New York. Located on Central Park in the Midtown business district, the Helmsley Park Lane hotel is just steps from Fifth Avenue shopping, Broadway theaters, Museum Mile, Radio City Hall, and Lincoln Center. Latest Tweets What our attendees are saying Contact Us WOOD s Winter Wonderland - EME Conference in Prague 2016 From: 28.11.2016 To: 2.12.2016 Location: Czech Republic It is with great pleasure that we announce our 5th annual WOOD s Winter Wonderland - EME Conference in Prague, to be held from 28 November to 2 December 2016. We look forward to bringing together both local and international investors with regional corporate management teams at the Radisson Blu Alcron Hotel in the Golden City of Prague once again. Please, see the list of the suggested hotels here . LATEST NEWS: WOOD Company ranks Number 1 in Institutional Investor Survey It is with great pleasure that we announce that WOOD Co has been voted the Number 1 house in CEE Research in the Institutional Investor survey. Huge thanks to all our investors for contributing to the vote Please click on this link to access the full article: institutionalinvestor /article/3559806/research-and-rankings/the-2016-emerging-emea-research-team-features-42-newcomers /.V1Vm8E1f0cQ READ MORE Ljubljana and Zagreb Stock Exchanges Investor Day On 24 May, the third joint Ljubljana and Zagreb Stock Exchanges Investor Day was held in Zagreb, in association with WOOD Co. This year s conference was the most successful to date, with investor interest in meeting the participating listed companies up 25 compared to last year. High-quality listed companies from Slovenia (7) and Croatia (6) participated in the Conference: Atlantic Grupa, Intereuropa, Gorenje, Hrvatski Telekom, Krka, Luka Koper, Luka Rijeka, Petrol, Podravka, Pozavarovalnica Sava, Tankerska Next Generation, Zavarovalnica Triglav and Valamar Riviera. The event was attended by 28 investment companies and banks along with 55 analysts and investors from Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, the US, Croatia and Slovenia. The conference received a record 186 requests for meetings . and the companies held as many as 160 individual and group meetings . READ MORE Emerging Europe Financials 1-2 June 2016 WOOD and 55 group meetings) with 23 companies . READ MORE Events and Roadshows News and Media Relations WOOD Company ranks Number 1 in Institutional Investor Survey It is with great pleasure that we announce that WOOD Co has been voted the Number 1 house in CEE Research in the Institutional Investor survey. Huge thanks to all our investors for contributing to the vote Please click on this link to access the full article: institutionalinvestor /article/3559806/research-and-rankings/the-2016-emerging-emea-research-team-features-42-newcomers /.V1Vm8E1f0cQ READ MORE Ljubljana and Zagreb Stock Exchanges Investor Day On 24 May, the third joint Ljubljana and Zagreb Stock Exchanges Investor Day was held in Zagreb, in association with WOOD Co. This year s conference was the most successful to date, with investor interest in meeting the participating listed companies up 25 compared to last year. High-quality listed companies from Slovenia (7) and Croatia (6) participated in the Conference: Atlantic Grupa, Intereuropa, Gorenje, Hrvatski Telekom, Krka, Luka Koper, Luka Rijeka, Petrol, Podravka, Pozavarovalnica Sava, Tankerska Next Generation, Zavarovalnica Triglav and Valamar Riviera. The event was attended by 28 investment companies and banks along with 55 analysts and investors from Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, the US, Croatia and Slovenia. The conference received a record 186 requests for meetings . and the companies held as many as 160 individual and group meetings . READ MORE Emerging Europe Financials 1-2 June 2016 WOOD and 55 group meetings) with 23 companies . READ MORE WOOD s Greek Retreat We recently hosted our 3rd Greek Investor Conference. The event took place from Thursday 12 May to Friday 13 May, 2016 at Divani Apollon Palace Thalasso in Athens. Since our previous Greek Conference it has almost doubled in size and this year we had a good turnout of both international and local investors. In summary there were 38 investors from 26 investment houses who attended an impressive 200 meetings with 21 companies (2015 statistics: 27 investors, 19 companies, and 130 meetings) . READ MORE Polish Innovation and Growth Conference in Stockholm 6 April 2016 On 6th April 2016 we hosted, in partnership with Warsaw Stock Exchange, Polish Innovation and Growth Conference in very unique venues of Grand Hotel in Stockholm. The event was held for one-on-ones only and in total 14 investors and 8 companies participated. READ MORE WOOD presentation: Lunch in Lugano WOOD Co. Milan Branch, was pleased to invite you to a presentation of its services. For more information please click here READ MORE Romania Investor Days in London 29 February-March 2016 saw our fourth annual Romania Investor Days conference in London, in partnership with Fondul Proprietatea and Franklin Templeton Investments. The event got off to a busy and informative start, with a full morning of engaging presentations by government representatives and market authorities. This was followed by a further day and a half of individual investor meetings with the management representatives of 22 of the major listed and currently non-listed companies in Romania. Our Romania Investor Days conference is growing each year, which is a clear reflection of the increasing importance of this market. This year, we held a total of 361 investor meetings . an increase of 20 on the previous year . At WOOD Co, we continue with our strong commitment to the Romanian capital market, one of the focal points of our business. We aim to maintain and consolidate our market-leading position, and we remain dedicated to increasing Romania s visibility among emerging and frontier market investors globally. READ MORE WOOD s Winter Wonderland - EME Conference in Prague 2016 It is with great pleasure that we announce our 5th annual WOOD s Winter Wonderland - EME Conference in Prague, to be held from 28 November to 2 December 2016. We look forward to bringing together both local and international investors with regional corporate management teams at the Radisson Blu Alcron Hotel in the Golden City of Prague once again. READ MORE 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Small Mid Caps Conference 2016 WOOD and 58 3on1s) with 20 companies . READ MORE 14 DECEMBER 2015 WOOD Company s Winter Wonderland: Emerging Europe Conference in Prague, 1-4 December 2015 On 1-4 December 2015, WOOD Company had the great pleasure of hosting its 4th annual Emerging Europe Conference WOOD s Winter in Prague , the largest Emerging Europe event of the year, with a total of 600 attendees, covering the TMT and Materials, Financials and Diversified, Energy, Utilities and Industrials, Consumer, Real Estate, and Healthcare sectors. We also organised an additional day for site visits for investors, accompanied by our sales team and analysts. Our conferences are based largely on 1-on-1 or small group discussions between investors and board-level management to ensure in-depth and effective meetings. During this year s conference, WOOD hosted 186 investors from 114 investment houses and 134 companies, with 230 company representatives, including 10 WOOD analysts, with 2,845 investor and 1,224 company meetings in total. All of the feedback we have received from both corporates and clients has been hugely positive, without exception. Corporates are increasingly asking us about additional WOOD Co. events that they can attend throughout the year another sign of our success. READ MORE 29 OCTOBER 2015 Fondul Proprietatea Analyst and Investor Days and WOOD s Frontier Day, Bucharest, Tuesday 27th to Thursday 29th October On Thursday, 29 October, WOOD Company had the pleasure of hosting our third Frontier Investor Day in Bucharest. The conference was organised as part of our annual Analyst and Investor Days, and once again demonstrated our successful partnership with Fondul Proprietatea. The full-day event brought together speakers and investors with both knowledge of and keen interest in the region. The group meetings and one-on-ones were designed to accommodate the maximum interaction between attendees: 66 investors from 40 investment houses met with 51 company representatives from 24 companies in 164 investor meetings. WOOD Company has been a member of the Bucharest Exchange since 2007 and boasts close to a 26 market share. READ MORE 9 SEPTEMBER 2015 XIII PAN European Banking Meeting in Milan, 16-17 October WOOD Company is among the sponsors of the PAN European Banking Meeting organised by Assiom Forex (the Italian Financial Markets Association) in cooperation with Borsa Italiana (the Milan Stock Exchange). The event will bring together representatives of the main Italian financial institutions and will be focused on discussing the challenges for European markets in a post QE scenario. The first day of the conference will feature a panel of ranging speakers, from State Treasury members to the General Director of ABI (Italian Banking Association). The second day of the conference will consist of various workshops in the morning and an afternoon of team building events. A member of Wood Co. will be among the speakers of the workshop titled Multistrategy post QE: come si modifica la strategia di allocazione dall ALM all Equity e senza dimenticare l evoluzione della Consulenza (Multistrategy post QE: the changes in asset allocation strategy from ALM to Equity with a focus on the evolution of Consulting). This workshop will be held partly in Italian and partly in English. READ MORE EXTEL 2015 - WOOD tops the CEE rankings WOOD Company has once again been voted Best Brokerage Firm in Central/Eastern Europe in the Extel Thomson Reuters survey, ranked first out of 56 institutions. We think this reflects our dedication to providing a high standard of locally-informed CEE coverage. We are pleased to highlight that three individuals scored top honors: Robert Rethy, our Head of Research and Energy analyst, ranked 1 individual in Central/Eastern Europe, Ioana Pop, our London-based EMEA salesperson, followed just behind Robert in the individual CEE rankings with the 2 slot, Ashley Keep, our London-based sales trader, ranked 1 for Emerging EMEA Trading Execution. Congratulations to them. And to the strong research, sales, and execution teams who assured WOOD Co s success in the survey this year. The Pan-European Extel Survey by Thomson Reuters is the biggest of its kind, with more than 7,500 respondents from 62 countries and more than 250,000 individual votes cast. Thank you to the investors who supported WOOD Company - it is greatly appreciated. READ MORE Emerging Europe Financials Conference in Warsaw WOOD Company in partnership with the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) organised the highly successful Emerging Europe Financials Conference in Warsaw on 11 and 12 June. The event brought together banks, insurers and financial firms with operations in Central and Eastern Europe as well as representatives of large investment houses in the region. The event gathered 26 companies: Alior Bank, Alpha Bank, Athens Exchange Group, Bank Millennium, Bank of Georgia, Bank Pekao, Bank Zachodni WBK, Bucharest Stock Exchange, City Handlowy, CSOB, Erste Group, Getin Noble Bank, ING Bank l ski, Komercni banka, KRUK, mBank, Moscow Exchange, National Bank of Greece, OTP Bank Group, PKO BP, PZU SA, Sava Reinsurance Company, TBC Bank, Vienna Insurance Group, Vozrozhdenie Bank and Warsaw Stock Exchange. More than 70 investment fund managers and representatives of 44 financial institutions took part in over 200 group and one-on-one meetings. The scale and format of the event which we have organised together with GPW is almost unprecedented in Warsaw. We are very happy with the reception of our initiative both by issuers and by local and international institutional investors, said Grzegorz Skowro ski, Director of WOOD Company in Poland. READ MORE Warsaw Capital Market Summit 2015 The fifth edition of the international Warsaw Capital Market Summit 2015 (WCMS) dedicated to Polish CEE capital markets - will be held on 18 June 2015 at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The event brings together a large group of investors, issuers, economic journalists, and representatives of financial institutions and public administration from around the world. It s a platform to facilitate cooperation between CEE companies considering public offerings, and global investors seeking new market opportunities in Europe. The important topic of capital market growth in the light of the new EU budget will be addressed. Investors can attend panel discussions devoted to selected economic sectors, as well as company presentations. WOOD Co. is once again pleased to be a partner in this event organized by the Ministry of the State Treasury of Poland, the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the Central Securities Depository of Poland. READ MORE WOOD Company sponsors the Euromoney SEE Forum Bucharest 2015 The Regional Finance and Investment Conference for Southeast Europe will take place on 4 June 2015 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bucharest. This international conference is devoted to capital markets in Romania and the wider Southeast Europe region. The conference will gather over 300 issuers and investors to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the economies of Southeast Europe. The event schedule will be filled with editorially-driven panel discussions, keynote speeches, country-focused roundtables and sponsored workshops. WOOD Co. will be one of the sponsors of the conference. READ MORE WOOD Company s Greek Conference: Retreat but no surrender On 14-15 May 2015, WOOD Co. hosted its second annual Greek conference on the Athens Riviera, this time at Divani Apollon Palace Thalasso. Over two days, 30 investors from 19 investment houses participated in 130 meetings with 25 companies. We were happy to present the viewpoints of local political analysts, public officials, and the Central Bank of Greece, and to provide a forum for discussion of the Greek macro political backdrop. WOOD Co. covers eighteen companies listed on the Athens exchange, with our product headed by locally-based analyst Alex Boulougouris. We remain dedicated to providing both a deep and a broad understanding of the Greek equity market to investors. READ MORE 27 FEBRUARY 2015 WOOD Co hosted its third Romania Investor Day in London on 5 March, with 90 investors present We are delighted to report that our Romania Investor Day in London on 5 March the third we have hosted was an immense success, attracting 90 investors from over 60 institutions. This is a significant increase over past years and testament to the growing interest in Romania. This interest reflects a number of positive changes in the macro-economic backdrop, the regulatory climate and the liquidity of the exchange. Our partners were once again the Bucharest Stock Exchange and Fondul Proprietatea. We thank them for their assistance in bringing together the management of listed companies, government officials and macro-economic experts with the leading buy-side institutions. WOOD Co is the number one international broker in Romania. We became members of the Bucharest Stock Exchange in 2007. With the opening of WOOD s Bucharest office last year, headed by Bogdan Campianu, we have underlined our commitment to this rapidly developing market. READ MORE 18 FEBRUARY 2015 WOOD Co. received two prizes at last Inauguration of the Stock Exchange Year 2015 We are proud to announce (after the official release from the Bucharest Stock Exchange) that WOOD Co has received two prizes at the Inauguration of the Stock Exchange Year 2015, namely: - BVB International member with the highest share in turnover and the promotion of the BVB markets in the international market community and - BVB member with the most active involvement as Market Maker in shares in 2014 . READ MORE 12 FEBRUARY 2015 PULSE OF THE ECONOMY Small Mid-Caps Conference 2015 in Warsaw On 10-11 February 2015, WOOD Mid Cap universe. READ MORE 8 DECEMBER 2014 WOOD Co s Winter EME Conference draws 170 investors and 140 corporates to Prague WOOD Frontier Europe and the Middle East. We held 2,500 meetings over the five days, making our 2014 Winter EME Conference the largest in Europe. In attendance were influential policymakers and industry experts, who shared their insights into key issues affecting the region s economy. The dates are already set for WOOD Company s Winter Wonderland: Emerging Europe Conference 2015, in Prague on 1-4 December. Please contact marketing wood for details. READ MORE 1 NOVEMBER 2014 WOOD CO. s American Presence We are most pleased to announce that in November 2014 we have teamed up with Tatiana Sarandinaki in order to bolster our fruitful cooperation with Enclave Capital (a unique international brokerage and capital markets advisory firm based in the US). Tatiana will assist WOOD Eastern European markets. Ms. Sarandinaki started her investment career at Aton Securities in 2004, focusing on the Russian/OS market. Aton Securities Inc. was purchased by UniCredit Bank AG in 2007. Ms. Sarandinaki holds a B. A. in Economics from Rutgers University and is fluent in Russian. READ MORE 12 SEPTEMBER 2014 WOOD CO ACQUIRES LEADING ITALIAN BROKER On September 1, 2014, WOOD Company Milan Branch becomes the leading Italy-based IDB interbank brokerage firm. WOOD Company Milan Branch will continue to focus on providing sophisticated institutional brokerage services in fixed income, foreign exchange, money market products, OTC derivatives, funds distribution and equity derivatives products. For WOOD, the acquisition of IFP is a significant expansion of its product base and market reach. WOOD will benefit from the many synergies between the two business models and clientele of both firms. I personally believe the business in Milan will get stronger and its competitiveness will be enhanced under the umbrella of WOOD Company, says Vladimir Jaro , CEO. Mr. Jaro goes on to add, I also believe all business partners, suppliers and most importantly clients of Integrated Financial Products will benefit from this transaction. READ MORE
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